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Braila County

Braila County. at a glance. " Braila, city and county, represent a space of vivacity and energy in the country’s life. Only the bravest and the meekest Romanians could resist there, under the Turks.

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Braila County

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  1. Braila County at a glance Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  2. " Braila, city and county, represent a space of vivacity and energy in the country’s life. Only the bravest and the meekest Romanians could resist there, under the Turks. After the liberation, the only people who ran there were the ones able to be the founders and the defenders of the new order of life.   Thus, a Braila race was born. This race keeps on existing, no matter how long the families would interfere with the immigrants. Both in culture and politics, this race presents its qualities that the country, apathetic, needs more than ever.The youth has a duty to carry out here, that cannot be confused with the others’ one“ NICOLAE IORGA Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  3. Situated on the left bank of the Danube river, with a „venerable” age of 638 years, Braila has always represented the place where water and land join in harmoniously and the sun pours its richness of light and warmth. The geographical position is very generous both for the county and for the municipality, Braila being situated in the south-eastern part of the country, between the coordinates of 44° 44' and 45° 30' north latitude and 27° 04' and 28° 10' east longitude, on a surface of 4.766km2. In the Plain, Braila County occupies, in the north, a part of the Meadow of the Lower Siret , close to which the Baraganului Plain spreads, in the west, small parts of Salcioara Plain and Buzaului Plain, and in the east the Big Island of Braila. It can be said that the county is surrounded by the waters of some important rivers such as Siret, Buzau, together with the old river of the Danube that, splitting into two branches, make the Big Island of Braila. There are 44 administrative-territorial units in Braila County, among which Braila municipality, 3 towns (Faurei, Ianca, Insuratei) with 11 localities and 40 communes 131 villages. The population of the county, on the 18th of March 2002, was of 373.174 inhabitants, from which more than 66% were in the urban area (239. 108 inhabitants). The administrative seat is Braila municipality, the last port on the Danube; it is situated 200 km north-east of Bucharest. Braila is located on 46o 16’ 17’’ north latitude and 27o 58’ 33’’ east longitude. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  4. It is interesting to mention that Braila, due to its position and history, has always had a cosmopolite character, of cultural and ethnic mosaic, given by the presence of numerous ethnical communities on this land. Former Turkish raya for a period of more than three centuries, being in the way of the Russian, Austrian, Turkish, Romanian wars, Braila was destroyed and reborn out from its own ash many times. The real flourishing of the town took place after the Adrianopolis Treaty in 1829, when Braila rejoined the mother country. During the second half of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century, Braila made remarkable progress, first of all economically. The cohabitation of Romanians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Russians, Armenians and Jews offered a picturesque note to this important port of the Danube, as a space of genuine European civilisation. The Free Zone statute obtained in 1836 created good conditions for a very intensive transit trade, a great amount of Romanian and foreign goods being brought in Braila’s ware-houses, both for import and export. Due to its favorable position , Braila was last important seaport on the Danube where maritime ships could come. The city knew its golden period between 1836 and 1894, when it became a turn table in the international trade changes on the Lower Danube. History, as well as the commercial benefits, turned the city into a place where many nationalities met and lived together. A large number of Romanian and foreign merchants, English, French, Greek, Italians, Jews, Lippovans came to Braila, finding here the people and the space that helped them to keep their own religions and traditions. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  5. At Braila some ‘premieres’ were recorded, such as: one of the first Romanian cities that used public lighting, reinforced concrete was used for the first time for building wharves and piers, the first electric plant was built only thirteen years after Edison’s invention, Braila was the first Romanian city to have electric trams. All these place Braila in the vanguard of the cities of the time. From old times, Braila’s inhabitants have always had agriculture, breeding and fishing on the western bank of the Danube as main activities. A sailing ship. the symbol of Braila city , was also the symbol of the trade, the main activity of the inhabitants of this area. In 1836, Braila was declared “porto-franco”. Here were opened the first Chamber of Commercial Arbitration (1836), the Exchange of Goods and Cereals (1882), the Commercial Court and the Commercial Bank. Due to its economical boom, Braila became one of the most important commercial centres of Romania. The intensive trade and the industrial development during the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century marked Braila’s history. In 1911, year of maximum commercial activity, Braila’s trade represented 22% of the Romanian trade and 20% of import This development meant steam mills, pasta factory, shipyard (1864), beer factory (1872) and docks (1883). The first foreign investment in Braila was done in 1924 – the Franco-Romanian Company. Between 1941-1944, during the World War l, both the import and the export in Braila decreased, after the 12th General Congress of the Romanian Cities’ Union from 1937, when it was reached the apogee. Braila’s history will dramatically change between the two moments: the 23rd of August 1944 – the 22nd of December 1989. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  6. Braila is not a museum – city, but its visitors can feel its magic, legends and history that are present everywhere. After 2000, the results of a too ambitious, unrightfully and disproportioned industrial development appeared. Many of the most important industrial units closed their doors partially or even totally. This fact led to the depreciation of the living level and the city’s development, more than in the rest of the country. If the accent in the economical life had been put on the port for centuries, during the next period, after the Liberation, when the communist regime was installed, this accent was put on the industry: a strong one that will become established through the machines and equipments’ construction, ship building, chemical industry, ready-made clothes, food industry etc. Braila trade marks, as “Promex”, “Braiconf” have become well-known in the country and abroad, making the county to be placed on the 9th position in the country, according to its population and economy. The climate is temperate-continental, slightly excessive in the west and moderate in the Siret Meadow and Braila’s Big Island. Being situated close to the Black Sea, Braila County has annual average temperatures of over 10oC (1.5oC higher then the rest of the plain). Annual rainfall is low (on average 4,651 l/sq m) and has a teeming character in summer. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  7. The underground resources include liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons; loess deposits constitute the raw material for inferior ceramics. The water and mud of salty lakes have special therapeutic qualities, spas being built nearby, but only that of Lacu Sarat is functioning at present. In Insuratei town, a thermal sulphurous spring, with special therapeutic qualities, was properly fitted, having a flow rate of 280 cu m in 24 hours and an exit temperature of 60o. The plain is the predominant relief form, Braila’s landscape being rather monotonous and without any natural barriers. Although forests occupy only a small part of the area of the county (5.5%), most of them being meadow forests, Viisoara and Camnita forests have been declared reservations, the former for its 300 hectares which represent the relic of oak forests from the right bank of the Calmatui, and the latter, for its pure ash trees, spread on an area of 1.3 ha. The flora and fauna are characteristic to lowlands. The steppe, once stretching endlessly, was turned into farmland, Braila County being one of the most developed counties in Romania as concerns agriculture. The tourist patrimony of Braila County comprises: historical, ethnographic and folkloric elements, Panait Istrati Memorial House, “Nicapetre” Cultural Centre (the former House of Art Collections), the Museums of the towns of Braila and Ianca, Blasova Creation Camp, the Art Galleries, ‘Pro Arts’ Hall, Braila Historical Centre, “Petre Stefanescu Goanga” Memorial House. The main tourist areas are: Lacu Sarat resort, Braila’s Small Island, Blasova, Viisoara forest. The network of tourist establishments is made up of: 13 hotels, 3 motels and inns, 4 camping facilities, 2 camps for pupils and preschoolers. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  8. Braila’s Small Island, a real inland delta, stretching on an area of 15,000 ha, was declared a mixed natural reservation of flora and fauna. The geographical conditions allow the co-existence of three types of vegetation, specific to the swamp, to the forest and to the steppe. .LakeJirlau (8.9 sq km) is known as an ornithological sanctuary, a fact for which it was mentioned, together with the Danube Delta and other habitats all over the country, on the list of those 2440 aquatic fauna areas of European importance “Important bird areas in Europe” published in 1989 in England. On Braila’s Big Island, created by the drainage of Braila’s Swamp, one can see “Popina Blasova”, a proof of the herzynisch erosion of the Dobruja Mountains, acknowledged in 1994 as a natural monument, where two species of milfoil with yellow flowers and a species of bell flower grow, being specific to the Dobruja Mountains. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  9. Even if it is not in an area with a maximum tourist importance, Braila county offers many possibilities for active partnerships due to the natural resources, on one hand , and to the direct connection to the Danube, on the other hand. Thus, there are considered as adequate: ► the extension and the modernization of the tourist structures in Lacu Sarat Resort ► giving the Caineni Bai resort, situated on the area of Visani commune, back to the tourist circuit; ► the integration in the tourist circuit of Movila Miresii Salt Lake, situated at 30 km away from Braila municipality, close to the commune with the same name. ► the putting in good use of the thermal springs from the area of Insuratei town and Bertestii de Sus commune, their water presenting therapeutical qualities similar to the ones from Herculane and Felix resorts. Braila county has a special tourist potential that, if it is put in good use, may represent an important element of the social-economical development of the county and of its contribution to the national tourism. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  10. Related to the culture, Braila county has a network of specialized institutions. Thus, there are 215 libraries, 5 cultural houses, 101 cultural institutions, 7 cinemas, 2 theatres and a musical institution. The most important part in Braila’s cultural life is played by “Maria Filotti” Dramatic Theatre, “Carabus” Puppet Theatre, the Vocational School and Braila History Museum , the last one having an impressive age of 125 years and an impressive collection of historical and archaeological objects and being considered one of the greatest cultural institutions from Romania. “Maria Filotti Theatre is the most interesting cultural objective of the city. Built in the middle of the 19th century and renovated in the 80 ‘s, the building stands out of the others through its architectonical value and the artistic embroidery of the curtain, a real piece of art, considered unique in Europe, due to its style (beads and golden thread, representing the sun and the moon, the laughter and the crying).The visitors can also see the huge painted-window from the monumental hall of the building. On the other hand, the importance of this building was confirmed when the theatre was included in the UNESCO album, together with the most representative buildings in Europe, destined to the human spirituality. On the memory of the well-known soprano, Hariclea Hartulary Darclée, beginning with August 1995, every year the International Canto Festival with her name has been taking place at Braila. A great interest in the cultural life of Braila is presented by the “Panait Istrati Memorial Exhibition”, opened in 1984, with the occasion of the centenary of the famous writer’s birth, named “Gorki of the Balkans” by Romain Rolland. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  11. The historical section of Braila Museum has a special fund of historical and archaeological collections, through which there can be seen the bronze helmet discovered at Gavani –Braila, representing the traco-getic culture. At the House of Art Collections, among the 3000 pieces of plastic and decorative art, there can be noticed works of a great value, made by Theodor Aman, Nicolae Grigorescu, Theodor Pallady, Nicolae Tonitza, Henry Catargi and others. The monumental sculpture is represented by the Emperor Trajan’s bronze statue with stone and marble bed-plate from the Saint Archangels’ Square and Ecaterina Teodoroiu’s statue also made of bronze. