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Marie Doutriaux-Boucher

Sustained, Co- Ordinated Processing of Environmental Satellite Data for Climate Monitoring ( SCOPE-CM). Marie Doutriaux-Boucher. SCOPE-CM Background.

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Marie Doutriaux-Boucher

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  1. Sustained, Co-Ordinated Processing of Environmental Satellite Data for Climate Monitoring (SCOPE-CM) Marie Doutriaux-Boucher

  2. SCOPE-CM Background • The aim of the Sustained, Co-Ordinated Processing of Environmental Satellite Data for Climate Monitoring (SCOPE-CM) is to enable a network of facilities ensuring continuous and sustained provision of high-quality data records for climate monitoring. • The foundation of SCOPE-CM is the network of relevant space agencies and other organisations (including GSICS) with the aim to develop, extend and preserve the capabilities and skills of generating and re-generating Climate Data Records.

  3. End-to-end System View for the Exploitation of Satellite Observationsfor Climate Monitoring GSCIS and SCOPE-CM activities are part of the CGMS High-Level Priority Plan on Advancing the architecture for space based monitoring enabling the use of satellite data produced by WIGOS. CDR is defined as a time series of measurements of sufficient length, consistency, and continuity to determine climate variability and change. TCDR = geophysical variables derived from the FCDR that can be understood as a satellite product associated with an ECV FCDR = a homogeneous long-term dataset of radiances or BT encompassing different sensors and platform with spatial and temporal overlaps.

  4. WMO’s SCOPE-CM initiative • SCOPE-CM performs specific activities for the sustained generation of CDR (addressing GCOS requirement) through a coordinated network exploiting already available infrastructures and activities for cost effectiveness. • Current Participants of the SCOPE-CM Network: • Operational Satellite operators: • NOAA, JMA, CMA, EUMETSAT • Stakeholder: • WMO Space Programme, GCOS, CEOS, GEO, CGMS/GSICS, WCRP/GEWEX, ESA (observer) • The all network is guided by SCOPE-CM executive panel and the coordination is a task of the SCOPE-CM secretariat (EUMETSAT).

  5. Phase 1 The primary activities accomplished in Phase 1 of SCOPE-CM include: • Establishing the initial network and structure • Agreeing on principles and standards • Establishing the first pilot projects on selected subjects • Assessing current capabilities • Establishing feedback mechanisms with users

  6. Example: Global surface albedo • All participating center apply the same algorithm (EUMETSAT/JRC) to produce a global Surface Albedo product. • This is a good example of a collaborative, distributed processing of high volume Geostationary data at operational centers.

  7. SCOPE-CM CDR Life cycle based on the maturity matrix Goal of SCOPE CM = to advance a specific CDR generation capability to a higher maturity. The CDR life cycle is iterative, with improved understanding and utility as maturity increases SCOPE-CM Project: Elevating a CDR generation capability to a higher maturity Each cycle is a processing exercise

  8. Maturity Matrix Concept Has the uncertainty of the data been systematically assessed? Are data well used and user feedbacks taken care of? Is the software robust and maintainable? Are the data and methods well documented?

  9. Phase 2: Sustained Production of Climate Data Records http://www.scope-cm.org Objectives: • Establish a systematic approach to increase the sustainability (maturity) of CDR generation capabilities; • Establish structures for sustainable generation of Fundamental and Thematic CDRs. Mechanisms: • Projects generate SCOPE-CM CDR products; • Increased coverage of products in terms of ECVs, time and spatial dimension; • Extension of the network to additional partners. Benefits for space agencies (and associated institutes): • Ensures their role in the field of climate data stewardship; • Improves their capacity to deliver data services for Global and Regional Climate Services; • Improves their capacity to serve the scientific community.

  10. SCOPE-CM Phase-2 Projects and Partnerships SCOPE-CM phase-2 projects’ partners

  11. Project Interactions SCM-01 UTH SAF GSICS SCM-02 Albedo from polar orbiting CF SAF CF SCM-03 Land surface albedo from GEO SCM-04 Monsoon SCM-05 AVHRR FCDR SAF CF SAF SCM-06 Inter-calibration of GEO imagers SCM-07 LWP and RWP in GPM era SAF SCM-08 Radio occultation CF SAF SCM-09 ISCCP SCM-10 AMV/CSR/ASR CF

  12. Global Data Records from Geostationary Orbit GEO satellite data that will be used in CDR production within SCOPE-CM (radiance records, land surface albedo, AMVs, CSR, FTH, ...). SCM-03

  13. SCOPE-CM – an example, the IOGEO project – Major objective Generation of calibrated and quality controlled FCDR from geostationary data. FCDR composition VIS, IR and WV channels Method Inter-satellite methodology developed by GSICS: For thermal IR data from IASI, AIRS and HIRS will be used.For VIS, use Deep Convective Clouds. Team composition EUMETSAT, EUMETSAT CM-SAF, JMA, NOAA’s NCDC/STAR, CMA NSMC, IMD (?) Dr. Peng Zhang and Xiuquing Hu from CMA will participate to the IOGEO project.

  14. Status DWD: FTH geo-ring (example) One entity (SAF) -> production of an entire record

  15. Conclusions • SCOPE-CM has successfully completed Phase 1 with Pilot Projects and implemented algorithms at different operational processing centres for climate; • SCOPE-CM has successfully implemented Phase 2 with 10 new projects; • New projects sees much more participation from research organisations and users; • Best practises, e.g. on algorithm implementation at different operational processing centres for climate are continued and extended within the projects; • Project plans are realistic under the boundary condition of no extra funding and demonstrate added value through SCOPE-CM coordination; • Relations to GSICS evolve in much stronger way by adopting responsibility for FCDRs in SCOPE-CM; • The use of the updated Maturity Matrix approach is used to monitor progress in the sustainment of the CDR production systems and communicates this to users; • SCOPE-CM welcomes additional participation during Phase 2 in any existing or new project to further support and sustain global production of CDRs.

  16. Thank You

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