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What is Compost, How to Make Compost
Allance Compost Turner Machinery lewis@compost-turner.net website: www.compost-turner.net What is Compost? One of the best features of organic gardening is the ability to locally produce the fertilizers, pesticides, and other organic ingredients. And the easiest among them is compost. You can prepare compost almost anywhere, even in your kitchen garden! Agricultural scientists all over the world agree that compost is an excellent source of organic matter for garden plants. Compost provides air, water, organic matter, and microorganisms to your plants, thus enhancing their growth. It also maintains a healthy atmosphere for the soil and hence keeps insects, plant diseases, and weeds away. What are the Benefits of Compost? So what is so special about compost? Why not use organic matter directly? The biggest advantage of using compost is that the organic matter in compost is partially decayed, so its volume is much lower. Furthermore, the microorganism activity has started in the compost already,so the concentration of these microorganisms is very high. This makes the compost a concentrated and easy to absorb source of organic matter for the growing plants. Where can you buy compost? You can purchase compost from the market, as well as online stores. Compost for Sale is a directory of some companies that sell compost in the UK, US, and India. You can also prepare compost in your own garden. Composting on a small scale can be done through the following three techniques: Fast Composting: Fast composting is a composting technique used by many biodynamic farmers. A pit of 1m height, 1m width and 1m length is prepared. The length of the pit can be increased according to the space available in your garden and your compost requirement. The pit is filled in with a thin layers of leaves, manure, and straws. Water is added after adding each layer. You can also add some soil between these layers. The pile should be turned regularly to keep it aerated. Compost will be ready within six to eight weeks. Slow Composting: Slow composting, as the name suggests, is a very slow process and it takes a number of months for compost formation through this method. Organic matter that is rich in carbon (brown organic matter such as saw dust) is the main ingredient. Fill half of the composting pit with carbon rich organic matter, and every day, add kitchen waste or vegetable peelings to this mixture. You can also add soil along with the kitchen waste occasionally. The pit’s contents will gradually decompose and you can start harvesting the compost from the bottom of the pit. Worm Composting: Worm composting, also known as vermiculture, can be carried out in a bin or in a trench. Fill the bin or trench with soil and organic matter (kitchen waste or vegetable peelings). Then, release red worms into the bin. Ensure that the bin is always moist, but don’t add too much water. Adding water in large quantities will fill the pores built by the worms with water and disturb their colony. You can also make a hole in the bin for purging out any excess Quality compost turner/windrow turner/windrow turning equipment for sale
Allance Compost Turner Machinery lewis@compost-turner.net website: www.compost-turner.net water. Some researchers also suggest using earth worms instead of red worms, since earth worms are more effective in converting organic matter into manure. The compost will be ready in a few weeks. While harvesting the compost, take care that you don’t hurt the worms. Large Scale Compost Making should use compost turners: Commercial or industrial composting is large-scale composting which is designed to handle a very high volume of organic waste, as opposed to private or home composting, which handles organic waste from one household or facility. The compost produced by a commercial composting facility can be sold to farms and nurseries, applied to municipal landscaping, or sold to individuals, depending on how the facility is organized. With a growing interest in composting, recycling, and reducing the environmental impact of doing business in the early 21st century, commercial composting operations expanded radically. operation collects waste from restaurants, grocery stores, and other commercial facilities which handle food. It may also collect yard waste from nurseries and landscaping companies. Some commercial composters handle greenwaste bins from individual citizens, as well, with people putting yard and food waste into a separate container and setting that container out for regular collection along with garbage and recycling. Some commercial composting facilities work side by side with municipal garbage and recycling agencies to make it easy for people to take advantage of the services of the composter, while others are privatized. with a fleet of trucks which deliver the material to a central facility for composting. Some commercial composting companies also allow people to drop off compost, usually in the form of large truckloads from farms and agricultural facilities. The sheer volume of waste requires a lot of space for composting, and it's ideal for anaerobic composting, in which compost is broken down quickly by anaerobic organisms which generate tremendous heat as a waste product. A typical commercial composting Waste collection is accomplished When well-managed, a commercial composting facility should not generate odor, whether it is anaerobic or aerobic. Staffers manage the compost, turning or rotating it as necessary and processing the finished compost for sale or distribution. Staff members can also amend the compost, adding materials like straw and chaff to the compost to promote rapid and even breakdown, and they keep an eye on the health of the compost piles with tools like temperature sensors and probes which can be used to pull samples of the bacteria inside the compost. The compost produced at a commercial facility can be very high-grade, especially if the staff are conscientious about handling and sorting their compost. In the case of a municipal agency, the compost may be used on city landscaping, or distributed for free to citizens who ask for it. Privatized companies tend to sell their compost, or they engage in cooperative agreements with farms which supply raw organic waste and receive finished compost in return. In some cities, commercial composting has started out as a volunteer-organized effort of citizens who want to promote composting. Over time, many of these free composting cooperatives have been turned into commercial operations, in response to growing demand for composting services. Commercial Compost Turners include: Quality compost turner/windrow turner/windrow turning equipment for sale
Allance Compost Turner Machinery lewis@compost-turner.net website: www.compost-turner.net Full Hydraulic Crawler Compost Turner Hydraulic Auxiliary Crawler Compost Turner Hydraulic Auxiliary Wheel Compost Turner Self-Propelled Wheel Windrow Turner Tow Behind Compost Turners Forklift Compost Turner Machine Groove Type Compost Windrow Turner Written by Quality Compost Turning Equipment Manufacturer Website: www.compost-turner.net Contact Email: lewis@compost-turner.net Quality compost turner/windrow turner/windrow turning equipment for sale