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Elegant Publishers Pvt. Ltd. - Giggles Series

Elegant Publishers Pvt. Ltd., A leading educational publishers and provide Giggles Series Books for Nursery, LKG, UKG & Middle Class. http://www.elegantpublishers.in/giggles

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Elegant Publishers Pvt. Ltd. - Giggles Series

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  1. THE MAKING OF GIGGLES A good preschool program respects the different abilities and individual pace of development… (says the NCERT Preschool Curriculum) Child development is a continuous and cumulative process, so what precedes inuences what follows. While genetics plays an important role in the way brain is structured, it is often a child's early experiences that are crucial in determining how the brain will eventually be shaped. Although all children largely follow the same sequence of development, each child is unique and hence acquire abilities and skills at their own pace. Children learn through senses and stimulations, so the early care and emotional settings have a cumulative impact on their development. Early investments in their social emotional learning yield long-term dividends. It imbibes skills in ve core areas: · they are self-aware and socially aware · they are able to regulate emotions · they have good relationship skills · they display responsible decision-making throughout all areas of life · they can set and monitor progress towards goals GIGGLES is based on the above fundamentals giving way to teach essential crucial skills of happiness and well-being without overhauling the curriculum. It integrates the use of multiple teaching strategies to address the needs of children at their respective stage of growth. Health, nutrition, and educational/psychosocial development are all synergistically interrelated, which gives the series an important platform to address all the needs of children through a holistic approach besides basic literacy and numeracy.

  2. About the Authors Archana Gaba Director Principal Richa Gupta Director Saint Kabir Gurukul Jalalabad Ace Educational Services Ghaziabad A visionary and passionate educator, An accomplished professional and a with an experience of thirteen years of published author with the knowledge ini?a?ng and implemen?ng a variety of of instruc?onal ma?ers, and ability to produc?ve educa?onal programs. write educa?onal fic?on as well as non-fic?on curriculum based content Having a strong educa?onal background with study ques?ons for levels K-12. of Literature and Educa?on, her innova?ons in child pedagogy and Also the Na?onal Coordinator of All cogni?ve development slip smoothly into India Eduleaders Forum, she has her core thrust areas. almost 150 published books to her credit bu?ered across twenty seven She is associated with several years of her professional journey. organiza?ons working in the field of child welfare and development at Having a proven experience in driving na?onal level. A YEL examiner with academic improvement, consultancy, Cambridge, and a Teacher Associate for execu?ng strategies and conduc?ng the 'Science of Happiness' course, workshops, she is leading several University of California (Berkeley), she is publishing houses through cri?cal also the master trainer for NLP and Hypnotherapy. transi?ons.

  3. Ten Guiding Features of ECCE (Early Childhood and Education) Play as the basis of learning. Art as the basis of education. Mix of formal and informal interaction. Experience of familiarity and challenge in everyday routine. Blend of textual (basic literacy and numeracy) and the cultural. Developmentally appropriate practice, flexibility and plurality. Recognition of spatial features of child’s thinking. Health, well- being and habits. Interactive basic LSRW skills. Primacy of experience rather than expertise.

  4. GIGGLES BAGPACKS Giggles Bagpack - Step-0 Price- 800.00 (cost inclusive of books) Giggles Bagpack - Step-1 Price- 1490.00 (cost inclusive of books) Giggles Bagpack - Step-2 Price- 1590.00 (cost inclusive of books) Giggles Bagpack - Step-3 Price- 1670.00 (cost inclusive of books) 4

  5. PLAYGROUP STEP 0 v{kj?d{kk (ikB~;?iqfLrdk) Alphabet Adventure ISBN 978-93-87142-77-0 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 ISBN 978-93-87142-78-7 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 Price - 170.00 Price - 150.00 Knowing and Growing Hop and Count (1-50) ISBN 978-93-87142-32-9 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 ISBN 978-93-87142-47-3 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 Price - 140.00 Price - 130.00 Kids Choir Colour Drums ISBN 978-93-87142-66-4 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 ISBN 978-93-87142-22-0 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 Price - 110.00 Price - 100.00 5

  6. NURSERY STEP 1 Alphabet Glee (Reading Book) Alphabet Glee (Capital Letter Writing) ISBN 978-93-87142-00-8 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 ISBN 978-93-87142-14-5 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 Price- 170.00 Price - 160.00 o.kZ?mRlo (ikB~;?iqfLrdk) o.kZ?mRlo (lqys[k?iqfLrdk) ISBN 978-93-87142-08-4 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 ISBN 978-93-87142-05-3 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 Price- 180.00 Price - 160.00 Knowing and Growing Hop and Count (1-100) ISBN 978-93-87142-34-3 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 ISBN 978-93-87142-48-0 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 Price - 160.00 Price - 170.00 Treasure Trove ISBN 978-93-87142-83-1 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 Kids Choir ISBN 978-93-87142-67-1 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 Colour Drums ISBN 978-93-87142-23-7 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 Knowledge in Pocket ISBN 978-93-87142-79-4 Size - 4.25×5.5 Colour - 4 Price - 140.00 Price - 110.00 Price - 130.00 Price - 110.00 6

