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Post-19 Further Education and Skills Organisation Landscape and the role and creation of the Skills Funding Agency. December 2008. 1.
Post-19 Further Education and Skills Organisation Landscape and the role and creation of the Skills Funding Agency • December 2008 1
Context and ChallengePolicy Led - response to 07 Machinery of Government announcements and the White Paper:-Raising Expectations: Enabling the system to deliver tackling education and skills challengesby:-giving Local Authorities the leadership for delivering new entitlements for all young people in parallel to their Connexions and integrated youth services roles-streamlining the adult skills system to better support World-Class Skills and make faster progress on delivering a demand led system and achieve our 2020 skills ambitions The change will benefit learners and employers Funding in the hands of learners and employers (demand led system) Streamlined and integrated service for employers Integrated advice and guidance services for learners More young people and adults with the skills employers need Coherent offer for all young people 2
Understand market Set objectives Set regulatory framework Operate Assess performance UK Employment and Skills Commission Sector Skills Council Skills Forecasting Ofqual Determining the qualifications on offer Regulating the offer DIUS Skills Funding Agency Colleges and Providers Policy Investment strategy Funding andSettlement Advice Demand-side focus Funding Via DCSF Learning and Skills Improvement Service Regulatory focus Providing Learning Programmes for Students Ofsted Supply-side focus Supporting colleges and providers Data Inspection Further Education and Skills ModelA new landscape to support a demand led systemOpportunity taken to clarifyand confirm new roles and responsibilities 3
National, Regional and Local landscape: national priorities reflected in regional and local strategies with customised local delivery UKCES Dius National SFA ESP’s ESB Regional SSC or Sub regional MAA or Skills Strategies Local LAA’s Shared performance targets College and Provider Skills networks
DIUS UKCES SSCs RDAs Leading the system Determining Overall Investment and Priorities Determining Performance System (Framework for Excellence) Responsible for meeting the Skills PSA Responsible for the Further Education Sponsorship and colleges and learning providers contribution to DCSF targets Responsible for Advising DIUS on the Skills needs of the Country, including regional strategic needs Monitor and challenge performance of employment and skills system Managing the FE and Skills Research Function Managing the SSCs and ensuring their effectiveness and advising on re-licensing Determining the Skills offer for their vocational area With the SFA raise employer demand for Skills Determine with SFA and Jobcentre+ the Regional Skills strategy and manage the Skills brokerage service Further Education and Skills LandscapeNew Roles and Responsibilities 4
SFA Colleges Ofqual LSIS Ofsted Lead and provide the four client gateways (Train to Gain, Apprenticeship, Advancement agency and the direct learner responsive service) and underpinning systems Funding colleges and learning providers Work with LA’s on MAA’s Colleges and Learning Providers meeting student and employers learning and skills requirements Cooperate with LAs, ES Boards and each other to pursue the skills needs and to provide a range of support services of their choice which could include peer assessment, staff development programmes, shared service and procurement Regulate the qualifications offer Support college and learning providers performance and facilitate self- regulation Sector Innovation Provide an independent view of college and learning providers performance. Further Education and Skills LandscapeNew Roles and Responsibilities (2) 5
Objectives for a ‘demand-led’ market MOG created the opportunity to accelerate the introduction of a demand led system- as outlined in World Class Skills and the FE White Paper. A radical vision for a ‘demand-led’ FE market where we establish a new Skills Funding Agency which acts as the regulator, funder and commissioner for a much more active and transparent market. The challenge is to translate words into practical, agreed solutions. • Target outcomes for the FE market include: • Economic growth through global competitiveness • Reduced unemployment/unemployability • Social inclusion and cohesion • Culture of life-long learning • Efficient use of public funds • Market management objectives include: • ‘Light touch’ regulation - risk based, low burden, intervention to support the countries needs • Demand-led, funding following recruitment • Greater self-regulation • Support focused on government priorities Supply Market Management Demand Target Outcomes • Objectives for demand side include: • Informed customer choice • Increase in employer-led demand • Greater alignment between individual and employer demand • Increased and more effective take up by disenfranchised and disadvantaged groups • Increase % of population with Leitch Level 2 & 3 qualifications and apprenticeships • Objectives for the supply side include: • Demand-led, responsive provision • More innovation and diversity of provision • More self-direction and support • Higher quality and stronger reputation • Integrated, simpler interface with government regardless of funding source 6
Design principles High level design principles which will be used to test effectiveness of final model Demand Led • Be learner and employer driven providing choice, and coherent and accessible services at every level. Core Higher level commissioning • Funding follows learner. Simpler process longer contract time • Co-ordinated target setting and commissioning across government, national and regional use of MAA;s and LAA’s Regulatory model Fair and robust intervention role • Clear rules of intervention • No ‘hand-holding’ of providers Efficiency and VfM • Standardise and streamline, • Reduce regulation and bureaucracy Coherent set of services • Simple, coherent set of services for learner, employer and provider • Common information, measures, account management. Operating model Insight and capability • Use of information, analysis & research • New capabilities aligned to role ‘Shorter’ arm’s length from Ministers • Agency part of DIUS • Rapid response to policy 7
