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An overview of French experience in contracting

An overview of French experience in contracting. M.M. Bellanger Wednesday 11 March. CONTENTS. Underlying rationale for contracting Hospital contracting GP contracting The case of chronic disease. Underlying rationale.

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An overview of French experience in contracting

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  1. An overview of French experience in contracting M.M. Bellanger Wednesday 11 March

  2. CONTENTS • Underlying rationale for contracting • Hospital contracting • GP contracting • The case of chronic disease

  3. Underlying rationale • “The search of the Holy Grail: combining decentralised planning & contracting in the French health care system” • Bellanger & Mossé Health Economics 2005 • French system: hospital based system (see Act 2009: “Hospital Patient Health & geographical area” (see A. Jourdain)

  4. Underlying rationale • Two main objectives • Resource allocation: making financial resource limitation compatible with increasing needs • Rationalisation of means • Contract: a major regulation tool, since 1991, first and then 1996 (Economists’ report 1992) • Changes affecting hospital payment have been the frame for this contracting – constraint governance of hospitals • Larger move included in the so-called “Modernisation of the State” & or “new public management in most of European countries

  5. Hospital contracting • For hospital governance, the regional devolution (see E. Ciotti), did not have relied on existing local or regional actors (e.g. local or regional councils, Regional directorate for health & social actions) but not on a new player: the Regional Hospital Agency in 1996. • “Acceleration of this move” the newly created Regional Health Agency – ARS- (in place of RHA, Regional health insurance fund, local & regional directorate…) • Still opposition between centralism & decentralisation: Regional Prefects will have a “droit de regard” on ARS

  6. Hospital contracting • Two types of State intervention involved in the game: • 1. Innovative State intervention: Contracting is based on commitment between each hospital & its agency (RHA): internal contract (pole contract) and external negotiation (compulsory contract through Regional Health Plan, so called SROS3, based on “medical territory project” & authorisation constraint) • For a better distribution of hospital services in a given area (priority setting according to health needs!) • For improving quality of care • For renovating hospital buildings (2007 hospital plan (launched in 2003; and 2012 plan)

  7. Hospital contracting • 2. A technical and “planning” type of intervention: • Norms & standard defined at the national level • Financial issues decided at central level too • National tariffs • No power for Region (maybe no will) for raising funds, such as in Italy, or Spain or Germany. • Still two logics persisting : • Top down for financing • Down top for project (see following slide)


  9. From hospital contracts to new contractors • Room for improvement • Core question is incentive (Principal – Agent relationship) • Hospital: no interest to reveal its strategy to the Regional Agency • Regional Agency/ policy maker: does not enjoy the useful information to allocate resources optimally. • Opportunity of the new Regional Health Agency to enlarge its domain for action

  10. From hospital contracts to new contractors • Opportunity of ARS: • Hospitals, ambulatory care, social & elderly care • Community of hospitals, and cooperation public & private on a given area • This may require some changes in both hospital and GPs payment system (see capitation payment as in Emilia Romagna, California) • This may require not the same organisation procedure all over the country • ARS legitimacy might found by taking some distance from the “centre”

  11. GP contracting 1.The case of chronic disease 2. The case of « medecin traitant »

  12. Managing chronic disease • Health Insurance reform (August 2004) • Rationale for reform: burden of chronic disease • 12% of insured people & 60% of health expenditure • Annual average reimbursement per insured : 7 068 € (with 10 900 € for the first year , & 25 800 € for the last year) • Hospital reimbursement: 57.8% (i.e. high level), drugs: 20% • Increase of chronic disease patients (5.7% between 1994 & 2004, especially for diabetes & cancer)

  13. Managing chronic disease • New model for managing chronic disease patients • New prevention approach for GPs through collective programmes of public health • 2005, new contract (convention) between Gps and health insurance funds: • implementation of care protocols based on Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS “French Nice”) recommendations • In order to decrease inpatient care

  14. Managing chronic disease • GP – so called in French “médecin traitant – treating physician” – chosen by the patient • “cornerstone” of chronic condition management : coordinated care “patient journey” • New GP contract includes: • Prevention • Primary care • Orientation of patient within health system, & coordination with other health professionals • Information diffusion for continuity of care

  15. Managing chronic disease • But the question of incentives and payment arise • See following slide

  16. And question of continuity of care ?

  17. Managing chronic disease • New incentives for GPs : bonus per “chronic patients” (Health insurance funding for care coordination) • 50€ per patient in 2005 • Most of “chronic patient have a “Medecin traitant.

  18. Busse 2008 WHO observatory

  19. Health professional contracting: Reseaux/network • A network model basis of a public-private mix and free association • To improve the access, the coordination the continuity and inter-professional care of patient • Importance of evidence based clinical protocols • Training of care professionals • Education and prevention for patients

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