  7. LOWER KINDERGARTEN STEP 2 Word Glee (Reading Book) Alphabet Glee (Capital-Small Letter Writing) ISBN 978-93-87142-76-3 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 ISBN 978-93-87142-09-1 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 Price - 130.00 Price - 160.00 'kCn?mRlo (ikB~;?iqfLrdk) 'kCn?mRlo (lqys[k?iqfLrdk) ISBN 978-93-87142-73-2 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 ISBN 978-93-87142-72-5 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 Price - 150.00 Price - 160.00 Times X (Table Book) Hop and Count (Maths Pre-Primer) ISBN 978-93-87142-37-4 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 ISBN 978-93-87142-75-6 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 Price - 180.00 Price - 130.00 Knowing and Growing Knowledge in Pocket ISBN 978-93-87142-80-0 Size - 4.25×5.5 Colour - 4 Treasure Trove ISBN 978-93-87142-84-8 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 Kids Choir ISBN 978-93-87142-68-8 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 Colour Drums ISBN 978-93-87142-24-4 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 ISBN 978-93-87142-49-7 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 Price - 110.00 Price - 110.00 Price - 140.00 Price - 130.00 Price - 190.00 7

  8. UPPER KINDERGARTEN STEP 3 Language Glee (Reading Book) Language Glee (Cursive Writing) ISBN 978-93-87142-71-8 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 ISBN 978-93-87142-70-1 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 Price - 160.00 Price - 160.00 Loj?mRlo (ikB~;?iqfLrdk) Loj?mRlo (lqys[k?iqfLrdk) ISBN 978-93-87142-74-9 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 ISBN 978-93-87142-82-4 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 Price - 160.00 Price - 160.00 Knowing and Growing Hop and Count (Maths Primer) ISBN 978-93-87142-40-4 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 ISBN 978-93-87142-50-3 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 Price - 200.00 Price - 210.00 Treasure Trove Kids Choir Colour Drums ISBN 978-93-87142-25-1 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 Knowledge in Pocket ISBN 978-93-87142-81-7 Size - 4.25×5.5 Colour - 4 ISBN 978-93-87142-85-5 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 ISBN 978-93-87142-69-5 Size - 8.5×11 Colour - 4 Price - 110.00 Price - 110.00 Price - 130.00 Price - 140.00 8

  9. MY GREEN ACTIVCITY BOOK My Green Activity Book ISBN 9789388726627 My Green Activity Book ISBN 9789388726634 (v ls v% v{kj ys[ku) Size - 7.25×10, Price - 100.00 (Capital Letters) Size - 7.25×10, Price - 190.00 My Green Activity Book (Numbers 1-50) ISBN 9789388726643 Size - 7.25×10, Price - 160.00 9

  10. MY ORANGE ACTIVITY BOOK My Orange Activity Book ISBN 9789388726665 My Orange Activity Book ISBN 9789388726672 (Capital and Small Print Letters) (v ls <+% v{kj ys[ku) Size - 7.25×10, Price - 220.00 Size - 7.25×10, Price - 190.00 My Orange Activity Book ISBN 9789388726658 My Orange Activity Book ISBN 9789388726689 (CursiveLetters) Size - 7.25×10, Price - 190.00 (Numbers 1 to 100) Size - 7.25×10, Price - 220.00 10

  11. MY PURPLE ACTIVITY BOOK My Purple Activity Book ISBN 9789388726696 My Purple Activity Book ISBN 9789388726702 (Cursive Pre-primer) ('kCn ys[ku) Size - 7.25×10, Price - 180.00 Size - 7.25×10, Price - 180.00 My Purple Activity Book (Maths Pre-Primer) ISBN 9789388726719 Size - 7.25×10, Price - 210.00 11

  12. MY YELLOW ACTIVITY BOOK My Yellow Activity Book ISBN 9789388726726 My Yellow Activity Book Size - 7.25×10, Price - 180.00 My Yellow Activity Book (Loj ys[ku) Size - 7.25×10, Price - 180.00 My Yellow Activity Book ISBN 9789388726733 (Cursive-Primer) My Yellow Activity Book My Yellow Activity Book (Math Primer) ISBN 9789388726740 Size - 7.25×10, Price - 230.00 12

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