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Human Development (HD) and the Fight Against Poverty (FAP)

Human Development (HD) and the Fight Against Poverty (FAP). HD: beyond economic development (economic growth rates, GDP structure, GDP per capita, etc.) Multi-dimensionnality (not only the income) Takes into account inequality Capabilities/capacities and aspirations (not only needs)

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Human Development (HD) and the Fight Against Poverty (FAP)

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  1. Human Development (HD)and the Fight Against Poverty (FAP) • HD: beyond economic development (economic growth rates, GDP structure, GDP per capita, etc.) • Multi-dimensionnality (not only the income) • Takes into account inequality • Capabilities/capacities and aspirations (not only needs) Limitations: how does it translate in terms of development policy ? What are « human development policies » ? IHEID - DE033 - 21.02.2012

  2. Human Development and the Fight Against Poverty • The fight against poverty: declared, institutionnalized (GDM) • Really a « fight » ? To what extent ? • What difference/new when compred to the McNamara period (mid-1970s) ? • What other processes at stake? • Structural adjustment and the end of development policy • Tax evasion (10 times more than Official Development Aid !) • Weight of Foreign Direct Investment • FAP and political regimes IHEID - DE033 - 21.02.2012

  3. Human Development and the Fight Against Poverty • Is Poverty the Problem ? • Which poverty ? Absolute poverty, relative poverty ? (1,25$ or < 50% of median revenu) • Not always been the problem… Stone age, age of plenty (Marshall Sahlins); « friendship in poverty » and « frugality » (Majid Rahnema) • No, the problem is rather inequality, discrimination, distribution • No, wealth and the well-off are the problem ! • Is the FAP the solution ? • How many poor people do beneficit from the FAP ? • Some populations suffer poverty reduction programs/policies; some refuse them… IHEID - DE033 - 21.02.2012

  4. The FAP fabrics System of repeated call and committment • VOLUNTARILISM: ODM, Fonds global (Sida, tuberculose et paludisme), Global Compact (OI - Gouvernements - secteur privé), Voluntarily guidelines for responsible investments (FAO) • COMON (GOOD) SENS: sustainable (livelihoods), empowerment (of women), inclusive (croissance), good (governance), participatory  UNDP, Human Development Report 2011: Sustainability and Equity IHEID - DE033 - 21.02.2012

  5. The FAP fabrics • ACTIVISM • Daily events, (Poverty Day, etc.) and News (new project, initiative, platform, etc.) • Moto (Education for All, Market4Poor, Win-Win-Win scenario, etc.) • SELF-EVALUATION and -CRITICISM • Learnings, good practices, validation workshop • Review, Evaluation, Watching system • Operation Evaluation Department of the WB • Independent Evaluation Office of the IMF IHEID - DE033 - 21.02.2012

  6. Questions and content 1. What do we know about poverty? • How useful and valid is this information for the design and implementation of poverty reduction policy and programs • What is poverty? • What is being « poor »? • What is a « poor country »? • How many poor are there? How poor are they? IHEID - DE033 - 21.02.2012

  7. Questions and content 2. What are the causes of poverty? • Do poverty reduction programs/policies address the causes of poverty (or only the symptoms) ? • How do some get out of poverty? How do others fall into poverty • Is poverty « abnormal » or normal as the result of a system? • Is there a relationship between the poor and the well-off? • What role public policies play? What about impoverishing policies? IHEID - DE033 - 21.02.2012

  8. Questions and content 3. What are the paradigms of poverty reduction policies and programs? • What are the rationales / paradigms of povert reduction programs/policies ? • What are the receipies ? • Are they (really) applied? • What are their outcomes? ! Not their result IHEID - DE033 - 21.02.2012

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