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Stockholm 3 April 2008 People Programme Marie Curie Actions The mobility programme in FP7

Stockholm 3 April 2008 People Programme Marie Curie Actions The mobility programme in FP7. Fredrik Olsson Hector Marie Curie Actions Reintegr ation Grants. Cooperation – Collaborative research. Ideas – Frontier Research. People – Marie Curie Actions. Capacities – Research Capacity.

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Stockholm 3 April 2008 People Programme Marie Curie Actions The mobility programme in FP7

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  1. Stockholm 3 April 2008People Programme Marie Curie ActionsThe mobility programme in FP7 Fredrik Olsson Hector Marie Curie Actions Reintegration Grants

  2. Cooperation – Collaborative research Ideas – Frontier Research People – Marie Curie Actions Capacities – Research Capacity JRC (non-nuclear) JRC (nuclear) Euratom PEOPLE Programmein FP7 +

  3. EC Programme 50 521 million Euro (current prices) Cooperation 32 413 million Euro Ideas 7 510 million Euro People 4 750 million Euro Capacities 4 097 million Euro JRC EC Programme 1 751 million Euro Euratom Programme 2 751 million Euro (current prices) Fusion Energy Research 1 947 million Euro Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection 287 million Euro JRC Nuclear Research Activities 517 million Euro Annual budget: 40% increase compared to FP6 on average Budget for FP7

  4. Budget for FP7

  5. Why is there a People Programme?

  6. Industry? Academia? US, Japan…? Why a People programme? Where do they go? Who produces the researchers? Are enough researchers staying in research Do we produce enough researchers? Is research put into use as it should? Is research attractive enough? Are the researchers attractive enough?

  7. Why a People programme? 2/3 willget a jobelsewhere Only at most 1/3 of PhDwill be able to establish a career in academia

  8. PEOPLE Programme Two strands: • Policy actions • Researchers’ partnership • Marie Curie Actions • Initial Training Networks • Individual Fellowships • Reintegration • Industry Academia Partnerships and Pathways • Cofunding • …

  9. Researchers’ partnershipfour key areas • Open recruitment and portability of grants • Meeting social security and supplementary pension needs of mobile researchers • Attractive employment and working conditions • Enhancing training, skills and experience of researchers

  10. Researchers’partnership1. open recruitment and grants portability • Issues: • Open, competitive recruitment is essential for research system in pursuit of excellence • Public sector recruitment in the EU is predominantly organised at national level, exibiting widespread internal recruitment at institutional level • Current limitations on trans-national portability of individual grants by many national research funding agencies inhibits mobility

  11. Researchers’partnership2. social security and pension rights • Issues: • Acquisitionand transfer of social security benefits and pension rights among the most problematic areas • In particular young researchers often have limited access to social security and pension benefits • social security co-ordination rules may not fit usual researchers’ career paths (repeated short-term contracts

  12. Researchers’partnership3. employment and working conditions • Issues: • Employment policies within many public research institutions are often rigid, with widespread segmentation between protected « insiders » and unprotected « outsiders ». Flexicurity is highly relevant to better balance the situation for researchers • Under-utilisation of end-of-career researchers • Low priority overall for reconciling professional and private life

  13. Researchers’partnership4. training and skills development • Issues: • many early-stage researchers are not receiving the right set of skills to function effectively in modern academia or to make smooth intersectoral transitions • Skills equipment is only partly a matter of formal training; the environment in which researchers are trained is also essential • Also researchers at later stages need to keep in touch with the latest developments and being trained for new positions during their career (e.g. admin or leadership positions)

  14. PEOPLE Marie Curie Actions in FP7 Overall scope • Human resource development in R&D in Europe • Numerous, well-trained, motivated researchers • Attract students to research careers • Attract researchers to Europe • Skills and sustainable career development • Continuity of previous Framework programme, with focus on structuring impact, while simplifying

  15. Initial training of researchers Initial Training Networks* Life-long training and career development Intra-European Fellowships / European Reintegration Grants Co-funding of regional/national/international programmes Industry dimension Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways* International dimension Outgoing & Incoming* International Fellowships; International Cooperation Scheme; International Reintegration grants; Support to researcher ‘diasporas’* Specific actions Mobility and career enhancement actions;Researchers’ nights;Excellence awards PEOPLE Marie Curie Actions in FP7 * Open to third-country nationals

  16. Objectives Strengthen and structure Early Stage Training at European level Improve career perspectives by broad skills development (including private sector needs) Main features International network of participants -at least three participants established in at least three MS or Associated countries –Third countries organisations may participate if justified by the project Open to researchers from Third countries Training programme with (i)training through research(ii)complementary competences (structured training) modules Involvement of private sector PEOPLE Initial Training of Researchers Marie Curie Initial Training Networks

  17. Objectives Career development of experienced researchers by e.g.: diversification skills/competencies; reintegrate after mobility/resume research (”significant step” in career) Operated through: Centralised mode: selection/funding of fellows through call at EC level – Intra-European Fellowships IEF; European Reintegration Grants ERG « Co-funding » mode: Selection of « co-funded » national, regional and international programmes through open calls with clear evaluation criteria Researchers apply for individual fellowships to the co-funded programmes PEOPLE Life-long training & career development: Marie Curie fellowships for career development

  18. Objective Encourage knowledge sharing, cultural exchange and sustainable cooperation between industry and academia (in particular SMEs) Main features Longer-term co-operation between academic and commercial sectors 2-way staff secondments / hosting of experienced researchers from outside the partnership Special measure to encourage SME participation Open to researchers from outside Europe PEOPLE Marie Curie Industry partnerships and pathways

  19. Objectives:Reinforce the international dimension of the EU through human resources; Operated through Career Development/life-long training for EU researchers International Outgoing fellowships (IOF) International Re-integration grants (IRG) International co-operation through researchers from third countries International incoming fellowships (IIF) International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) Host actions (Initial training, Industry - Academia) open to third country nationals PEOPLEInternational Dimension

  20. Marie Curie International Reintegrated Researchers in FP6 (2002-2006)

  21. Marie Curie International Reintegrated Researchers in FP6 (2002-2006)

  22. Information People programme http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/people/home_en.html Opportunities within Marie Curie Actions: http://cordis.europa.eu/mc-opportunities/ THE MOBILITY WEB PORTAL  http://ec.europa.eu/eracareers/index_en.cfm Registration of experts:http://cordis.europa.eu/emmfp7/index.cfm?fuseaction=wel.welcome Information

  23. Thank you for your attention! fredrik.olsson-hector@ec.europa.eu

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