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Missouri Death Penalty Charges by Race of Defendant and Race of Victim, 1978-1996

Missouri Death Penalty Charges by Race of Defendant and Race of Victim, 1978-1996. Crosstabs to Multivariate Regression. Research Question. What causes a capital defendant to get the death sentence?. Theory. Death sentence is caused by race of defendant

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Missouri Death Penalty Charges by Race of Defendant and Race of Victim, 1978-1996

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Missouri Death Penalty Charges by Race of Defendant and Race of Victim, 1978-1996 Crosstabs to Multivariate Regression

  2. Research Question • What causes a capital defendant to get the death sentence?

  3. Theory • Death sentence is caused by race of defendant • Death sentence is caused by race of victim

  4. Frequencies

  5. Death sentence Model + Race of Defendant + - Race of Victim

  6. Correlation syntax • corr death racedef racevic.

  7. Pearson r Correlation Table

  8. Death by Race of Defendant

  9. Regression syntax • regr vars = death racedef /depe = death/enter.

  10. Regression of Death Penalty on Race of Defendant

  11. Death By Victim Race

  12. Death By Victim Race

  13. Death by Defendant Race by Victim Race

  14. Previous Crosstab Simplifed:Percent Receiving Death Penalty

  15. Pearson r between Defendant Race and Death by Victim Race

  16. Histogram syntax • sort cases by racevic. • split file by racevic. • GRAPH /BAR(GROUPED)=PCT BY death BY racedef .

  17. Histograms White Victim Black Victim Race Defendant 100 100 White Black 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 Not death death Not death death death death

  18. Multivariate Death on Victim’s Race and Defendant’s Race

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