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CS1101: Programming Methodology comp.nus.sg/~cs1101x/

CS1101: Programming Methodology http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~cs1101x/. Aaron Tan. This is Week 6. Last week: Week 4’s Exercise 5 (Prime number) A mini programming test! Chapter 5: Using Pre-Built Methods Other classes: Random, DecimalFormat This week: Chapter 10: Arrays

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CS1101: Programming Methodology comp.nus.sg/~cs1101x/

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  1. CS1101: Programming Methodologyhttp://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~cs1101x/ Aaron Tan

  2. This is Week 6 • Last week: • Week 4’s Exercise 5 (Prime number) • A mini programming test! • Chapter 5: Using Pre-Built Methods • Other classes: Random, DecimalFormat • This week: • Chapter 10: Arrays • Only sections 10.1 to 10.6 • We will cover the other sections some other time.

  3. Arrays • In computer science, we deal with very large amount of data. • Eg: 3000 integers, 365 days, 1 million real numbers. • Do you want to create so many variables? • If the data are homogeneous (of the same type), we can group them into a single collection. • Array is an indexed collection of homogeneous data. • Let’s get to Chapter 10 now!

  4. Array Declaration Syntax • Array declaration syntax: <element-type>[] <array-variable>; Example: double[] values; • Alternative syntax: <element-type><array-variable>[]; Example: double values[]; • I prefer the first one, it’s more readable and meaningful. The second form is more commonly used by C/C++ programmers.

  5. Classic Array Problems • Sum the values in an array. • Find the maximum (or minimum) value in an array. • Search for a value in an array. • Sort the values in an array.

  6. Loading an Array Before we solve a problem involving array, we need to first load values into the array! If you know the values before-hand, use array element initialization Eg: int[] numbers = { 3, 7, -12, 8, 7 }; Slides 12 and 14 of Chapter 10 If not, you need to read the values from the user Use a loop to read in the values Slides 6-7, and 15-16 of Chapter 10 We will learn how to read data from a file some other time.

  7. Exercise 1: Summing an Array Write a program SumArray.java to compute the sum of all the values in an array containing double values. Display the sum in 3 decimal places. Let’s do it into 2 phases: load the array with values first, then compute the sum. (Instead of accumulating the sum as we load the array.) Size of array: 10 Enter 10 values: 5.1 16 3.2 1.8 -4 12.3 8 3.3 -2 9.1 The sum is 52.800 • Download SumArray.java from course website, “Resources”, “Lectures” page.

  8. Exercise 2: Finding maximum value Write a program FindMax.java to find the largest value in an integer array. (Assume there is at least one element in the array.) Size of array: 5 Enter 5 values: 10 -20 43 79 8 The largest value is 79 • Take home exercise: What if you want to report the index of the largest value, instead of the value itself? (This problem is not well-defined! Why?) Size of array: 5 Enter 5 values: 10 -20 43 79 8 The largest value is at index 3

  9. Common Mistake: Index Out of Range Beware of ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. public static void main(String[] args) { int numbers = new int[10]; . . . for (int i=1; i<=numbers.length; i++) System.out.println(numbers[i]); }

  10. Modular Programming (1/5) As our problems get more complex, the main() method might get too long. It is advisable to split the problem into smaller sub-problems, and to write appropriate methods for the sub-problems. In general a problem is solved in 3 steps: input  computation  output. It is customary to write a separate method to perform the computation step. (If the computation is complex, it should be split further into smaller steps and each step performed by a method.)

  11. Modular Programming (2/5) Download CheckNRIC.java program which we did before. Here’s the partial code: These variables are used in the computation of the check code. public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner stdIn = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("Enter 7-digit NRIC number: "); int number = stdIn.nextInt(); int digit7, digit6, digit5, digit4, digit3, digit2, digit1, step1, step2, step3; char checkCode; // computation of check code - code omitted ... System.out.println("Check code = " + checkCode); }

  12. Modular Programming (3/5) ‘Modularizing’ CheckNRIC.java: public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner stdIn = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("Enter 7-digit NRIC number: "); int number = stdIn.nextInt(); char checkCode; // computation of check code checkCode = generateCheckCode(number); System.out.println("Check code = " + checkCode); } Pass number into the method generateCheckCode(). Delegate the job to the method generateCheckCode(). What are you expecting generateCheckCode() to return? A character.

