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Amethyst is the most powerful and protective stone and is a popular variety of quartz crystals. In ancient times, it was known as a u201cGem of Fire"; a Precious Stone worth, as much as a Diamond. This semiprecious violet stone is often used in jewelry and healing purposes because of its stunning beauty and legendary powers to stimulate the mind and emotions.
HealingCrystalsHandbook:Amethyst StonesforHealingMind,Body,andSoul WhatisAmethyst? Amethystisthemostpowerfulandprotectivestoneandisapopularvarietyofquartzcrystals. In ancient times, it was known as a “Gem of Fire"; a PreciousStone worth, as much as a Diamond.Thissemipreciousvioletstoneisoftenusedinjewelryandhealingpurposesbecause ofitsstunning beautyandlegendary powerstostimulatethe mindandemotions. Amethyst hasalwaysbeenassociatedwithFebruaryand isthebirthstonefor Pisces.The amethyststone,whether isin itsnaturalstate,cutorpolishedintojewelry,itsbeautyis pleasurable.It holdsthe energyoffireandpassion,sobriety,creativity, andspirituality. AmethystMeaning The beautiful eye-catching amethyst crystals are known for their spiritual and literal meaning and have a lot of healing properties. The name “Amethyst” is derived from the Greek word “améthystos” which means ‘not intoxicated’. The spiritual meaning of Amethyst is balanced, natural tranquility, and calm. Throughout the ages and cultures, the meaning of Amethyst differs and that’s why Feng Shui meaning of amethyst crystal is focused on wealth improvement. In ancient China, it was used as a powerfultooltoclearnegativeenergyandremovethe dailyhazardsoflife. It makes a person’s mind sober in case of overindulgence of alcohol, drugs, or other addictions. Amethystrelievesinsomniaandassists inhavingpropersleep,remembering,and understanding dreams. • AmethystPhysicalHealingProperties andBenefits • Amethystsareknown to haveseveralphysical healingpropertiesandpower:- • ImprovingEndocrineFunction:Amethystplaysaveryimportantroleingeneral metabolismand hormoneproductionbringingbalancetotheendocrinesystem.
Enhance the Immune System: Amethyst aids the body in fighting and get rid of diseases related to the lungs and respiratory tract, skin conditions, disorders in cells, and diseases of the digestive system. Amethyst stone helps to purify the blood, reducing physical, emotional,and psychological pain orstress. • Protectsagainst PsychicAttack:Onecan get protectionfromalltypes of suffering includingspiritualassaultby wearingtheprotectiveAmethystcrystal. • Natural Tranquilizer: Amethyst brings calmness and peace by reducing stress, strain, anger, rage, fear,andanxiety. • EnhancesSpiritualAwareness:Duetoitsoutstandinghealingandcleansingpowers,it canopen intuitionandenhancingthepsychicabilitiesofaperson. • Promoting Digestive Health: It strengthens the digestive system and also helps the body to fightagainstcancer.Amethyst relievesheadachesand releasestension. EmotionalandMentalHealingProperties Amethysts areknown topromoteserenityandcalmandcanhelppeopleemotionally, particularly those who are grieving. Those who work with crystals may use the gemstones as a way toenhancementalhealthandhelpreduceanxietyand perceptions ofpain. Itstrengthens aperson bybringing emotionalstability,innerpeace andcanconnectthe emotional, physical, and mental aspects of a person. It is considered good for people who experienceanxiety,fear,grief,loss,sadness,and rage. Apartfromthat,amethystcanalsopurifythefeelingandappearanceof apersonwhile motivating the crown and throat chakra. For this reason, one can wear Amethyst jewelry with this stoneon theheart orthroat. AmethystMetaphysicalProperties Amethyst isconsideredto beasourceofpowerandwisdomandisbelievedtoopena person’s third eye. Crystal practitioners can use amethysts to enhance the spiritual visualization of an individual. It is believed that amethyst crystals at home will absorb negative energy and bringstranquilityintheair.
When placed at home, it is believed that amethyst crystals will absorb negative energy and produce an air of silence in the space. They help block electromagnetic frequencies that can fosternegativity. • AmethystUses • Amethyst is used for various healing purposes and the most popular way of using amethyst is in the form of jewelry. The most popular ways to wear raw amethyst crystals are pendants, rings, amulets.Peoplewearamethyst jewelry tobringpeaceand balance to theirlives. • To enjoy the healing benefits of amethysts, here are a few ways you can incorporate them into your life: • Holdan amethyst crystal inyourpocket orpurse. • Wear jewelrymadefrom amethysts, such asanecklace,bracelet,ring,oramulets. • Placeamethyst crystals athomeandwork. • SomeReiki practitioners canalso useamethysts crystals in healing by keeping them on the partsof the bodyassociated with differentchakrasorenergypaths. • Here are otherways to use amethystcrystals: • Drinkingfromcrystal-infusedwater bottles • Manifesting byholdingthecrystalandspeaking a wish or hope • MeditatingwithAmethyst • Placingamethyst under thewater during abath AmethystandtheChakras Amethyst works with the Third Eye Chakra, which is placed between the eyebrows. It has the ability to convert lower vibrations to higher frequencies, thus transforming negative energy to love energy. This crystal creates a connection to Mother Earth and the Universe and also works with the CrownorSeventhChakra. As the Crown Chakra is a bliss chakra, it aligns the mind with wisdom. So, it is good for people whowantspiritualitythroughmeditation,praying,energyhealingwork,orReikihealing.
Ifyouarelookingfor ahealing stone,thatwillbenefityouphysically,mentallyand emotionally then Amethyst is the stone for you! You can buy amethyst online, at jewelry stores,or atnatural healthstores!