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ECE 448 Lecture 7. FSMD: FSM with a Datapath. Required reading. P. Chu, FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples Chapter 6 , FSMD. Introduction. Algorithm to hardware. Two characteristics of a sequential algorithm: Use of variables (as symbolic memory locations) e.g., n = n + 1 in C
ECE 448 Lecture 7 FSMD: FSM with a Datapath
Required reading • P. Chu, FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples Chapter 6, FSMD
Introduction FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Algorithm to hardware • Two characteristics of a sequential algorithm: • Use of variables (as symbolic memory locations)e.g., n = n + 1 in C • Sequential execution: implicitly specifies the order of operation • Realize algorithm in hardware • Use registers to store intermediate data (to imitate variables) • Use a datapath to realize all register operations • Use a control path (FSM) to specify the order of register operation FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Algorithm to hardware (cont.) • Resulting system • Specified as sequence of data manipulation/transfer among registers • Realized by an FSMD (FSM with a datapath) • The scheme sometimes referred to as RTL (register-transfer level) design FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Algorithm to hardware (cont.) • FSMD Conceptual block diagram FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Single RT (register transfer) operation • Basic form: • Interpretation: • At the rising edge of the clock, the output of registers rsrc1 rsrc2 . etc are available • The output are passed to a combinational circuit that performs f( ) • At the next rising edge of the clock, the result is stored into rdest FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Single RT operation (cont.) • E.g., • r1 ← 0 : 0 stored in r1 register • r1 ← r1: content of r1 written back to itself • r2 ← r1: content of r1 transferred to r2 • r2 ← r2 >> 3: r2 shifted right 3 bits and written back • i ← i + 1: i incremented and written • d ← s1 + s2 + s3: sum of s1, s2 and s3 written to d • y ← a*a: a squared written to y FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Single RT operation (cont.) • Implementation/timing example: a ← a –b +1 FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
ASMD chart • FSM is good to control RT operation • State transition is on clock-by-clock basis • FSM can enforce order of execution • FSM allows branches on execution sequence • RT operation can be added to an ASM chart • Referred to as ASMD (ASM with a datapath) chart FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
ASMD chart (cont.) • E.g., ASMD segment with one data register (r1) FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
ASMD chart (cont.) • E.g., ASMD block with both Moore and Mealy control (via conditional boxes) FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Decision box with a register • In an ASMD chart, the register is updated when the FSM exits current state • Detailed timing diagram: r1 is only available when the FSM exits s1 state FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Decision box with a register (cont.) • When a registered output (e.g., r) used in a decision box, it may appear to be “delayed by one clock” • Fix: define a next-state value (e.g., r_next) and use it instead • E.g., FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Code Development FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Basic coding style • Explicit-data-path style • Separate FSM and control data path • FSM: state register/ next-state logic / output logic • Data path: data register / functional units • Implicit-data-path style • Follow the FSM two-segment coding style • Incorporate the RT operations in FSM states/transitions • Mixed style • Similar to Implicit-data-path style • But extract complex data-path functional units (such as multiplier and barrel shifter) for sharing FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Debouncing circuit revisited • When moved, contact of a mechanical switches may “bounce” a few times • Bounces settle down in 20 ms • Debounceing circuit generates a “clean” transition • Two schemes: • Delayed detection: respond until the signal is stable for at least 20 ms • Early detection: respond immediately but ignore transitions in the next 20 ms FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Debouncing circuit (cont.) FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
FSMD based debouncing circuit • FSM based design • Uses an independent free-running 10-ms timer • Not accurate: checking settling time between 20 and 30ms • Better FSMD based: • Embed counting in data path • With 100 MHz clock,# clocks = 20 ms /10 ns FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
FSMD based debouncing circuit • Input: • sw: switch • Output: • db_level: debouncedsw • db_tick: 1-clock pulse for a valid 0-to-1 transition FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