  13. Modular Programming (4/5) How does generateCheckCode() method look like? The method returns a character. public static char generateCheckCode(int num) { // Extract digits int digit7 = num%10; num /= 10; int digit6 = ... ... char code = ... ... return code; } The method expects an integer argument. The return statement passes the character to the caller. • Download NewCheckNRIC.java and compare it with CheckNRIC.java.

  14. Modular Programming (5/5) Let’s see how we can “modularize” our programs for the previous two exercises. I will show you NewSumArray.java and NewFindMax.java.

  15. Exercise 3: Coin Change Download the file CoinChange.java from the course website, “Resources”, “Lectures”. Rewrite it using an array of coin denominations (int[] coins). Name your program NewCoinChange.java. Modularize your program by writing a method computeCoins(). What is its return type? Does it have any argument? If so, what is the type of its argument?

  16. Method main() (1/2) • Now that we have learnt array, let’s check out the main() method. • Usual signature for main() method:public static void main(String[] args) • args is an array of String objects • Consider this: public class Demo { public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i=0; i<args.length; i++) System.out.println("args[" + i + "]: " + args[i]); } // end main } end Demo

  17. Method main() (2/2) • This allows user to specify command line arguments when executing the program.java Demo 10 ABC-D hello "Ice Cream" • Output: args[0]: 10 args[1]: ABC-D args[2]: hello args[3]: Ice Cream

  18. Sorting and Searching • I will be covering more topics in every lecture from now on to make up for the lost lecture on 27 October (Deepavali). • Sorting • Searching • The above two topics are not included in the mid-term test.

  19. Sorting • Classic computer science problem • Sort an array • Three basic (but slow) sorting algorithms • Selection sort • Bubblesort • Insertion sort • Other faster sorting algorithms (covered in CS1102 and other advanced modules) • Mergesort • Quicksort • Heapsort, etc.

  20. Selection Sort (1/2) min first 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 exchange 23 5 17 17 23 5 90 90 12 12 44 44 38 38 84 84 77 77 unsorted sorted • Find the smallest element in the list. • Exchange the element in the first position and the smallest element. Now the smallest element is in the first position. • Repeat Step 1 and 2 with the list having one less element (i.e., the smallest element is discarded from further processing). This is the result of one pass.

  21. Selection Sort (2/2) Pass # 1 sorted 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 5 5 5 5 12 12 12 12 17 23 17 23 17 17 23 23 90 90 90 17 38 23 38 12 44 44 44 44 44 38 77 38 77 38 84 84 84 84 84 77 77 77 90 90 Result AFTER one pass is completed. 2 3 7 8

  22. Bubble Sort (1/2) Algorithm Assume array is arr for (int i = arr.length – 1; i > 0; i--) { for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (arr[j] > arr[j+1] swap arr[j] with arr[j+1] } } • Can you write the code?

  23. Bubble Sort (2/2) 17 23 23 17 5 5 90 90 12 12 44 44 38 38 84 84 77 77 exchange exchange 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 exchange exchange 17 17 17 17 17 17 5 5 5 5 5 5 23 23 23 23 23 23 12 12 12 12 12 90 44 44 90 44 44 12 44 90 38 38 44 38 84 38 84 38 38 90 84 90 84 84 84 77 77 77 77 90 77 77 exchange exchange exchange Showing the first pass… ok The largest value 90 is at the end of the list.

  24. Searching • Another classic computer science problem • Search for a value in a list of items • Two algorithms • Sequential search (also called linear search) • Binary search (applicable for sorted array) – much faster

  25. Announcement/Reminder (1/2) • Lab #2 • Release: 16 September (Tuesday), 2359hr. • Deadline: 1 October (Wednesday), 2359hr. • Identical codes • Please do not share codes for your lab assignments!

  26. Announcement/Reminder (2/2) Consultation 24 September (Wednesday), 10am – 12nn. I will be in PL3. Mid-term test 4 October, Saturday, 12noon, LT15 (for CS1101X students) Refer to course website for more info:http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~cs1101x/3_ca/termtests.html

  27. This is Week 6 • Next week? • Recess! (Hooray!) • The week after next? • Chapter 6 Object-Oriented Programming (finally!) • Mid-term test (argh!)

  28. End of file

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