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Production Analysis and Compensation Policy. Chapter 8. Chapter 8 OVERVIEW . Production FunctionsTotal, Marginal, and Average ProductLaw of Diminishing Returns to a FactorInput Combination ChoiceMarginal Revenue Product and Optimal EmploymentOptimal Combination of Multiple InputsOptimal Levels of Multiple InputsReturns to ScaleProduction Function EstimationProductivity Measurement.
Mark Hirschey
2. Production Analysis and Compensation Policy Chapter 8
3. Chapter 8OVERVIEW Production Functions
Total, Marginal, and Average Product
Law of Diminishing Returns to a Factor
Input Combination Choice
Marginal Revenue Product and Optimal Employment
Optimal Combination of Multiple Inputs
Optimal Levels of Multiple Inputs
Returns to Scale
Production Function Estimation
Productivity Measurement
4. Chapter 8 KEY CONCEPTS production function
discrete production function
continuous production function
returns to scale
returns to a factor
total product
marginal product
average product
law of diminishing returns
technical efficiency
input substitution
marginal rate of technical
ridge lines
marginal revenue product
economic efficiency
net marginal revenue
isocost curve (or budget line)
constant returns to scale
expansion path
increasing returns to scale
decreasing returns to scale
output elasticity
power production function
productivity growth
labor productivity
multifactor productivity
5. Production Functions Properties of Production Functions
Production functions are determined by technology, equipment and input prices.
Discrete production functions are lumpy.
Continuous production functions employ inputs in small increments.
7. Returns to Scale and Returns to a Factor Returns to scale measure output effect of increasing all inputs.
Returns to a factor measure output effect of increasing one input.
8. Total, Marginal, and Average Product Total Product
Total product is total output.
10. Marginal Product Marginal product is the change in output caused by increasing input use.
If MPX=?Q/?X> 0, total product is rising.
If MPX=?Q/?X< 0, total product is falling (rare).
Average product
12. Law of Diminishing Returns to a Factor Diminishing Returns to a Factor Concept
MPX tends to diminish as X use grows.
If MPX grew with use of X, there would be no limit to input usage.
MPX< 0 implies irrational input use (rare).
Illustration of Diminishing Returns to a Factor
15. Input Combination Choice Production Isoquants
Technical efficiency is least-cost production.
Input Factor Substitution
Isoquant shape shows input substitutability.
C-shaped isoquants are common and imply imperfect substitutability.
17. Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution MRTSXY=-MPX/MPY
Rational Limits of Input Substitution
MPX<0 or MPY<0 are never observed.
19. Marginal Revenue Product and Optimal Employment Marginal Revenue Product
MRPL is the revenue gain after all variable costs except labor costs.
Optimal Level of a Single Input
Set MRPL=PL to get optimal employment.
Illustration of Optimal Employment
20. Optimal Combination of Multiple Inputs Budget Lines
Least-cost production occurs when MPX/PX = MPY/PY and PX/PY = MPX/MPY
Expansion Path
Shows efficient input combinations as output grows.
Illustration of Optimal Input Proportions
Input proportions are optimal when no additional output could be produce for the same cost.
Optimal input proportions is a necessary but not sufficient condition for profit maximization.
22. Optimal Levels of Multiple Inputs Optimal Employment and Profit Maximization
Profits are maximized when MRPX = PX for all inputs.
Profit maximization requires optimal input proportions plus an optimal level of output.
Illustration of Optimal Levels of Multiple Inputs
23. Returns to Scale Evaluating Returns to Scale
Returns to scale show the output effect of increasing all inputs.
Output Elasticity and Returns to Scale
Output elasticity is eQ = ?Q/Q ÷ ?Xi/Xi where Xi is all inputs (labor, capital, etc.)
eQ > 1 implies increasing returns.
eQ = 1 implies constant returns.
eQ < 1 implies decreasing returns.
Returns to Scale Estimation
25. Production Function Estimation Cubic Production Functions
Display variable returns to scale.
First increasing, then decreasing returns are common.
Power Production Functions
Allow marginal productivity of each input to vary with employment of all inputs.
26. Productivity Measurement How Is Productivity Measured?
Productivity measurement is the responsibility of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (since 1800s).
Productivity growth is the rate of change in output per unit of input.
Labor productivity is the change in output per worker hour.
Uses and Limitations of Productivity Data
Quality changes make productivity measurement difficult.