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Polsky Personal Investing Method. LESSONS FOR LIFE are not being taught in colleges – you are preparing for your future through a college degree but NOW you should begin protecting your own future by NOT depending on government Social Security or Medicare and employer’s 401(k).
Polsky Personal Investing Method LESSONS FOR LIFE are not being taught in colleges – you are preparing for your future through a college degree but NOW you should begin protecting your own future by NOT depending on government Social Security or Medicare and employer’s 401(k). Norman & Elaine Polsky Family Supporting Foundation Slides by: Andrew, Ryan, Mitch & Trent Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE)
OBJECTIVES: • To encourage fellow students in all disciplines to start NOW their Roth IRA. • To continue investing monthly to become financially independent past the age of 100. • Attain self-sufficiency and to be able to make a difference in helping not-for-profits (i.e. SIFE) by contributing their money and time by being active on boards of directors and other services.
Why Is This Important To Me? • It always seems to come down to MONEY. • Mom says to Dad, “I think Daughter has a gift for music. She wants to take piano lessons. What do you think?” Dad’s first question: “How much will it cost?” The answer, high or low, determines Dad’s position. • Sure, Dad’s in favor of Daughter getting whatever she needs and deserves, but it’s MONEY that decides.
A Note About Money • People say they are willing to do anything to have money. • Some of them prove it. • They will cheat, lie, steal and embezzle. They will perjure themselves; defraud friends, partners or employers; marry for money; divorce for money; and betray their country for money. They will counterfeit, extort, kidnap and commit murder – literally go to hell and throw away the key – for money. • What most people will not do – what they flatly refuse to do – is muster a little SELF-DISCIPLINE.
It’s Not Money’s Fault • How did MONEY get so much authority? • How can it wield such power? • MONEY is as inanimate as a brick and has no behavior of its own. • Money has no demeanor outside your own conduct. • Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Money can be an obedient servant, but a harsh taskmaster.” • What money does or does not do is entirely dependant on you. • If you don’t own your money, money will own you. • When it comes to money, there is no substitute for self-discipline.
Manage Your Mind • Always remember: • The goal is accumulation, not just acquirement. • There are only two laws of accumulation: • Don’t spend all I earn • Don’t lose what I save
MAGIC OF TIME– College Students Have Time Advantage of 30 years to become MILLIONAIRES! $250/Mo = 3,000/Yr Invested
What Is A Mutual Fund? • The theory behind mutual funds is simple: • You need the advantage of being able to pool your money together with that of a lot of other investors. • A professional manager can invest that money across enough investments to reduce the risk of being wiped out by any single bad bet. • The fund is essentially a corporation whose sole business is to collect and invest money. • You join the pool by buying shares in the fund. • Your money is invested by a team of professionals, who research stocks, and then place the money as wisely as they can.
How To Choose A Fund For 20%+ ROR? • At least 3 years history • Does better than S&P 500 Index in up/down markets • Not a hot fund this year. • Steady management • Does not invest strictly for Value. Growth! • Diversify into mutuals investing: • In Mid Cap stocks, which are companies with $2-$10 billion market value (share price x number of shares) • Large Cap stocks having market values over $10 billion • Small Cap under $2 billion • Obtain for $1 the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) on the Monday following the close of each quarter, which has all 10,000 Mutual • http://finance.yahoo.com/ • BUFSX • Or http://www.morningstar.com/
Invest Your Mutual Funds In A Roth IRA • Roth IRA (no taxes) is a must for you, your spouse and each child • Requirements: • You can contribute past age 70 ½, and start at any age. • Adjusted gross income must be below $95,000 single IRS filing OR $150,000 joint IRS filing (If you make more than this you shouldn’t be here!) • No income tax ever on withdrawal of principal after 59 ½ age, and interest earnings after only 5 years of investing • No withdrawal requirements as to when and how much except beneficiaries must withdraw all in their lifetime • Can name beneficiaries including grandchildren which is generation skipping and one of few ways to avoid taxes to them. • Maximum contributions allowed $3,000 • Changes to $4,000 in 2005 • Changes to $5,000 in 2008
Invest Your Mutual Funds In A Roth IRA • Non-taxable withdrawals monthly not touching principal: • At 10YRS $1,558 (93,450 x .20 /12) • At 20YRS $11,201 (672,060 x .20/12) • At 30YRS $70,913 • If you believe you have plenty of financial security, consider if you live past 100, costly medical expenses and 3.1% inflation in the past 60 years! • Don’t rely on Social Security or Medicare, which may not be in existence when you need them. • Call one mutual fund company for application but when it reaches $100,000 (about age 30) call 800-843-3548 to open a Fidelity Brokerage or Other Broker, and invest in another mutual for more diversification.
11 GOLDEN RULES • You CAN save $8.22/day x 365 = $3,000/year - your 30 year investment $90,000 worth $4 million @ 20% • The best time to invest is when young, right NOW • 20-30 years invested in IRA can be in addition to your 401(k) or other retirement plans • Look for mutual funds under $10 billion assets & with 3 years annualized average at least @ 20% Rate of Return (ROR) • Evaluate your mutual funds quarterly • Remember more ROR is more financial independence for your family or for your charity to afford more programs for their members • Inflation 3.1% over past 60 years reduces future dollar purchasing power • New Prudent Investment Act passed Missouri & Kansas + 30 other states dictates diversification and investing in today’s market opportunities • Have a reserve of liquid money for emergencies so that you won’t be forced to sell your mutual funds that are invested for the long term • Patience is a virtue – over time stocks ALWAYS seek new highs in spite of ups and downs • “Yes, You Can Achieve Financial Independence” book by Jim Stowers, Chairman American Century Mutual Funds, is the investment bible!