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Charity is no substitute for justice withheld. St. Augustine. U.S. Health System is Too Costly. We spend twice as much as other advanced countries Medical bills leading to personal bankruptcy Employee insurance costs threaten global competitiveness.
Charity is no substitute for justice withheld. St. Augustine
U.S. Health System is Too Costly • We spend twice as much as other advanced countries • Medical bills leading to personal bankruptcy • Employee insurance costs threaten global competitiveness
Health Care Spending per Capita in 2004 Adjusted for Differences in Cost of Living a a a Source: The Commonwealth Fund, calculated from OECD Health Data 2006. a2003
Americans Pay Twice: First, through our TAXES - Americans, including the uninsured, paid ~$1.2 TRILLIONin 2009 in government subsidies to: • insurance companies • HMOs • hospital chains • drug companies • the health industry.
Public Spending on Health Care per Capita in 2004* Total Public spending Divided by Total National Population Adjusted for Differences in the cost of Living
Americans Pay Twice:A Second time, as PATIENTS - Unlike taxpayers in other advanced nations, Americans then have to pay a second time for their health care. Americans spent $1.3 TRILLION in 2009, on top of what they paid in taxes, for; • care not covered by insurance • private insurance premiums • deductibles • co-payments • other direct payments.
Health Care Expenditure per Capita by Source of Funding in 2004 Adjusted for Differences in Cost of Living a b a a Source: The Commonwealth Fund, calculated from OECD Health Data 2006. a2003 b2002 (Out-of-Pocket)
U.S. Health System is of Poor Quality • Despite high quality of doctors and other health professionals, fragmentation of U.S. systems limits their ability to provide good care. • Up to 98,000 patient deaths annually due to system failures. (Institute of Medicine, 2000) • 18,000 preventable deaths each year among those who are uninsured, due to the inability to access effective, timely care. (Institute of Medicine, 2003)
U.S. Health System is UNJUST • 47 million Americans, most in working familieswhose taxes subsidize the health care system, have no insurance. • At least that many more are underinsured. They have insurance, but it doesn’t begin to cover their needs.
U.S. Health System is UNJUST The system perpetuates sharp racial disparities in health: • An African-American newborn has twice the chance of a white baby of dying before her first birthday. • Across the age spectrum, minority Americans have less access to needed health care. • Minority Americans live sicker and die younger.
U.S. Health System is UNJUST ALL Americans pay more and get less than people in other advanced nations.
The Status Quo is Unsustainable • The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) projects that the cost of Medicaid will double by 2019. • Health care inflation threatens the solvency of the Medicare trust funds. • Medical inflation, if not addressed, makes it all but impossible to reduce the national debt.
Every system is perfectly designed to achieve exactly the results it gets. • Dr. Donald Berwick • Founder, Institute for • Healthcare Improvement • Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Svcs.
A Century of Bipartisan Effort These problems are a century old, as are efforts to address them: That any sane nation, having observed that you could provide for the supply of bread by giving bakers a pecuniary interest in baking for you, should go on to give a surgeon a pecuniary interest in cutting off your leg, is enough to make one despair of political humanity,” George Bernard Shaw’s Preface to “Doctor’s Dilemma” (1906).
A Century of Bipartisan Effort • Lessons of the past century: • Real changes only occur when there is strong presidential leadership and control of Congress by the President’s party. • The parties’ rhetoric has been ideologically polarized, but they have often pursued similar policies in efforts to control cost and address gaps in coverage
ACA is MA Plan + • Same three legged stool – although subsidize up to 400% of poverty • But also adds financing • Reductions in Medicare overpayments • Tax on wealthiest families • And takes on cost control • Five innovative strategies provide a key first step towards tackling the cost problem
What Will ACA Do? Coverage 32 million more Americans (CBO) 15,000 persons each year will avoid death due to lack of insurance
Coverage for Those with Pre-Existing Conditions A Consumer-Friendly Marketplace Coverage Regardless of Workplace Limits on Out-of-Pocket Costs Subsidies for Middle-Income Families Accountability for Insurer Spending Protections against Losing Coverage Affordable Care Act- The Basics
Tax Credits for Small Businesses Addresses Health Disparities Coverage for Young Adults Coverage for Low-Income Families Help for American Indians and Alaska Natives Help for Seniors and People with Disabilities Help for People Who Need Long-Term Services Investment in Preventive Care The basics. Part 2
Coverage for Those with Pre-Existing Conditions
A Consumer- Friendly Marketplace
Coverage Regardless Of Your Workplace
Limits on Out-of- Pocket Costs
Subsidies for Middle-Income Families
Accountability For Insurer Spending
Protection Against Losing Coverage
Tax Credits For Small Businesses
Coverage For Young Adults
Coverage for Low-Income Families
Help for Seniors and People with Disabilities
Repeal Undoes it All • Poorer health, more deaths • Unfair, expensive insurance market that leads to economic instability and medical bankruptcy • A less efficient job market where individuals lack the freedom to change jobs • Continued free-riding by those who pass billions of dollars in care costs onto the insured • A massive decline in private insurance coverage • Huge and unsustainable increases in budget deficits reaching the trillions of dollars over coming decades
This is our best hope for our community • There is no proposal now on the table that covers even 10% as many persons as ACA
For more information: • On America’s health care system and how it measures up: • www.commonwealthfund.org • www.kff.org - Atul Gawande, “The Hot Spotters:Can we lower medical costs by giving the neediest patients better care? The New Yorker, 1-24-11 http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/01/24/110124fa_fact_gawande?currentPage=all Talk to the public about health reform, look to the Herndon Alliance to learn which messages work and don’t work: http://herndonalliance.org/table/resources/
"For me, an area of moral clarity is: you're in front of someone who's suffering and you have the tools at your disposal to alleviate that suffering or even ehttp://www.facebook.com/tnjustice?v=box_3&ref=nfradicate it, and you act. " -Paul Farmer, founder of Partners in Health and 2009 recipient of the Dietrich Bonheoffer award.
Gordon Bonnymangbonnyman@tnjustice.orgMichele Johnsonmjohnson@tnjustice.orgwww.tnjustice.org615-255-0331http://www.facebook.com/tnjustice?v=box_3&ref=nf