The Skills Funding Agency – Organisational Model • There will be four client publicly focused gateways , supported by a set of underpinning functions and internal corporate functions • The four gateways are: • National Apprenticeship Service – lead the development and delivery of the new apprenticeship programme, increase employer engagement, manage the apprenticeship vacancy matching service and increase trainee participation. (Implementation April 09) • Train to gain-Employer responsivenessdelivering a national skills service to all sizes of business in all sectors and National Employer Service: aimed at raising skill levels of the workforce, secure a culture change that makes employers value skills; a skills system which is demand led and employer choice influences spend and qualifications, employers value and seek brokerage interventions to help them find solutions. (existing service enhanced) • Adult Advancement and Careers Service – delivering a outsourced service which is universal, integrated with Jobcentre Plus and coherent with services for young people and HE. ( pilots taking place 2008/2010) • Learner Responsiveness – direct entry -funding Colleges and Learning Providers who are responding directly to the learner. This area captures the new arrangements proposed for greater integration of employment and skills service to those out of work, specialists provision including Offender Learning. (existing service streamlined and enhanced) 8
Skills Funding Agency • Shared or Joint Service with DCSF and or DWP or between YPLA/SFA/Local Authorities • Core/National Functions • In the light of Grant Letter set and publish skills priorities • Management of the National Apprenticeship service • Management of National Employer Service including Train to Gain • Set funding rates and guidance • Set up and manage an approved provider accreditation register • Manage the learner responsive system: skills accounts and integrated employment and skills • Through a college and learner provider business account management system: • -Run the allocation and settlement system • -Manage the performance intervention system and reallocation • -Manage the ESF budget • Management of the raising demand sideinterventions e.g. Skills Pledge, Compacts, • Sector Skills Councils Agreements, Agreements with Business Link on Brokers • Management of the Adult Advancement and Careers Service and the national advice line • Adult Learner Support, including supporting student from pre-employment into training • and work 9
Core/National Functions (2) • Management of the Capital Investment programme • Designing and manage the FE IT architecture including underpinning systems for • MIAP, the Learner Registration service, QCF etc • Run the Data collection service including data exchange and reporting • Manage the SFA Corporate Services including Departmental Reporting, Internal Communication, HR, internal finance and property management. • Regional • Skills Advocacy and partnership building. The responsible agency to facilitate the skills and innovation needs of the area are met. • Championing and delivering on the raising demand slide initiatives such as Skills Pledges. • In the light of the UKCES determining regional SkillsRequirements • Development of the Regional Skills and Employment plans through the Regional Skills partnership or implementing the Skills and Employment Strategy such as LESB. • Work with central Capital team to draft and publish the underpinning regional Capital investment plan and infrastructure changes. • Supporting National Office on provider performance • Ensuring Skills are prioritised in MAAs and LAAs 10
Action 2008 2009 h1 2009 h2 2010 To 2012 Post-19 Vision Role of SFA in market defined SFA commercial strategy agreed Segment providers by risk profile and into transition waves Transition wave 1 providers Transition wave 2 and 3 providers Monitor and improve Publish FfE results on web Benefits realisation Market change plan Add provider groups to FfE Market transformation Completed sharing and outsourcing Launch FfE for major provider groups Review shared/ outsourced functions Shared platform and settlement system SFA legislation passed Initial sharing and outsourcing All processes operational Customer Interaction Model SFA business model agreed NAS launched Outsourcing contracts agreed SFA established Benefits realisation Policy/legislation Service delivery model defined Shared frameworks and strategies agreed Complete TUPE Start shard platform rollout Shadow demerged LSC Sharing process mechanisms agreed SFA year 2 budget Potential outsourced functions specified for potential providers Start TUPE Procedures defined Start shard platform development SFA T&Cs and grading confirmed Partners for sharing identified and briefed SFA starting budget confirmed Transition to final IM SFA locations defined Agree core functions to be shared and outsourced Interfaces, shared functions Interim structure Roles and processes defined Optimise interim operating capability Demerger and business change plan SFA resource allocations IS strategy Key capabilities/teams agreed Interim IM function Consultation on org. with TUs Sharing agreed Demerger SFA organisation Information management Budget and resource allocation 11
The Education and Skills Bill • The Education and Skills Bill being introduced in Feb 09: • As part of this Bill, it is proposed to create a new statutory office holder, the Chief Executive of Skills Funding, who will have specific powers and duties including responsibility for the SFA. • The SFA will be agency of DIUS, with staff provided by the Secretary of State. • The aim is to ensure the autonomy and academic freedom of colleges and providers and in line with best practice in the public sector, ensure decisions are taken as close to the frontline as possible. • To ensure this a duty to collaborate will be placed on colleges and learning providers. 12