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ú j energiahatékonys á gi ir á nyelv Pro-Energia Alapívány

ú j energiahatékonys á gi ir á nyelv Pro-Energia Alapívány. 2012 április 12, Budapest Hoós Éva DG ENER C.3 Energy Efficiency & Intelligent Energy European Commission. ú j energiahatékonys á gi ir á nyelv cél és tárgy főbb eleme k. . Unit C.3 (Energy efficiency & Intelligent energy)

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ú j energiahatékonys á gi ir á nyelv Pro-Energia Alapívány

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  1. új energiahatékonysági irányelvPro-Energia Alapívány 2012 április 12, Budapest Hoós Éva DG ENER C.3 Energy Efficiency & Intelligent Energy European Commission

  2. új energiahatékonysági irányelv • cél és tárgy • főbb elemek  Unit C.3 (Energy efficiency & Intelligent energy) DG Energy. European Commission

  3. Projections from 2007 Projections from 2009 20% Energy saving objective business as usual Status today Primary energy consumption*, Mtoe GAP • 20% • objective * Gross inland consumption minus non-energy uses A jelenlegi előrejelzés szerint az EU nem fogja teljesíteni az energiahatékonysági célkitűzést 1900 1842 Mtoe 1850 1800 1750 1700 1678 Mtoe 1650 1600 1550 1474 Mtoe 1500 1450 1400 2005 2010 2015 2020

  4. Sürgősen cselekedni kell annak érdekében hogy mindhárom célkitűzés teljesűljön Reduce greenhousegas levels by 20% Increase share of renewables to 20% Reduce energyconsumption by 20% 100% Current trend to 2020 Current trend to 2020 -20% -10% Current trend to 2020 20%

  5. OIL GAS in % 2005 2008 2020 2030 2005 2008 2020 2030 100 80 60 40 20 94 % 93 % 84 % 83 % 82 % 76 % 62 % 58 % Az energiaimporttól való függőség folyamatosan nő « Business as usual  » scenario based on 2009 figures Today, Europe imports more than half of the energy it uses.If nothing changes, our dependence on fossil fuel imports will rise by 2030. Source: European Commission

  6. Az energiaszektor a kibocsátások legfobb forrása üvegházhatású gázok részaránya 2008-ban Agriculture 10% Industry Processes 8% Waste 3% Other 0% Energy 79% The use of energy is responsible for the majority of greenhouse gas emissions, with the energy sector representing 31%, transport 19%, industry 13%, households 9% and others 7%. Source: EEA 2010

  7. Reduce EU’s energy bill by about € 200 bn annually in 2020 Limit environmental degradation Reduce CO2 emissions Create up to 2 million new jobs by 2020 Boost R&D & markets for EU global leadership Competitiveness Security of supply Reduce EU’s energy dependence Reduce investments in energy infrastructures Sustainability Improve the energy trade balance Az energiahatékonyság központi szerepe …

  8. Átfogó energiahatékonysági keret EU-s szinten EUROPEAN ENERGY EFFICIENCY POLICIES & MEASURES Energy Efficiency Plan International cooperation Programmes & networks Targets Financial tools R&D Energy efficiency legislation Fiscal tools “Soft” laws

  9. in Mtoe EU 20% Existing national EE targets as of 2011 A nemzeti intézkedésekkel együtt sem elegendő

  10. Gazdaságos energia-megtakarítási potenciál Savings expected to be achieved with already existing measures Remaining saving potential to be addressed with new measures 29% 11% 16% 2% 5%

  11. Energiahatékonysági irányelv-javaslat Sectoral measures Indicative national EE targets General measures promoting EE Public sector House- holds Services Energy supply Industry New EED Monitoring & Reporting

  12. Nemzeti célkitűzés, szektorintézkedések, általános intézkedések és nyomonkövetés • SECTORAL MEASURES: ENERGY SUPPLY & DEMAND • (chapter 2 - 3) Generation Transport Final use Transmission & distribution networks Energy Services Public sector Industry Households Heat Electricity • HORIZONTAL MEASURES • (chapter 4) • INDICATIVE NATIONAL ENERGY EFFIENCY TARGETS • (chapter 1) • REVIEW & MONITORING • (chapter 5)

