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Electron ID - Working Group

Electron ID - Working Group. Development of fast gas detectors - M. Petrovici Development of fast gas detectors - Y. Zanevsky RICH simulations - Y. Kharlov RICH simulations - B. Polichtchouk TR Tracker for CBM (straw tubes) - V. Peshekhonov

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Electron ID - Working Group

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  1. Electron ID - Working Group • Development of fast gas detectors - M. Petrovici • Development of fast gas detectors - Y. Zanevsky • RICH simulations - Y. Kharlov • RICH simulations - B. Polichtchouk • TR Tracker for CBM (straw tubes) - V. Peshekhonov • 1st results on straw TRD simulations - V. Tikhomirov • Detector tests w. channeling radiation - L. Naumann • Discussion: • next steps in detector research • towards a technical proposal • joint electronics effort (TRD, RICH, ECAL)

  2. Electron ID - Working Group • Development of fast gas detectors - M. Petrovici • successful operation of MWPC with pad readout @ 100 kHz/cm2 • 30x30 cm2; 2x3mm gaps, 5mm pitch, fast hybrid PASA

  3. Electron ID - Working Group • Development of fast gas detectors - Y. Zanevsky • successful operation of triple GEM and MWPC at more than 100 kHz/cm2 with high efficiency

  4. Electron ID - Working Group • RICH simulations - Y. Kharlov, B. Polichtchouk

  5. Electron ID - Working Group • TR straw tracker for CBM - V. Peshekhonov, V. Tikhomirov • 3 stations with XUV double layers with foil radiators • 160 k straws, 280 k channels (split wires) Y X

  6. Electron ID - Working Group • Detector tests w. channeling radiation - L. Naumann

  7. Electron ID - Working Group • Discussion: next steps in detector research • dedicated high rate test environment (DAQ, trigger…) • comparison of different gas mixtures and gains • quantitative evaluation of position resolution • tests of thicker detectors MWPC, GEM and radiators • characterization of X-ray response • faster PASA development • high rate and high multiplicity tests • straw prototype test and electronics development • evaluation and choice of PMT • choice of radiator gas • evaluation of beam data from ECAL measurement

  8. Electron ID - Working Group • Discussion: towards a technical proposal • improve e/pi evaluation of individual detectors • combined e/pi of ALL detectors with realistic materials • evaluation of straw/MWPC/GEM options of TRD • combined tracking for optimization of detector numbers, position resolution requirement, subdivision, placement • include noise and background in pattern recognition • evaluate possible trigger/data compression options • optimization of RICH mirror

  9. Electron ID - Working Group • Discussion: joint electronics effort (TRD, RICH, ECAL, straws)

  10. Electronics Parameters: ECAL I. Korolko • # of channels: ~20k • density of channels: 1/10 - 1/100 cm2 • radiation hardness not required • no PASA • negative polarity signals • pulse width: 20 - 30 ns • max. signal: 400 pC (@ 106 PMT gain) • ADC dynamic range: 11-12 bit @ 1-2 bits noise • signal processing: • zero suppression • 2d zero supression

  11. Electronics Parameters: TRD A. Andronic • # of channels: 600k - 800k (+ ?) • cell size: 1-10 cm2 • radiation hard • PASA - charge sensitive (polarity?) • FWHM: ~60 ns (delta input response) • gain: 10 mV/fC • Cinp: 5-40 pF • noise: < 1000 e- • FADC • 10 bit • 50 MHz

  12. V.Leontiev, M.Bogolyubsky Inputs for RICH Front End Electronics on the base of PMT FEU-Hive: • Negative polarity of the output pulse • Total charge in a pulse – from 0.25 to 25 pC • Noise -- 3000 e/sec • Pulse lenght -- several ns • Output capacitance -- 15 pF • ADC dynamic range -- 8-9 bit • Channel density -- 2.5 channels /cm2 • Total number of channels – 60000-120000

  13. PMT HV regulation V.Leontiev, M.Bogolyubsky • Classical scheme of the HV regulation with ballast resistor and PMT dividing sercuit • The ballast resistor has 6 bit regulation in the region 1.6-2 kV, i.e. with step 6 V • Do we really need such fine HV regulation? • This is question to the production technology • and avaliable space for the HV divece:0.4 cm2/channel

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