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  12. The “Saint Archangels Mihail and Gavriil” Curch with an age of 250 years, is a Turkish pray house turned into an Orthodox Church, keeping its rectangular shape, reproducing the Mohammedan mecet’s type.That is why it is one of the rare European Orthodox churches without a derrick. The Lippovan’s Metropolitan Church – the international centre of the old communion – is also in Braila municipality. During the time, but especially between the two World Wars, many personalities of the Romanian and European civilisations were “born” in Braila’s schools, especially in “Nicolae Balcescu” National College: philosophers Nae Ionescu and Anton Dumitriu, geriatrician Ana Aslan, geologist Gh.M.Murgoci, cybernetics’ engineer Edmond Nicolau, writers Panait Istrati, Panait Cerna, Anton Bacalbasa, Mihail Sebastian, D.P.Perpessicius, Fănuş Neagu; lyrical artists Hariclea Hartulary Darclée, Petre Ştefănescu Goanga; actors Maria Filotti, Irina Răchiţeanu Sirianu, Ştefan Mihăilescu Brăila. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  13. Access This area has accessible transport roads, Braila County being situated at the intersection of two European transport corridors – IV and IX. As concerns land transport we can mention the European roads E 60, E 577. Being situated on the left bank of the Danube, the county also benefits from the advantages of river navigation. Braila County is linked to all the other regions of the country by roads and railways. The distance from Bucharest is 220 km measured on DN2B road. The railway to Bucharest has the same route and the distance is quite the same. Taxation The TAV is the same all over the country: 19%. The local taxes are pretty lower relative to other regions of the country and are negotiable for the important investors who generate employment. There are only two kinds of local taxes: the tax on the land (if buying) and the tax on the buildings. Investors In Braila County there are about 300 companies with foreign capital, running mainly in the textile and ready-made clothes industry but also in shipyard, furniture, constructions, machines and equipment, consultancy. The foreign capital comes from Italy, Greece, Norway, France, Germany, United States Regarding Italian investors, there are two important ready-made clothes factories: Mistral (Due and Confezzioni) and Blazer. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  14. Agriculture and forestry The agriculture, being considered the main support of welfare and economic growth, and also of exports increasing, as well as the guarantor of the population's food necessary, occupies through tradition an important place in Braila County economy. Braila's agriculture also represents the main way of improvement the life standard from the rural environment. Through its agricultural potential (the existence of the biggest agricultural surface in Romania, situated in Braila Great Island, with a land surface of 60,000 ha, entirely irrigated, and a number of 120 thousand bovines, 400 thousand ovines, 300 thousand swines and 2,5 million fowls, at least) Braila County offers multiple investment opportunities: Breeding . The production valorization is favourable, both on the internal and external market; Modern but unused buildings, in the field of porcine and cow breeding, are another facility offered to the potential investors. Horticulture development, mainly the ecological one. The establishment and the development of gross market for the horticultural products represent another investment opportunity. Restructuring and development of fishing activities . On the territory of the county there are many lakes and ponds that could be rearranged as piscicultural exploitations: the seed beds Maxineni and Jirlau, the fish ponds Movila Miresii, Plopu, Gradistea, Vultureni, Zavoaia, Batogu, Chioibasesti, Coltea and Tataru. Vegetables, fruits, milk and cereals processing activities and the establishment of a terminal for cereals. The predominant agrarian character of the county makes some activities to be extremely profitable. Briquetting of the waste cereals (their transforming into a fuel with high caloric power) Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  15. The creation of small stocking and processing capacities for fodders The breeding of exotic or rare birds and animals (pheasants, quails, ostriches). The experience of the last years proved that exotic animals and birds can represent a profitable business in Braila county. Silkworm breeding . The activity is extremely profitable, our county having an important tradition in the field. However, this fact supposes the re-establishment of mulberry plantations necessary in the silkworm breeding on the existing salt soils. Mushrooms cultures. This product in fresh state is not sufficient on the market; the demand being partially covered, at high prices. That's why the construction of a mushroom farm is welcome. Establishment of hot houses for vegetables and flowers. The valorization of the thermal springs and of other thermal sources may have favourable results in this domain, as well as in possible tourist investments. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  16. The corresponding month of the previous year = 100 1.I-31.V.2006 comparing to 1.I-31.V.20051) 2005 2006 may june july aug. sep. oct. nov. dec. jan. feb. mar. apr. may 1) County overall 91,4 90,6 89,1 88,6 82,1 93,1 92,8 109,2 111,0 97,6 95,1 77,8 119,3 99,0 Extractive Industry 98,4 105,3 98,2 96,8 95,6 97,2 100,6 100,9 100,7 100,5 97,7 99,6 100,1 99,7 Manufacture 93,9 90,3 86,2 89,6 85,8 95,7 94,0 115,2 113,6 93,6 91,8 72,4 125,7 97,5 Electric and heating power natural gases and water 47,0 40,1 101,4 60,0 40,2 43,9 73,9 89,4 114,5 125,7 122,4 84,2 96,8 112,7 Brief on economy of Braila County I. INDUSTRY 1. Indicators of industrial production Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  17. U.M. 2005 2006 may june july aug. sep. oct. nov. dec. jian. feb. mar. apr. may cutten meat tones 1326 776 515 584 584 532 664 864 294 476 474 636 897 salamy tones 715 817 802 1098 1105 1257 990 1753 1412 1034 898 843 916 flour tones 1572 1346 1209 1364 2355 107 1196 852 960 965 942 891 1177 bread tones 552 619 654 665 627 630 575 527 329 318 360 379 428 sugar tones 171 147 131 193 211 242 270 268 317 446 497 548 394 Ready-made clothes lei thousand (RON) 33633 40623 43153 38671 38822 41789 42838 38252 37891 45141 39926 32638 47593 furniture lei (RON) 116900 181800 118400 132800 236500 224900 180800 164300 115100 123500 189000 214300 169700 heating power Gcal 37777 18753 19024 21909 16972 25238 81876 97956 123414 96880 82584 19120 34957 2. Main Industrial Products Note: There are presented the main industrial products of the county Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  18. The corresponding month of the previous year = 100 1.I-31.V.2006 corresponding to 1.I-31.V.20051) 2005 2006 may june july aug. sep. oct. nov. dec. jan feb. mar. apr. may1 County overall 96,3 96,4 92,9 83,7 82,5 77,1 146,0 106,2 98,2 109,7 59,0 123,9 92,3 92,3 3. The Total Turnover Amount In Industry (Internal And External) % 1) casual data Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  19. 