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THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE . (Opisni preteklik). Past continuous uporabljamo, ko želimo opisati dogodke, ki so se dogajali v preteklosti . Dogodki so se zaključili v preteklosti in nič več ne trajajo. Dogodki so v preteklosti trajali dalj časa . RABA:.
Past continuous uporabljamo, ko želimo opisati dogodke, ki so se dogajali v preteklosti. Dogodki so se zaključili v preteklosti in nič več ne trajajo. Dogodki so v preteklosti trajali dalj časa. RABA:
was / were + 1. glagolska oblika – ing He was snoring. KAKO GA TVORIMO?
1. večini glagolov dodamo končnico –ing: speak - speaking talk - talking sleep – sleeping NA KAJ MORAMO PAZITI PRI ZAPISU GLAGOLOV?
1. Glagole postavi v trdilno obliko za Past Continuous tense (opisni preteklik): 0. She was swimming (swim) in the river. I ___________________(watch) TV. She ____________________ (write) a letter. We ___________________ (have) the picnic. John ___________________ (sleep). My friend ____________________ (wait) for me. Children ____________________ (play) in the backyard. My cousin Sophie ____________________ (tidy) her room. http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/past-progressive/exercises?04 EXERCISES (Vaje):
Naredimo jo tako, da pomožni glagol was /were postavimo na začetek povedi. Primer: Sue was driving a car. Was Sue driving a car? VPRAŠALNA OBLIKA:
0. they/do some exercisesWeretheydoing some exercises? Pam/run Mymum/set the table I/do theshopping Mylittlesister/make her bed He/tidyhisroom Mydad/washthe car Myfriends/watch TV Mycousin Petra/feedthecat We/sit nearthefireplace http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/past-progressive/exercises?06 EXERCISES (Vaje):
Naredimo jo tako, da zanikamo pomožni glagol. was – wasn’t were – weren’t Primer: We were fishing. We weren’t fishing. Nikalna oblika:
0. Sarah/not workSarah wasn’t working. I/not sit on mycomputer Mycat/not sleep Myfriend/not talk to hissister He/not getreadyfor bed Silvia/not brushherteeth They/not windsurfing Tom and Tim/not put on theirpyjamas We/not havedinner Students/not playvolleyball http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/past-progressive/exercises?05 EXERCISES (vaje):
Lisa was baking a cake on Saturday evening. WHAT was Lisa doing (baking) on Saturday evening? WHEN was Lisa baking a cake? WHY was Lisa baking a cake? WHO was baking a cake on Saturday evening? VPRAŠALNICE: WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW, WHY,…
0. Theyweresendingan e-mail. Whatweretheysending? Shewascying. What __________________________? Hewastaking a shower. Who _______________________? Martin washavingbreakfast. I wassleepingin themorning. Mario wasrunningindoors. Wewerecarryingheavybags. I waswriting a storyalltheafternoon. Mr Hill wassleeping. Theywererapairingtheir car. http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/past-progressive/exercises?07 EXERCISES (vaje):
Tako past simple kot continuous uporabljamo, ko opisujemo dogodke, ki so se zgodili v preteklosti. Past continuousuporabljamo za opisovanje dogodkov, ki so trajali dalj časa. V eni povedi sta lahko oba časa (simple in continuous). Do tega pride takrat, ko nek dogodek traja dalj časa (uporabimo past continuous), vmes, ko to dogajanje še traja, pa ga zmoti neko zaključeno krajše dejanje (uporabimo past simple). Past simple in past continuous
past continuouspast simple While I was watching television, the phone rang. Ko sem gledal televizijo, je zazvonil telefon. past simplepast continuous When my husband arrived home, I was cooking dinner. Ko je moj mož prišel domov, sem kuhala večerjo. PRIMER
1. My friend ________ (invite) me to a party. 2. Everyone ________ (chat) and the DJ ________(play) great music all night long. 3. I ________ (dance) with a tall and very good-looking man. 4. He_______ (be) quite friendly. 5. While we ________ (talk), a beautiful woman with long blond hair________ (ask) him to dance. 6. He ________ (say) yes! 7. While they ________ (dance), I________ (eat) some pizza when suddenllythe most good-looking man at the party________ (ask) me to dance. 8. I ________ (be) the happiest woman in the world! 9. We ________ (have) a wonderful time that evening. EXERCISES (VAJE):
Poveži vprašanja in odgovore: http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/pastcontinuous/exercise4.swf 2. Napiši nikalne stavke: http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~adelegc/grammar/past_cont/past_cont_neg.html 3. Vstavi WAS, WERE, WASN’T ali WEREN’T: http://www.english-grammar-lessons.com/pastcontinuous/exercise2.swf 4. Sestavi povedi: http://www.english-grammar-lessons.com/pastcontinuous/exercise3.swf VAJE NA INTERNETU:
5. Past simple ali past continuous? http://www.english-grammar-lessons.com/pastsimpleorcontinuous/exercise1.swf http://inglesnanet.com/grammar/pastscon.htm http://www.english-grammar-lessons.com/pastsimpleorcontinuous/exercise2.swf http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/pastsimpleorcontinuous/exercise3.swf http://www.english-grammar-lessons.com/pastsimpleorcontinuous/exercise3.swf http://www.english-grammar-lessons.com/pastcontinuous/exercise4.swf http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/pastsimpleorcontinuous/exercise2.swf http://www.english-grammar-lessons.com/pastsimpleorcontinuous/exercise4.swf