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안양대학교 해양생명공학과. 전공영어. Marine Biotechnology: A New Vision and Strategy for Europe. 2.4 Technological advances in bio-engineering beneficial to the development of Marine Biotechnology. 2.4.4 Fish culture in recirculating aquaculture systems.

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  1. 안양대학교 해양생명공학과 전공영어 Marine Biotechnology: A New Vision and Strategy for Europe 2.4 Technological advances in bio-engineering beneficial to the development of Marine Biotechnology

  2. 2.4.4 Fish culture in recirculating aquaculture systems • In Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS), seafood production is combined with water purification to maintain a healthy culture environment. (백성규) recirculate: 재순환하다 purification: 정화

  3. 2.4.4 Fish culture in recirculating aquaculture systems • RAS refers to the process of re-using some (or all) of the water in a fish culture facility, for example, by circulating it through filters to remove fish waste and food and then recirculating it back into the tanks. (손상준) refers to: 의미하다 culture facility: 양식시설

  4. 2.4.4 Fish culture in recirculating aquaculture systems • The technology reduces rates of water consumption, improves opportunities for waste management and nutrient recycling, allows for disease and hygiene management, reduces potential wildlife interactions (no escapees), and minimizes the visual impact of farms. (송선화) consumption: 소비 hygiene: 위생 visual: 시각적인

  5. 2.4.4 Fish culture in recirculating aquaculture systems • In addition, the application of RAS technology enables the production of a diverse range of (also exotic) seafood products in close proximity to (urban) markets, thereby reducing CO2 emissions associated with food transport. (심애영) diverse: 다양한 exotic: 이국적인 proximity: 근접 urban market: 도시 시장

  6. 2.4.4 Fish culture in recirculating aquaculture systems • RAS are advanced and complex aquaculture systems with technology that relies on both physical and biological processes. (오희균) rely on: -에 의존하다

  7. 2.4.4 Fish culture in recirculating aquaculture systems • The biological processes are primarily microbial and therefore can benefit from advances in marine microbial ecology. (윤서연) primarily: 일차적으로 marine microbial ecology: 해양 미생물 생태학

  8. 2.4.4 Fish culture in recirculating aquaculture systems • There is also potential to integratemicroalgal systems into recirculating aquaculture systems and further downstream in the management of fish processing outflows. (윤수한) integrate: 통합하다 downstream: 하부로 내려가다 outflow: 유출량, 생산량

  9. 2.4.4 Fish culture in recirculating aquaculture systems • Although small, the European RAS industry has a 25 year commercial history placing it ahead of the US and Japan both in terms of size and scope. (이국범) scope: 영역, 시야

  10. 2.4.4 Fish culture in recirculating aquaculture systems • To maintain this competitive advantage, the industry should focus on: • Minimizing the ecological impact of fish farming by closing the system, where possible, in terms of water and nutrient use; • Maintaining top quality organisms in quality systems; • Producing healthy and safe seafood products. (이권우) competitive: 경쟁적인 ecological impact: 생태적 충격, 생태적 피해 quality systems: 품질시스템

  11. 2.4.4 Fish culture in recirculating aquaculture systems • RAS outcompetes any other mode of animal food production in terms of consumption of water and discharge of nutrients to the environment. (이선진) outcompete: 능가하다 mode: 방식 discharge: 배출

  12. 2.4.4 Fish culture in recirculating aquaculture systems • Important research challenges include fine tuning the quality of the wastes produced and maximizing waste removal efficiency in biofilters while minimizing discharge to the outside environment. (이송) research challenge: 연구과제 fine tuning: 미세한 조율 waste removal efficiency: 노폐물 제거 효율

  13. 2.4.4 Fish culture in recirculating aquaculture systems • This calls for the development of specific RAS feeds and feeding strategies paving the way to both reliable and efficient biofiltration and profitable production. (이주현) call for: 요구하다 pave: (도로를) 포장하다 reliable: 믿을만한 profitable: 이익이 남는

  14. 2.4.4 Fish culture in recirculating aquaculture systems • The welfare of culture animals in RAS can be closely monitored and controlled. (이혜민) welfare: 복지 monitor: 모니터하다, 감시하다

  15. 2.4.4 Fish culture in recirculating aquaculture systems • Important welfare related research topics in RAS include: (i) fish resilience to changes in water quality; (ii) the effect of accumulation of substances resistant to microbialbreakdown (e.g. humic acids) that might bind toxins, metals, steroids, etc.; (iii) poor flavor caused by stress; and (iv) welfare impacts in relation to the accumulation of bio-active compounds in combination with high culture densities. (장용찬) resilience: 레질리언스 accumulation: 축적 resistant: 저항하는 microbial breakdown: 미생물 분해

  16. 2.4.4 Fish culture in recirculating aquaculture systems • Our understanding of the ecology of microbial communities in RAS and its interaction with the microbiota in the food and gut of culture organisms is still poorly understood. (전수정) interaction: 상호작용 gut: 내장

  17. 2.4.4 Fish culture in recirculating aquaculture systems • In addition, microbiota present during larval development are highly variable, and are believed to influence larval viability and health. (정성우) larval development: 유생 발생 larval viability: 유생 생육가능성

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