2005 2006 may June july aug. sep. oct. nov. dec. jan.1) feb.1) mar.1) apr.1) may 2) 1.I-31.V2) Total export FOB 10180 21888 23429 11435 18777 14319 28151 20888 13910 22310 17968 23421 12481 90090 Total import CIF 13585 16305 15524 15272 16670 15704 15430 18783 13003 14450 12163 13754 20676 74047 II. TRADE 4. Merchandise Import /Export thousand euro 1) Rectified data 2) Casual data Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  20. Accommodation types 2005 2006 may june july aug. sep. oct. nov. dec. jan. feb. mar. apr. may 1) County overall 5763 4862 6138 6205 6248 5274 5925 4368 2635 3820 4968 4518 5029 From which: Hotels 4515 4502 5131 5188 5690 5033 5780 4126 2519 3621 4767 4009 4657 Motels 65 46 39 60 36 44 38 112 46 70 83 84 101 Hostels 36 37 40 53 56 52 46 96 39 74 62 60 74 Chalet - - - - - - - - - - - - - Urban lodging 60 24 41 15 22 67 45 34 31 46 38 47 40 Rural lodging - - - - - - - - - - - - - III. TOURISM 5. Accommodation types number 1) Casual data Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  21. Accommodation types 2005 2006 may june july aug. sep. oct. nov. dec. jan. feb. mar. apr. may 1) County overall 20470 22233 27128 27598 24707 20217 27749 17241 8263 18069 24501 17165 21917 from which: Hotels 18679 20747 23153 23836 23379 19888 27268 16969 8135 17831 24195 16372 21514 Motels 68 46 39 73 83 45 107 127 46 70 83 84 101 Hostels 102 41 40 83 68 64 53 99 39 74 62 60 74 Chalet - - - - - - - - - - - - - Urban lodging 93 71 70 24 44 128 105 46 43 76 53 73 56 Rural lodging - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6.NIGHTS number 1) Casual data Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  22. 2005 2006 may june. july aug. sep. oct. nov. dec. jan. feb. mar. apr. may1) County overall 37,2 41,7 49,2 49,9 46,0 39,4 59,2 46,2 25,0 45,0 51,3 36,3 38,2 2005 2006 may june july aug. sep. oct. nov. dec. jan. feb. mar. apr. may County Overall 71833 72096 71941 71876 71747 71497 71491 70942 72432 73204 73857 73972 74188 From which: Agriculture, hunting and related services, wood processing and fishing 4627 4644 4634 4629 4621 4605 4605 4569 4665 4715 4757 4764 4778 Industry and constructions 38626 38768 38684 38650 38580 38446 38443 38147 38949 39364 39715 39777 39893 Services 28580 28684 28623 28597 28546 28446 28443 28226 28818 29125 29385 29431 29517 7. Occupation Rate % IV. EMPLOYMENT 8. Number of Employees Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale 1) Casual data

  23. 2005 2006 may june july aug. sep. oct. nov. dec. jan. feb. mar. apr. may Overall county 740 733 768 752 783 788 804 877 853 813 867 843 879 from which: Agriculture, hunting and related services, wood processing and fishing 690 692 705 712 721 722 726 857 695 681 714 757 750 Industry and constructions 758 771 812 796 838 798 817 905 774 787 883 814 833 Services 728 699 730 710 738 787 801 853 950 856 869 886 947 2005 2006 may june july aug. sep. oct. nov. dec. jan. feb. mar. apr. may County Overall 578 573 601 589 611 615 626 681 653 625 664 646 675 from which: Agriculture, hunting and related services, wood processing and fishing 548 549 559 565 572 572 574 671 545 536 561 587 583 Industry and constructions 601 613 642 629 660 634 649 714 606 618 687 637 650 Services 559 536 565 549 567 602 610 651 713 644 652 664 715 9. Average Wage lei (RON)/person 10. Average Net Wage lei (RON)/person Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  24. 2005 2006 may june july aug. sep. oct. nov. dec. jan. feb. mar. apr. may County overall 9016 8674 8681 8592 8215 8260 8451 9158 9452 10191 9540 8618 7667 from which: Men 5928 5568 5481 5359 5114 5183 5344 5933 6286 6931 6511 5799 5070 Women 3088 3106 3200 3233 3101 3077 3107 3225 3166 3260 3029 2819 2597 2005 2006 may june july aug. sep. oct. nov. dec. jan. feb. mar. apr. may County overall 6,8 6,5 6,5 6,4 6,2 6,2 6,3 6,9 7,1 7,6 7,2 6,5 5,7 From which: Men 8,6 8,0 7,9 7,7 7,4 7,5 7,7 8,6 9,1 10,0 9,4 8,4 7,3 Women 4,8 4,8 5,0 5,0 4,8 4,8 4,8 5,0 4,9 5,1 4,7 4,4 4,1 11. REGISTERED UNEMPLOYED- At The End Of The Period persons Data source: National Employment Agency 12. REGISTERED UNEMPLO YMENT RATE- at the end of the period % Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale Data source: National Employment Agency

  25. 2005 2006 trim. I trim. II trim. III trim. IV trim. I 1) Average number of the pensioners - persons 79278 79114 79057 79166 79228 Average pension – lei (RON) 249 249 258 264 287 V. SOCIAL PROTECTION 13. Average number of the pensioners Casual data Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  26. The corresponding month of the previous year= 100 1.I-31.V.2006 corresponding to 1.I-31.V.20052) 2005 2006 may jun july aug. sep. oct. nov. dec. jan. feb. mar. apr.1) may 2) County overall 82,8 66,5 40,0 109,7 98,4 119,9 120,9 110,5 112,0 124,6 159,8 129,7 113,8 128,0 VI. INVESTMENTS - CONSTRUCTIONS 14. Indices of the construction amount % 1) Rectified data 2) Casual data Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  27. The corresponding semester from the previous year = 100 2005 2006 trim. I trim. II trim. III trim. IV trim. I Investments - total 86,9 216,0 165,7 123,3 214,1 from which: Construction works 80,0 147,4 114,6 76,9 172,8 Equipments(means of transport) 92,9 275,0 152,2 161,0 246,2 2005 2006 may june. july aug. sep. oct. nov. dec. jan. feb. mar. apr. may County overall 44 57 48 51 55 44 35 44 22 20 49 41 65 15. Indices Of Accomplished Investments % 16. Construction Authorizations For Residential Buildings number Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  28. 2005 2006 trim. I trim. II trim. III trim. IV trim. I 1) Finished dwellings 40 90 65 188 46 from which: Urban area 10 57 31 124 19 rural area 30 33 34 64 27 17. Finished Dwellings number 1) Casual data Note: The “Finished dwellings” indicator refers to the dwellings finished during the semester Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  29. 