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Sound waves !

Sound waves !. The Nature of Waves. A wave is a repeating disturbance or movement that transfers energy through matter or space. Waves …. Just as the crest of a water wave is followed b y a trough , the compression part of a sound

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Sound waves !

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Soundwaves!

  2. The Nature of Waves A wave is a repeating disturbance or movement that transfers energy through matter or space.

  3. Waves… Just as thecrest of a water wave isfollowed by a trough, thecompressionpart of a sound wave isfollowedbyanareawheretheparticlesare farapart.

  4. The Physics of Sound

  5. The Physics of Sound

  6. The Physics of Sound

  7. Let’sReview: Frequency • Thefrequencyisthenumber of vibrationsorwavesthatpass a certainpoint in a givenamount of time. • Frequencyisbasedonhowmanywavesoccur in onesecond.

  8. Let’sReview: Frequency

  9. Let’sReview: Frequency If a guitar stringvibrates 5 times in 1 second, thefrequencyis 5 vibrations per second. One wave per secondequals 1 hertz. Mostpeople can hearfrequenciesbetween 20 and 20,000 hertz.

  10. Pitch Ifsomethingsoundsveryloud, it has a high pitch. A low pitch is more difficulttohear. Thehigherthefrequency of a wave, thehigherthe pitch.

  11. Pitch Whenyouplay a guitar, you can changethelength of a stringby pressing onit. Thisshortensthestring and makesthefrequencyhigher. This produces a higher pitch.

  12. Do youremember: amplitude? The amplitudeisthedistance in a wave fromtheresting position tothe top of thecrestortothebottom of thetrough.

  13. Loudness Anotherwayto describe soundisbyitsloudness. Ifyoustrum a guitar stringgently, thevibrationissmall, so theamplitude of the wave issmall and thesoundis _________. Ifyoustrumitwith more force, thevibration has more energy. Theamplitude of the wave isgreater, and thesoundis __________.

  14. Decibels (dB) Theloudness of soundismeasured in unitscalleddecibels (dB). Theunitreferstotheintensity of thesound wave.

  15. Decibels (dB) Forevery 10 decibel increase in loudness, theamplitude of thesoundincreasesby a factor of 10 decibels. Thesound of leavesrustlingon a tree has a loudness of 10 decibels. A 20 decibel sound, such as a whisper, has anamplitude 10 times greater.

  16. I thinkit’s time toquitboys and girls!

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