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Law marketing Local SEO tips to get rank fast!!
Law Firm Marketing HOW TO BEAT COMPETITORS AT LOCAL SEO https://elevatedigitalmedia.com/
Build Citation Links A local citation is any mention of your business on the web; it is any combination of your company name, phone number, address, zip or postal code, and website address.
PICK RIGHT CATEGORY Having the right Google My Business category can make a big difference in how your firm ranks on Google. Don't just go with the "Lawyer" category — claim a more specific category that says what kind of law you practice.
DESCRIPTIVE URL URLs should be as descriptive and specific as possible while also being concise and user-friendly. Use your keywords when possible as well as your city.
SITE SECURITY If your site is not secure — the URL shows "HTTP" instead of "HTTPS" — it will issue a "not secure" warning to your visitors, which is the kiss of death for your site.
QUALITY CONTENT Not only does Google value high quality content, so do your prospects! If you're stuck for content ideas, there are some great online tools that can help you - HubSpot's Blog Topic Generator, BuzzSumo Question Generator, BlogSearchEngine.org.
Contact Us Elevate Digital Media Inc 21200 KittridgeSt Woodland Hills, CA 91303 info@elevatedigitalmedia.com Call +1 818-808-9080 https://elevatedigitalmedia.com/