2005 2006 trim. I trim. II trim. III trim. IV trim. I water supply - - - 33,1 - sewage - - - - - City streets - - - 2,0 - Rural and county roads - - - - - Heating energy - 0,8 - - - Natural gases - 0,1 - 19,5 - 18. Public Networks' Modernization km Data source: Braila County Council Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  30. The total number of the control activities -The value of the products presenting deviations from the G.O. 21/1992 – thousand lei (RON) Overall penalties – thousand lei (RON) Overall depositions to the budget from the penalties – thousand lei (RON) Total From which import products County Overall 890 259 118 33 34 Number of companies capital : National currency -thousand RON- Foreign currency USA Dollars EURO County Overall 6 72,0 24771,0 19258,3 19. Indicators Related To The Activity Of The National Authority For The Consummers' Protection, Between 1.I – 31.V. 2006 Data source: National Authority for the Consummers’ Protection 20. Registered Companies With Foreign Capital, In May 2006 Data source: The National Office of the Commerce Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  31. Projects Portfolio Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  32. Nr. Crt Project name Location Estimated Value-Euro- Technical documentation’s Phase 1. Bridge across the Danube in Braila Braila, Galati, Tulcea 309.000.000 Feasibility Study 2. Reshaping and widening of the county road Viziru - Cuza Voda - Mihai Bravu Braila County 4.600.000 Feasibility Study 3. Modernization of North-South county road and development of the public network utilities Braila County 1.108.000 Pre-Feasibility Study 4. Access infrastructure at river navigation for the riverain communes from Braila County Braila County 8.000.000 Pre-Feasibility Study 5. Rehabilitation of the infrastructure from Ianca airport to realise cargo and passengers terminal Ianca, Braila County 140.000.000 Pre-Feasibility Study 6. Regional Marketing Centre for Units of Production “RMC-UP” Vadeni, Braila County 7.250.565 Feasibility Study 7. Infrastructure for development of tourism in the area of Braila Small Island and Braila Great Island Braila County 4.000.000 Pre-Feasibility Study 8. Water supply system for the localities situated in the south of the Braila County Braila County 25.000.000 Feasibility Study Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  33. 9. Valorisation of the natural potential of the Zaton Lake Braila County 4.800.000 Pre-Feasibility Study 10. Valorisation of the natural potential of the Blasova Lake Braila County 6.500.000 Pre-Feasibility Study 11. Mapping on the balneary tourism circuit the Movila Miresii Salt Lake Braila County 3.000.000 Pre-Feasibility Study 12. Mapping on balneary tourism circuit the Caineni Bai Salt Lake Braila County 3.000.000 Pre-Feasibility Study 13. Mapping on the touristic circuit of the cellars of Braila Fortress Braila 3.000.000 Pre-Feasibility Study 14. Modernization of the touristic infrastructure of the Lacu Sarat Health Resort - Braila Lacu Sarat Health Resort , Braila 5.000.000 Pre-Feasibility Study Impact Study Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  34. Nr. Crt. Project name Beneficiary Phase Budget RON Designer Priority Axis 1 - Water supply and sewage systems 1 Rehabilitation of the water supply system Faurei – Replacement of the networks with high rate of wear Faurei Local Council Feasibility Study 900755.44 March 2001 S.C. PRODOMUS S.A. 2 Rehabilitation of the water supply system Faurei – Replacement of the networks with high rate of wear Faurei Local Council Technical Project December 2005 S.C. PRODOMUS S.A. 3 Rehabilitation and extension of the sewage with high rate of wear – Faurei town Faurei Local Council Feasibility Study 2343874 December 2005 S.C. PRODOMUS S.A. 4 Rehabilitation and extension of the sewage with high rate of wear – Faurei town Faurei Local Council Technical Project December 2005 S.C. PRODOMUS S.A. 5 Extension of the pluvial and waste water sewage system; Water tank and bunkie station for pluvial waters, Ianca town, Braila County Ianca Local Council Technical Project March 2001 S.C. MIRON COM S.R.L. 6 Retechnologizing of the cleaning station, Ianca town, Braila County Ianca Local Council Pre-Feasibility Study 848850 September 2000 S.C. ECOROM S.R.L. PROJECTS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  35. 7 Retechnologizing of the biological cleaning step, Ianca town, Braila County Ianca Local Council P.T. 2004 S.C. LEJONA IMPEX S.R.L 8 Area water supply system for the localities situated in the south of the Braila County Braila County Council Feasibility Study 29778107 February 1999 S.C. PRODOMUS S.A. 9 Drinking water supply system for the localities Surdila Greci locality,and the villages Surdila Greci, Bratesu Vechi, Faurei Sat and Horia Surdila Greci Local Council Feasibility Study 289658 March 2005 S.C. ARISTAR MIT S.R.L. 10 Rehabilitation of the cleaning water plant and sewage network – Insuratei town, Braila county Insuratei Local Council Feasibility Study 7515580 March 2004 S.C. ECO-EDIL S.R.L. 11 Water supply in Tichilesti commune, Braila county Tichilesti Local Council Feasibility Study 761795.06 April 2005 S.C. PRODOMUS S.A. 12 Drinking water supply in Viziru and Lanurile localities, Braila County Viziru Local Council Feasibility Study 2905064.07 June 2006 S.C. PRODOMUS S.A. 13 Drinking water supply in Viziru and Lanurile localities, Lanurile village, Braila county Viziru Local Council Feasibility Study 2558280.99 June 2006 S.C. PRODOMUS S.A. 14 Drinking water supply in Unirea and Valea Canepii localities, Unirea, Braila county Unirea Local Council Feasibility Study 2812714.36 June 2006 S.C. PRODOMUS S.A. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  36. 15 Drinking water supply in Unirea and Valea Canepii, Valea Canepii village, Braila county Unirea Local Council Feasibility Study 2341529.73 June 2006 S.C. PRODOMUS S.A. Priority Axis 2 – Development of the systems of the waste integrate management and rehabilitation of the contaminated sites 16 Compost plant for biodegradable waste in Ianca Consiliul Local Ianca Local Council S.F. 3219289.16 April 2006 BRAILA COUNTY COUNCIL 17 Compost plant for biodegradable waste in T. Vladirescu Tudor Vladimirescu S.F. 1259827 June 2006 BRAILA COUNTY COUNCIL 18 System of selective waste collection in Faurei town Faurei Local Council proposal 100000 19 System of selective waste collection in Ianca locality Ianca Local Council proposal 100000 20 System of selective waste collection in Insuratei Insuratei Local Council proposal 100000 Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  37. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  38. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  39. Brief Description Of The Main Projects Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  40. Infrastructure of the Area Between Braila and Galati The population of Braila Municipality = 221.370 inhabitants The population of Galati Municipality = 300.500 inhabitants Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  41. