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One of These Things is Not Like the Other. Cat, Dog, Lion, Gerbil, Hamster. Paper, Pencils, Pens, Crayons, Markers. rain, snow, sleet, sun. bag, jar, glue, box. Stove, Table, Chair, Sofa, Sink. hammer, staple, saw, drill. dirt, tree, flower, grass. sun, stove, refrigerator, fire.
What do you care the most about when it comes to your self-image? • Your looks • Your grades • Other accomplishments • If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? • Does the media have an effect on the way you feel about yourself? If so, how?
Insert “Dove Evolution” video here.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYhCn0jf46U • How does this video make you feel?
Psalm 139:13-16 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. • What words or phrases stand-out to you? • How do these verses apply to you?
Do you see yourself as wonderfully made? Why or why not? • If not, what do you think it would take to see yourself this way?
You are wonderfully made… • You are loved by God – there is nothing you can do to make God stop loving you – what is one blessing that you have that shows you God loves you? • You are a unique creation of God – made in His image - how are you unique? • You are valuable – you were bought with a great price - what does this mean? • You are gifted by God with special talents and abilities for a purpose – in what way or ways are you gifted?
Crazy Beautiful - Chasen Everybody’s been there everyone’s the same but mostly we don’t care isn’t that a shameWe bring us down face after face the inside is beautiful but the outside we want to change. We want to change. Whoa you’re oh so beautiful, you don’t need anyone’s approval You’ve got to believe in your self you know you are You’re crazy beautiful There's no need to changeWe're different but the sameIn the eyes of the KingWe're beautifully madeIn his image we're made Whoa you’re oh so beautiful, you don’t need anyone’s approval You’ve got to believe in your self you know you are You’re crazy beautiful Take a look it’s all around you See the world from different views The way you shine from the inside I know with out a doubt It’s more than what you’ll be In the world’s eyes. Whoa you’re oh so beautiful, you don’t need anyone’s approval You’ve got to believe in your self you know you are You’re crazy beautiful
Turn to your neighbor and say, “You are crazy beautiful!”