FSMD based debouncing circuit (cont.) • Data path: • q register + decrementer • Function as a counter • FSM: • “zero”/“one” states • sw signal is settled at 0/1 • load q with “1…1” when a transition is detected • “wait0”/ “wait1” states: • sw signal is in transition • Decrementing q provides the needed settling time • signal is settled when q reaches 0 FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Explicit-data-path style • Separate segments for data path and FSM • Data path • Q register + decrementer • Q can be reloaded or decremented • Code libraryieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; useieee.numeric_std.all; entitydebounceis port( clk, reset : instd_logic; sw : instd_logic; db_level : outstd_logic; db_tick : outstd_logic ); enddebounce; FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
architectureexp_fsmd_archofdebounceis constant N: integer:=21; -- 2^N * 10ns = 20ms typestate_typeis (zero, wait0, one, wait1); signalstate_reg, state_next : state_type; signalq_reg, q_next :unsigned(N - 1downto0); signalq_load, q_dec, q_zero : std_logic; begin -- FSMD state & data registers process(clk,reset) begin ifreset='1'then state_reg <= zero; q_reg <= (others=>'0'); elsif (clk'eventandclk='1') then state_reg <= state_next; q_reg <= q_next; endif; endprocess; FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
-- FSMD data path (counter) next-state logic q_next <= (others=>'1') whenq_load='1'else q_reg - 1whenq_dec='1'else q_reg; q_zero <= '1'whenq_next=0else'0'; FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
-- FSMD control path next-state logic process(state_reg,sw,q_zero) begin q_load <= '0'; q_dec <= '0'; db_tick <= '0'; state_next <= state_reg; casestate_regis when zero => db_level <= '0'; if (sw='1') then state_next <= wait1; q_load <= '1'; end if; when wait1=> db_level <= '0'; if (sw='1') then q_dec <= '1'; if (q_zero='1') then state_next <= one; db_tick <= '1'; endif; else-- sw='0' state_next <= zero; endif; FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
when one => db_level <= '1'; if (sw='0') then state_next <= wait0; q_load <= '1'; endif; when wait0=> db_level <= '1'; if (sw='0') then q_dec <= '1'; if (q_zero='1') then state_next <= zero; endif; else-- sw='1' state_next <= one; endif; endcase; endprocess; endexp_fsmd_arch; FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Implicit-data-path style • RT operations are incorporated in FSM state/transitions • Data path functional units are embedded implicitly • Code • Same entity declaration, signal declaration, state/data register as before • New combinational circuit code segment for the FSM next-state logic and RT computation FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
-- next-state logic & data path functional units process(state_reg,q_reg,sw,q_next) begin state_next <= state_reg; q_next <= q_reg; db_tick <= '0'; casestate_regis when zero => db_level <= '0'; if (sw='1') then state_next <= wait1; q_next <= (others=>'1'); endif; when wait1=> db_level <= '0'; if (sw='1') then q_next <= q_reg - 1; if (q_next=0) then state_next <= one; db_tick <= '1'; endif; else-- sw='0' state_next <= zero; endif; FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
when one => db_level <= '1'; if (sw='0') then state_next <= wait0; q_next <= (others=>'1'); endif; when wait0=> db_level <= '1'; if (sw='0') then q_next <= q_reg - 1; if (q_next=0) then state_next <= zero; endif; else-- sw='1' state_next <= one; endif; endcase; endprocess; FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Comparison of two styles • Implicit-data-path style • Just follow the ASMD chart • Clear, descriptive, and easy to code • Rely on synthesis software to create data path • Explicit-data-path style • Can manually craft data path to obtain optimized circuit • FSM and data path interacts via command and status signals • Tedious to code FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Mixed Style • Similar to Implicit-data-path style, but identify and extract complex data-path functional units • E.g., binary multiplier (*) is a very complex and should be shared case when s1 d1_next <= a * b; . . . when s2 d2_next <= b * c; . . . when s3 d3_next <= a * c; . . . endcase; FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Mixed Style (cont.) • Extract * for sharing case when s1 in1 <= a; in2 <= b; d1_next <= m_out; . . . when s2 in1 <= b; in2 <= c; d2_next <= m_out; . . . when s3 in1 <= a; in2 <= c; d3_next <= m_out; . . . endcase; -- explicit description of a single multiplier m_out <= in1 * in2; FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Algorithm-to-Hardware Example: Shift-and-Add Multiplier FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Hardware acceleration • FSMD can be used to implement software algorithm • Custom hardware can accelerate operation • Hardware can explore parallelism • Hardware can implement less-used operation • Hardware can reduce “processor overhead” • (instruction fetch, decoding etc.) • “Hardware accelerator” frequently used to complement processor to speed up computation intensive tasks (e.g., encryption, machine vision) FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Shift-and-add multiplication algorithm • Hardware multiplier sometimes is not available • Multiplication can be done by additions • E.g., multiplication of 4-bit unsigned binary numbers FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Shift-and-add algorithm (cont.) • Basic Idea (shown with 4-bit inputs) • Process multiplier (i.e., b3b2b1b0) one bit at a time • If bit n (i.e., bn) is 1, • Shift multiplicand (i.e., a3a2a1a0) to left n positions • Add the shifted value to product • Repeat the procedure sequentially 4 times FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Shift-and-add algorithm (cont.) • function (with 8-bit unsigned operands) in C uint16_t mult(uint8_t a_in, uint8_t b_in) { uint16_t a, p; uint8_t b, n; a = (uint16_t)a_in; b = b_in; n = 8; p = 0; while (n != 0) { n = n - 1; if((b>>n & 0x01)==1) { p = p + (a << n); } } return (p); } FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Shift-and-add algorithm (cont.) • Modifications are needed to facilitate hardware implementation. • Replacement of while loop • ASMD chart does not support “high-level” control constructs (while and for loops in C) directly • These constructs should be replaced by primitive if/goto statements (which resemble decision box/exit paths) • Avoidance of complex operators • Complexity of hardware operators varies • General-purpose shift function ( “<< n”, where n is not static) infers complex barrel shifter • Shifting constant position (e.g., “<<1”) involves reconnection of input/output wire and is very simple FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Shift-and-add algorithm (cont.) • “Hardware friendly” C function uint16_t mult(uint8_t a_in, uint8_t b_in) { uint16_t a, b, n, p; a = a_in; b = b_in; n = 8; p = 0; OP: if ((b & 0x01) == 1) { p = p + a; } a = a << 1; b = b >> 1; n = n - 1; if (n != 0) { goto OP;} return (p); } FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Shift-and-add algorithm (cont.) • Convert C code segment to ASMD chart • Map variable assignment statement(s) to an ASMD state • Multiple unrelated statements can be grouped and mapped to a single ASMD state • Operations are done in parallel in the same clock cycle • Embed if/got statements as decision boxes in ASM blocks • One if statement may be embedded into multiple blocks • Add necessary command and status signals • E.g., a start signal to initiate the operation • E.g., a ready signal to indicate whether the computation is done FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Shift-and-add algorithm (cont.) • ASMD chart • In a default RT operation, register keeps its previous value • Default RT operation not shown in chart FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Shift-and-add algorithm (cont.) • HDL code libraryieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; useieee.numeric_std.all; entityseq_multis port( clk, reset: instd_logic; start: instd_logic; a_in, b_in: instd_logic_vector(7downto0); ready: outstd_logic; r: outstd_logic_vector(15downto0) ); endseq_mult; • FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
architectureshift_add_archofseq_multis constant WIDTH: integer:=8; constant C_WIDTH: integer:=4; -- width of the counter constant C_INIT: unsigned(C_WIDTH-1downto0):="1000"; typestate_typeis (idle, add, shift); signalstate_reg, state_next: state_type; signalb_reg, b_next: unsigned(WIDTH-1downto0); signala_reg, a_next: unsigned(2*WIDTH-1downto0); signaln_reg, n_next: unsigned(C_WIDTH-1downto0); signalp_reg, p_next: unsigned(2*WIDTH-1downto0); begin FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
-- state and data registers process(clk,reset) begin ifreset='1'then state_reg <= idle; b_reg <= (others=>'0'); a_reg <= (others=>'0'); n_reg <= (others=>'0'); p_reg <= (others=>'0'); elsif (clk'eventandclk='1') then state_reg <= state_next; b_reg <= b_next; a_reg <= a_next; n_reg <= n_next; p_reg <= p_next; endif; endprocess; FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
-- combinational circuit process(start,state_reg,b_reg,a_reg,n_reg,p_reg, b_in,a_in,n_next,a_next) begin b_next <= b_reg; a_next <= a_reg; n_next <= n_reg; p_next <= p_reg; ready <='0'; casestate_regis when idle => ifstart='1'then b_next <= unsigned(b_in); a_next <= "00000000" & unsigned(a_in); n_next <= C_INIT; p_next <= (others=>'0'); ifb_in(0)='1'then state_next <= add; else state_next <= shift; endif; else state_next <= idle; endif; ready <='1'; FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
when add => p_next <= p_reg + a_reg; state_next <= shift; when shift => n_next <= n_reg - 1; b_next <= '0' & b_reg (WIDTH-1downto1); a_next <= a_reg(2*WIDTH-2downto0) & '0'; if (n_next /= "0000") then ifa_next(0)='1'then state_next <= add; else state_next <= shift; endif; else state_next <= idle; endif; endcase; endprocess; r <= std_logic_vector(p_reg); endshift_add_arch; FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Design ExampleFibonacci number circuit FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Fibonacci number • Fibonacci number definition • Basic algorithm • Use two variables (t0, t1) to store two previous computed results • Update t0 and t1 in each iteration • Start with 0 and iterate i times FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Fibonacci number circuit (cont.) • “Hardware friendly” C function uint16_t fib(uint8_ti) { uint32_t t0, t1, t1_old; uint8_t n; t0 = 0; t1 = 1; n = i; OP: if (n == 0) { t1 = 0; } elseif (n == 1) {} else { t1_old = t1; t1 = t1_old + t0; t0 = t1_old; n = n - 1; goto OP; } return (t1); } FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)
Fibonacci number circuit (cont.) • ASMD chart • Default RT operation not shown in chart • Note that t1 ← t1 + t0 and t0 ← t1 can be done in parallel since t0 and t1 are updated when exiting the state • Add a “done” state to generate a one-clock status signal FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples (2nd ed.)