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The achievement of the primary infrastructure system in order to support the establishment of economic activities (urban development). PROJECT DESCRIPTION: - it is expected the achievement of a road interconnection highway with 4 traffic lanes between Braila and Galati; - it is expected the achievement of a roadway for heavy transport and of an utilities network for the area of activities: water/sewerage, electrical power, gases, communications, transport. The objective position will allow the placement and the easy access to the area of activities without disturbing the traffic between Braila and Galati and in the same time the connection to the utilities system. EXPECTED RESULTS: - the elimination of the malfunctions regarding the sustainable development of the identified area by plans of territorial arrangement Braila-Galati-Tulcea. - the achievement of the objectives established by the strategies of regional economic development; - the increasing of the economic interest and the strengthening of the polarizing role of the area. PROJECT IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT: The achievement of the infrastructure system will have an insignificant impact on the environment. The Objective will be achieved without clearing planted areas, deviation of water flows, changes of relief or landscape etc. in what concerns the objective placement, there will be followed the restrictions imposed by the specific regulations. ESTIMATIVE PRICES NECESSARY FOR THESE INVESTMENTS ACHIEVEMENT: highway with 4 traffic lanes between Braila and Galati = 100.000.000 Euro land total surface = 4206 hectares = 42.060.000 sqm Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  42. Bridge Across the Danube • THE PROPOSED LOCATION: Vadeni Commune (left bank, Braila County) Smirdan Commune (right bank, Tulcea County) For the achievement of a permanent passage across the Danube River, several studies of placement and solutions were elaborated, respective: a) The study from 1986 regarding the assuring of a railway and road connection between Braila and Braila Great Island in which 4 placements were analyzed: • A placement - situated in the Northern part of Braila Municipality, downstream the area of the actual point of crossing by ferry from Vadul Ghecetului to Smirdan; • Bplacement - situated in the central part of Braila Municipality, in the Stanca Factory area at the downstream end of AKER Shipyard; • C placement - situated in the Southern part of Braila Municipality, in the area of Chiscani - Tichilesti localities; • D placement - situated in the Southern limit of Braila Municipality, in front of the crossing point of the bypass road with National Road 21, at the limit of the Municipality; b) Feasibility Study from 1996 - Bridge across the Danube in Braila, which was based on the study elaborated in 1986 and where 3 placements were analyzed: - A placement – from 1986 - D placement - from 1986 - E placement - downstream Braila Municipality where the route follows the present National Road 2B Braila-Galati, separates from it after the Northern limit of Brailita district and crosses the Danube in the area of 165 kilometer + 800 and enters in the National Road 22 Braila-Tulcea in the North of Jijila Locality. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  43. Bridge characteristics: Viaduct of left bank access l1 =660 meters Main suspended bridge l2 =1520 meters Viaduct of right bank access l3 =360 meters Total length Lt=l1+l2+l3= 2540 meters Bridge width = 23,40 meters c) Feasibility Study from 1997 - Bridge across the Danube in Braila, an updating of the study elaborated in 1996 in order to be included in the Arrangement Plan of the County Territory Braila; d) The study from 2001 - the construction of a new bridge across the Danube in Braila area, elaborated by JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization), in cooperation with S.C.IPTANA - S.A. Bucharest, in order to obtain a loan from Japan. e) Feasibility Study from 2003 - the construction of the suspended bridge across the Danube in Braila area , elaborated by S.C. IPTANA - S.A. Bucharest, on E placement, built after the Romanian regulations, on the basis of the Japanese study. There was selected the E placement of the feasibility studyelaborated in 2003by S.C. IPTANA - S.A. Bucharest, for which were obtained the following accords and approvals: - Urbanism Certificates of Braila and Tulcea County Councils; - The Approvals of Braila, Macin, Vadeni, Smirdan and Jijila Townhall; - The approval of National Ministry of Defense - General Staff; - The approval of Ministry of Internal Affairs - the Department of Logistics; - The Approval of Romanian Enquiry Department; - The utilities owners Approval of S.C. Electrica S.A., Oil National Society - Petrom S.A., S.C.Petrotrans S.A., Romtelecom, National Company for Transport – Transelectrica, R A Apa Braila; - The approval of General Department of Maritime Transport on the Danube and Waterways within the Ministry of Transports, Constructions and Tourism; - The Approval of Technical-Economic Board of National Administration of Roads; - The Approval of Technical-Economic Board of Ministry of Transports, Constructions and Tourism; - The Approval of Interministerial Board of Endorsement the Public Works of National Interest and Dwellings; Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  44. The placement area of the bridge across the Danube 2). At the same time, there are foreseen the new industrial parks : Chiscani Chemical Enterprise, the Sugar Factory from Ianca, Faurei Industrial Area. 3). Another project is represented by the commercial use of the Ianca helicoport, in order to keep the airport in a good state Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  45. Ianca Airport • Ianca Airport is situated in the S-SV part of Braila County at a distance of 50 km from Braila County residence, on the DN 2B, km. 61. It is equidistant in comparison with the localities from the border counties, Galati, Buzau, Ialomita. By the modernization of Ianca Airport infrastructure with a length of 2.500 meters, a width of 80 meters and the concrete track, it is intended to facilitate the commercial traffic of passengers and cargo. The airport disposes of its own railway with grade for cargo which derives from line CF 700 Galati - Faurei, Dedulesti station placed at 10 km, at 2 km from the DN 2B, at 53 km from DN2. The social-economic development of Braila County and the border localities, the fact that in 2007 our country will be a member of the European Union, determine us to take action regarding the airport infrastructure that may become the air gate of the East limit of EU assuring possibilities of economic and tourist exchanges. The financial support is necessary for the bringing of Ianca Airport according to the regulations of the International Organization of Civil Aviation by building the following: • modern airport building; • the rehabilitation of take off - landing track of the runways and the track lengthening with 1.000 meters x 80 meters width; • the achievement of new platforms of: the airship parking; passengers traffic; cargo traffic; airships repairing; auto, etc. • the rehabilitation and the construction of buildings specific to airport such as: watch tower; passengers terminal ; cargo terminal; electric plant; hangars for the ships maintenance and the repairing; remises for ambulances, airport maintenance, airships defrosting and others fuel deposit • constructions and endowments for related services for attending passengers and cargo traffic; • the endowment with constructions and equipment for the processing and recycling the airport waste ; • the arrangement of surroundings and greenswards. The estimative budget: 140.000.000 Euros. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  46. Modernization and development • of Blasova Holiday Resort • By the Decision of Government nr. 2118/ 9.12.2004, it was approved the transfer of the surface of 309.87 ha from the public domain of state and from the administration of State Domain Agency, and also the transfer of the surface of 375.00 ha that constitutes Blasova lake which belongs to the patrimony of “Romanian Waters” National Administration, in the public domain of Braila County and Braila County Council. Situated in Insula Mare of Braila, Blasova Area admits the producing and development of additional activities: tourism, non polluting service, sports and pleasure and also the integration in the system of protection and following the flow of the Danube, from springs till the pouring out into the Black Sea. Braila County Council promotes this area in the national circuit as having a special tourist potential and great interest for the investors, aiming the sustainable development of the adjacent settlements and territories. Analyzing the conditions that the lake disposes of, we consider that it may be included in the economic and tourist circuit of Braila County, having the following purposes: fish breeding in natural environment; ► sports fishing; ► nautical pleasure; ► hunting. • The land will be divided in lots of 1000 square meters, which will not be granted, and from the due obtained from the grants payment, Braila County Council will retrieve the expenses made with the mentioned endowments • PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The unicity of the proposed area consists in the natural beauty generated by the existence of a meandre lake with the specific flora and fauna. Although, Blasova lake and surroundings (Blasova hill) have natural potential for the developing of the fishing, hunting and nautical sports activities (especially canoeing). The project will answer to the following identified needs: - high degradation of the access road ; - old and low capacity urban infrastructure ; - lack of the arrangements and modern endowments for fishing and nautical sports . The projects idea is based on the fact that the surrounding area of the Zaton lake (684,87 hectares) has been passed in the public propriety of the Braila County Council by HG 2118/9.12.2004, so now is possible to rehabilitate the infrastructure. • THE DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: Purpose: Increasing the number of local and foreign tourists, through the development and equilibration of the tourism infrastructure in Blasova resort area. Objectives: the development of the Braila touristic potential, based on the existent natural resources, through the environment conservation ; the development of the integrated complementary activities generated by the lake area (tourism, unpolluting services, sports and recreation ) ; employment, improvement and diversification of the labor on specific domains; achieving of the generating profit centers in order to contribute for the ulterior development ; integration in the protection and monitoring system for the Danube course from the mint through the flowing into the Black Sea. achievement of the access infrastructure and the of the utilities network (access roads 9 km, ) on the route DC 59, access roads in the interior of the resort, alleys, water supply system, sewage, electrical power, communications putting of the fishing pontoons; • landing fittings; • camping platform arranging and recreation area. • EXPECTED RESULTS: The project is oriented on developing the touristic component of Braila’s economy and also on the regional component. Various recreation possibilities - sports and fishing activities, could stimulate and attract various economic agents with tourism connected activities. Regarding the nautical sports, on Blasova Lake could be organized national and international contests, lake’s length being optimal for such manifestations. The investments achieved through the project would lead to the introduction of this area in the regional and national touristic circuit. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  47. The development of the natural potential • of Zaton Lake (Braila Big Island) • By the Decision of Government nr. 2158/ 9.12.2004, it was approved the transfer of Zaton lake with a surface of 450 ha from the public domain of state and patrimony of “Romanian Waters” National Administration, in the public domain of Braila County. The productive use of Zaton lake resources, situated in Braila Big Island , on the territory of Frecatei village, will have as results: the increase of the area potential by the preservation and keeping the natural patrimony; the development of additional activities such as: fish breeding in natural environment, sportsmen’ training and progress at national level, sailing competitions, sports fishing, hunting; the engagement, progress and diversification of labor force on specific domain (the setting up of new jobs and the consolidation of the existent labor force in the area). The necessary investments for the introduction in the economic and tourist circuit of Zaton lake imply: • the population of the lake with saplings of fish from the species of crap, female cornel, and crucial; • the construction of a fish storage and a structure for tourists with accommodations and meals; • the achievement of some boats made of spun glass for fishing, nautical pleasure and hunting. • PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The unicity of the proposed area consists in the natural beauty generated by the existance of a meandre lake with the specific flora and fauna. The project will answer to the following identified needs: - inexistance of a proper access way; - inexistance of the urban water supply networks, electrical power and - inexistance of the specific establishments for a resort - lack of the area promotion. • Now, Zaton lake is used for fishing, only by the local habitants. • THE DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: • Purpose: The developing of the recreation and sports activities, the equilibration of the tourism infrastructure in Zaton lake area. • Objectives: • - the development of the Braila touristic potential, based on the existent natural resources, through the environment conservation ; • - the development of the integrated complementary activities generated by the lake area (tourism, unpolluting services, sports and recreation ); • - employment, improvement and diversification of the labor on specific domains; • - integration in the protection and monitoring system for the Danube course from the mint through the flowing into the Black Sea. • Expected results: • - achievement of the access infrastructure and the of the utilities network (access roads 11 km, ) on the route DC 62, access roads in the interior of the resort, alleys, water supply system, sewage, electrical power, communications. • - putting of the fishing pontoons; • - landing fittings • - camping platform arranging. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  48. Modernization of “CAINENI BAI” Salt Lake DOMAIN: 1. The improvement of the regional and local public infrastructure 2. Helping the diversification of the local and regional 3. Developing of the local and regional tourism 4. Endorsing the urban regeneration PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Balneary component of the resort addresses directly the health domain and different kinds of recreation could stimulate and attract different economic agents with tourism connected activities: commerce, transports, telecommunications. The investments achieved through the project will lead to the development of the tourism activity in Braila county and South-East Region, increasing the Romanian tourists interest for this touristic area. THE DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: The projects purpose is higher valorification of the touristic and therapeutically potential represented by the salt water and mud of the lake, those therapeutically qualities being similar with the ones of the Lacu Sarat Braila. The project proposes: - touristic area delimitation; - arrangement of a cold swimming pool made of one beach are and two solars; - arrangement of appreciatively 20 small houses with 2-4 beds each ; - achievement of a P+1 construction for the balneary complex with : treatment base, housing spaces, public alimentation EXPECTED RESULTS: The project implementation will lead to the developing of the tourism infrastructure in accordance with European standards and to the resort integration into the national recreation and balneary circuit.. ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT IMPACT: The project is oriented on developing the touristic component of the area, through the conservation of the natural resources. Although, will involve the developing of the environment survey system. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  49. Modernization of “MOVILA MIRESII” Salt Lake Arranging the lake in the tourist purpose represents the main subject of a project begun from 1997, but the works were started and unfinished. The idea should be reconsidered and put into practise because of the following reasons: the characteristics of the mud and water of the lake (proved by the repeated chemical analyses) related to the big amount of chlorides and sulphurs, recommended for the treatment of the following diseases: locomotor affections ( degenerative swollen rheumatism, post-traumatic affections), neurological affections (affections of the peripheral nervous system such as sciatica, neuritis, paresis), dermatological , gynaecological, ophthalmologycal affections, diseases of the respiratory and endocrine apparatus , occupational diseases ; local advantages : employment, local development, creating pleasure and treatment place for the inhabitants of Braila county , protecting the environment that has already been affected because the garbage put on one bank of the lake; national advantages: a tourist halting place, but also a treatment place for the persons who are on the National Way Braila –Ramnicu Sarat; the special therapeutic benefits of the salt water and mud that surpass the ones from Lacu Sarat and Techirghiol Lake, from the point of view of the salt concentration. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Balneary component of the resort addresses directly the health domain and different kinds of recreation could stimulate and attract different economic agents with tourism connected activities: commerce, transports, telecommunications. The investments achieved through the project will lead to the development of the tourism activity in Braila county and South-East Region, increasing the Romanian tourists interest for this touristic area. THE DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: The projects purpose is higher valorification of the touristic and therapeutic potential represented by the salt water of the lake, lake with the highest mineralization degree from the country. The project proposes: - touristic area delimitation; - arrangement of a cold swimming pool made of one beach are and two solars; - arrangement of approximatively 20 small houses with 2-4 beds each ; - achievement of a P+1 construction for the balneary complex with : treatment base, housing spaces, public alimentation EXPECTED RESULTS: The project implementation will lead to the developing of the tourism infrastructure in accordance with European standards and to the resort integration into the national recreation and balneary circuit. ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT IMPACT: The project is oriented on developing the touristic component of Braila’s economy and also on the regional component .Although, will involve the developing of the environment survey system. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

  50. The development of the tourist danubian potential in the area Braila – Galati - Tulcea The project intends to work out a problem, grasped by most people that visited Braila, which is the lack of some endowments specific for the passing and pleasure tourism that should emphasize the tourist potential of Braila- Galati- Tulcea area. The purpose of this project is the establishment, through a collective action for the three involved counties: Braila, Galati and Tulcea, of a chain of motels placed near the Danube River, with direct access from the Danube and the possibility of passing in Ukraine. The motels are to be placed so that they can be reached to, using one of the main roads from the three counties. The proposed objectives occupy a surface of 1,2 ha (the built spaces occupy 1200 square meters and the arranged spaces 10.800 square meters) and have an average capacity of 40-45 accommodations, with rooms of 2-3 beds, public food services and arrangements for nautical and pleasure sports. Direct access to Danube is foreseen- including to the Danube Delta- and to the zones of major interest. The investment functions in four buildings and made-up spaces which contain: pleasure areas, a swimming pool, parking places, alleys, forecourt etc. Consiliul Judetean Braila Directia Strategii, Integrare Europeana, Relatii Internationale

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