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WASH Cluster. Update as of: 9 March 2011. Relief/Response Activities. Relief/Response Activities. Overall Situation Analysis and Needs*. Out of 7,254,355 affected population 1,829,479 were settled in 4,632 relief camps
WASH Cluster Update as of: 9 March 2011
Relief/Response Activities Overall Situation Analysis and Needs* • Out of 7,254,355 affected population 1,829,479 were settled in 4,632 relief camps • As water has receded, 1,721,463 (94%) people have moved back to their places of origin • 100,016 (6%) people in 84 remaining camps • Over 50% of the people remaining in relief camps are in Larkana (28,000) and Jamsoro (25,000) • Although WASH cluster members have started focusing on early recovery activities in the areas of return, Emergency WASH response is continued in the remaining camps (*statistics derived from PDMA report dated 11 Feb 2011)
Relief/Response Activities Overall Situation Analysis and Needs
Relief/Response Activities Provision Source: WASH Cluster Information Management (based on Data collected from WASH Cluster Partners till 04/03/2011, & PDMA Update 11/02/2011
Relief/Response Activities Cluster’s ResponseCompleted and ongoing activities • The slides above represent PermanentSolutions only, this includes: • Hand pumps installed/ repaired • Rehabilitation of Drinking Water Supply Schemes; • Dry Pit Latrine; Flush/ Pour Flush latrines • Hygiene Promotion campaigns & trainings; • NFI distribution including Family Hygiene Kits. • Temporary WASH interventions included: • Water trucking; Mass chlorination of water sources • Distribution of water purification tablets for HH • Trench latrines/ managed open defecation fields • Soap and WASH NFI distribution
Relief/Response Activities Overall Gap in Sindh Province • 100,000 people remaining in 84 camps will continue to have WASH needs till they return their places of origin • People returning to their places of origin need to have access to minimum WASH services till early recovery interventions expand to all worst affected UCs
Relief/Response Activities Future Plans/Planned Activities • Emergency response will continue only in priority districts • Continued WASH activities in camps in accordance with Government Strategy regarding the closure of camps. • Water trucking will continue only where it is absolutely necessary and phase out slowly replacing it with permanent solutions such as hand pumps. • Hygiene promotion and distribution of the WASH NFIs will continue as needed
Early Recovery Activities Cluster’s Early Recovery Strategy • WASH cluster will promote community participatory approach in supporting returnees at place of origin through: • Construction and rehabilitation of water supply systems; • Sanitation provision; • Hygiene promotion; • Provision of NFI’s / HH water treatment. • Design and implementation of WASH activities will incorporate cross cutting issues: • Community participation • Gender mainstreaming • Environment safeguard • Disaster risk reduction
WASH Early Recovery Objectives • Strengthen WASH service provisionto ensure that flood affected people will gain equitable (for vulnerable, children and women) and sustainable access to clean drinking water; sanitation and improved hygiene practices • Minimize the risk of water contaminationby enhancing water source protection measures and support solid and liquid waste management efforts • Promote community participatory approachin the water and sanitation sector, involving beneficiaries throughout the cycle from designing, implementation, and monitoring to operation and maintaining of water supply and sanitation services
WASH Strategic Objectives • Include disaster resilient concepts and technologiesin designing and construction of water supply and sanitation infrastructures in the flood affected areas • Support inter-sector collaborationand improve coordination among the stakeholders to maximize the impacts of water and sanitation interventions • Ensure gender mainstreaming and environmental safeguardingwhile designing the WASH activities
Early Recovery Activities Overall Situation Analysis and Needs • Permanent WASH solutions at the village level are required and the majority of agencies are working towards delivery of these services. • Some camps are still open and while WASH facilities have been established they require on-going management at these locations.
Early Recovery Activities Provision • Equitable and sustainable access to safe water used for domestic purposes including, drinking, cooking, cleaning and other domestic uses will remain a priority objective for WASH cluster during the early recovery phase. • Sanitation is one of the basic necessities which contribute to human dignity and quality of life. Sanitation intervention during the early recovery phase will aim at achieving cleanliness, hygiene, collection and environment friendly disposal of liquid and solid waste in the flood affected areas in the Southern Sindh. • WASH Cluster strategy treats hygiene promotion as an integral part of water and sanitation service provision, without which the water and sanitation infrastructure is not sufficient to achieve the health related WASH objectives. Hygiene promotion is therefore is a priority intervention in the early recovery phase.
Early Recovery Activities Provision Source: WASH Cluster Information Management (based on Data collected from WASH Cluster Partners till 04/03/2011, & PDMA Update 11/02/2011
Early Recovery Activities Cluster’s ResponseCompleted and ongoing activities • Agencies are continuing to work on permanent WASH solutions at the village level, or place of origin. • On-going management and coordination between actors in WASH is required to minimise overlapping of activities, especially of organisinations providing the complete WASH package.
Source: WASH Cluster Information Management (based on Data collected from WASH Cluster Partners till 04/03/2011, & PDMA Update 11/02/2011
Source: WASH Cluster Information Management (based on Data collected from WASH Cluster Partners till 04/03/2011, & PDMA Update 11/02/2011
Source: WASH Cluster Information Management (based on Data collected from WASH Cluster Partners till 04/03/2011, & PDMA Update 11/02/2011
Source: WASH Cluster Information Management (based on Data collected from WASH Cluster Partners till 04/03/2011, & PDMA Update 11/02/2011
Relief/Response Activities Overall Situation Analysis and Needs
Early Recovery Activities Future Plans/Planned Activities • On-going implementation of permanent WASH solutions at the village level according to WASH early recovery strategy. • Contingency planning for the upcoming monsoon.
Critical Issues (if any) • Leadership from government regarding setting or changing dates for the closure of camps. • Need to strengthen inter-sectoral coordination to ensure positive impact
Thank You Shukaria