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Skødstrup. Specialist training of GP’s in Europe: - European trends - an example: the Danish situation Roar Maagard, GP – repr. Danish College of GP’s. Specific Training Committee Margus Lember (chair) – Estonia Dolores Fores – Spain Llukan Rrumbullaku – Albania

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Skødstrup

  2. Specialist training of GP’s in Europe: - European trends - an example: the Danish situation Roar Maagard, GP – repr. Danish College of GP’s

  3. Specific Training Committee Margus Lember (chair) – Estonia Dolores Fores – Spain Llukan Rrumbullaku – Albania Fergus O’Kelly – Ireland Janos Szabo – Hungary Roar Maagaard – Denmark

  4. EURACT and vocational training for GP? • Selection of trainers and teaching practices • Hospital post used for training of GP’s • Vocational training schemes

  5. EURACT and vocational training for GP? • Definition of GP • Core competencies of GP • Trainee assessment • Selection of trainees

  6. Selection of trainers/teaching practices • a booklet has been produced • see it on www.euract.org • inspiration for all countries in Europe

  7. 2. Hospital posts used for training of GP’s • a booklet has been produced • see it on www.euract.org • inspiration for planners of VT-schemes

  8. 3. Vocational training schemes - very great variation!!! - many different ”routes”! - do they all end at the same level? - the best or ”right” way?

  9. VT-schemes in Europe: a survey is to be published on www.euract.org

  10. New definition of GP – June 2002 • Core competencies of GP’s – June 2002 - to be implemented in blueprints and curricula!

  11. 6. Trainee assessment • survey • workshop in Ljublana, June 2003 • formative? • summative? • during training? • end-point? • none!

  12. 7. Selection of trainees for training posts • great variation • Spain • Denmark • UK / Sheffield • next step to be taken

  13. Example: The new Danish scheme

  14. Why a new scheme? • specific and relevant training needed! • more time in GP! • training schemes for all specialities change right now in DK • GP-specialist training must be equal to training for other specialities

  15. The Danish situation: Pregraduate: 6 y University study Postgraduate: 1½ y basic clinical training (incl. ½ y GP for all) Specialist: 5 (-6) y spec. training

  16. In the new Danish ”Blueprint” of GP/FM we have described 119 minimum competences a future GP should master

  17. These 119 competences are grouped in 7 ”roles”: • Medical expert • Professional • Communicator • Cooperator • Leader and administrator • Health promoter • Academics

  18. Competence number 16 – part of cooperator-role – should be achieved early in the curriculum Objectives That is Learning strategies Assessment Be able to cooperate within the GP-surgery  Establish and develop relations (with offspring in mutual respect) with patients, staff and colleagues Working in a teaching GP-surgery Structured assessment by colleagues (tutor), peers and staff Ability to utilize the human ressources in the clinic (patient-care and running of clinic)

  19. To become a specialist in GP: • acquire the 119 competences • accomplish the 5 y scheme

  20. Obstacles? Yes… - economy - lack of teaching practices - GP-trainers must be trained - trainers in hospital must be trained

  21. Possibilities and ressources? Yes, certainly! - GP-trainers commitment - regional GP-training organisers - soon serious shortage of GP’s - heavy support/back-up from - College and GP’s Trade Union - National Health Board - Counties and Government

  22. Will we be successful with all this?? Yes!

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