  13. Célkitűzés két lépcsőben a 2011. márciusi Energiahatékonysági terv szerint (3. cikk) MS set a national energy efficiency targetfor 2020 (Art. 3) COM assesses progress towards 20% objective expressed as absolute level of primary energy consumption Taking into account the sum of the national targets If 20% unlikely to be achieved: Binding national targets taking into account: • Overarching EU 20% target • measures in this Directive • measures to reach the national energy saving targets in the ESD • other measures at national and EU level STEP 1: 2011/12 STEP 2: June 2014

  14. Szektorintézkedések : energiahatékonyság a közszférában Buildings (Art.4) EE Plans & EMS (Art.4) • Promotion of energy efficiency plans and energy management systems among public bodies Purchasing (Art.5) • Purchase of products, services and buildings with hight energy efficiency standards, as set in Annex III • Annual renovation of 3% of the total floor area of buildings over 250m2 owned by public bodies to reach at least the national minimum energy performance requirements; • Inventory of owned buildings (information on floor area and energy performance).

  15. Szektorintézkedések: ipari és energiaipari vállakozások SME (Art.7) Large (> SME) enterprises (Art.7) Energy Utilities (Art.6) • Energy efficiency obligation schemes requiring energy distributors or retail energy sales companies to achieve among final customers annual savings of 1,5% of their energy sales, by volume, in the previous year (possibility of alternative measures achieving the same amount of savings subject to COM acceptance) • Mandatory energy audits every three years and carried out in an independent manner (by 2014) (NB. Energy audits as part of energy management systems or voluntary agreements already fulfill this requirement) • Promote availability to all final customers of affordable energy audits by independent qualified/accredited experts • Encourage SMEs (& households) to undergo energy audits • Best Practices exchange on effectiveness of energy management systems for SME business

  16. Szektorintézkedések: a fogyasztói információ-szolgáltatás javitása (8. cikk) Individual meters for all final customers Free & informative billing Access to metering & billing data • For electricity, natural gas, DH&C & district-supplied domestic hot water, reflecting actual energy consumption & information on actual time of use • Minimum functionalities of smart meters to be set in line with energy efficiency objectives and final customer benefits • Upon request, meter to account for electricity produced on the final customer's premises and exported to the grid • Ensure accuracy & frequency of billing based on actual consumption, for all the sectors covered by this Directive • Appropriate information with the bill providing customers with comprehensive account of current energy costs, also allowing detailed self-checks on historical consumption • Upon request, availability of metering data/ billing/ historical consumption to a third party (e.g. ESCO)

  17. Szektorintézkedések: energiahatékonyság a hűtés és fűtés terén Energy transformation (Art.11) Transmission & distribution (Art.12) Efficient heating & cooling (Art.10) • National heating and cooling plan for development of HE cogeneration and efficient DH&C infrastructure • CHP obligation for new and substantially refurbished thermal electricity generation installations (>20 MW) • CHP and waste heat recovery for new or substantially refurbished industrial installations (>20 MW) generating waste heat to make use of it and be connected to DH&C networks • Inventory of installations (for combustion of fuels (=>50 MW), refining of mineral oil and gas) • Energy efficiency criteria in energy network regulation • National plans on energy efficiency potentials of energy networks, identifying measures & investments for efficiency improvements • Guarantee transmission & distribution; priority or guaranteed access and priority dispatching of HE cogeneration electricity

  18. általános intézkedések Removal of barriers to EE (Art.15) Promotion of energy services market (Art.14) Certification/ qualification scheme (Art.13) • Certification/qualification schemes for providers of energy services, energy audits & energy efficiency improvement measures • Cooperation among MS & with COM on comparisons between and recognition of the schemes • Public list of energy service • Model contracts for Energy Performance Contracting in the public sector • Dissemination of information on energy service contracts, financial instruments, incentives, grants & loans to support energy service projects • Promotion of voluntary quality labels • To take measures to remove barriers to energy efficiency: • split of incentives • public purchasing and annual budgeting and accounting

  19. Tervezett lehetséges menetrend • European Parliament nominates a rapporteur • First presentation & discussions in the Council Energy Working Group under Polish Presidency July 2011 • Continuation of discussions in the Council • Start of discussions in the EP, vote ENVI • Energy Council (November) Sept. – Dec. 2011 • Advancement and finalisation of the discussions in the Council and EP, and trialogues • Achieving of political agreement January – June 2012 July – Dec. 2012 • Finalization of the legislative text • Entering into for force by the end of 2012 December 2013 • Implementation of the new Directive in the MS June 2014 • Assessment of progress towards 20% saving objective

  20. Thank you!For further information on energy efficiency please consult our website:http://ec.europa.eu/energy/efficiency/ 

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