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Signal Detection Theory (SDT) Théorie de la Détection du Signal (TDS). Screenplay and realization : Antoine Deplancke ( doctor in cognitive science) Interpreted by : Laurent Sparrow. Signal Detection Theory (SDT) Théorie de la Détection du Signal (TDS).
Signal Detection Theory (SDT) Théorie de la Détection du Signal (TDS) Screenplayand realization : Antoine Deplancke (doctor in cognitive science) Interpreted by : Laurent Sparrow
Signal Detection Theory (SDT) Théorie de la Détection du Signal (TDS) • - Signal Detection Theory (SDT) has had, and continues to have, an enormous impact on many branches of psychology and in other areas : radiology, air traffic control… • Used to study two different processes : the sensory process (changes in physical stimulation, external stimulation) and the strategic process (decision) . • Used to quantify the ability to discern between an external physical information (signal) and random information (called noise, consisting of random neural activity of the nervous system – internal noise - or a physical degradation of signal – external noise). • It is a statistical model but very similar to neurophysiological models: concepts of activation threshold => trigger response ...
Classical representation of the SDT with separation of sensory and decision processes : sensorial variability --> Ratio signal/noise decisionalvariability --> strategies Signal detection theory (SDT) is used when we want to measure the way we make decisions under conditions of uncertainty.
On peut distinguer 3 grandes étapes dans la perception : a- La sensation Informations de bases fournies par les récepteurs sensoriels (visuels, auditifs, gustatifs, olfactifs, tactiles). Les stimulations externes (physiques, par exemple, des longueurs d’onde) sont transcodées par ces récepteurs sensoriels en impulsions nerveuses. L’organisme contient aussi de nombreux autres dispositifs de détection : récepteurs de la pression sanguine, récepteurs du taux de sucre, récepteurs des muscles et tendons... Ceci permet au cerveau de disposer en permanence d’informations concernant l’état de l’organisme. Un système de régulation automatique fonctionne en permanence, permettant de maintenir un équilibre dans les fonctions vitales, ce qu’on appelle l’homéostasie. Certaines de ces données peuvent générer un percept (mal au ventre quand on a faim).
a- La sensation b- L’organisation perceptuelle : à quoi l’objet ressemble Les informations transmises par les récepteurs sensoriels sont élémentaires, simples, basiques. Par exemple, dans le cas de la vision, les processus perceptuels élémentaires donnent des indications de taille, de forme, de couleur, de contraste, d’orientation. Ces informations élémentaires sont ensuite synthétisées (intégrées et combinées, c’est à dire, organisées) ce qui donne naissance au percept. Ces activités mentales sont automatiques et inconscientes.
a- La sensation b- L’organisation perceptuelle : à quoi l’objet ressemble c- Identification et reconnaissance : Quel est cet objet, quel est sa fonction La troisième étape du processus perceptuel consiste à donner un sens à ces percepts: Un objet rond, circulaire peut devenir un ballon, une pièce de monnaie. On identifie l’objet mais en même temps, on lui attribue une fonction. Cette étape est consciente et fait appel à des processus dits « supérieurs ». Notre personnalité, nos souvenirs, nos valeurs, nos croyances peuvent influencer l’identification et la reconnaissance. L’activation sensorielle, interne ou externe, peut aussi déclencher des réflexes émotionnels. Certains objets ont la particularité de mettre l’organisme en état d’alerte. Il existe une liaison directe entre perception et émotion. L’étape d’identification et de reconnaissance peut être mise en défaut. On parle dans ce cas d’illusions perceptives. Par exemple, une même image sensorielle peut donner lieu à différentes interprétations, c’est l’ambiguïté.
Théorie de la Détection du Signal (SDT) 1 Variability of responses, concepts of signal and noise … 2 General principle and historical 3 Model Description 4 Someexamples 5 Experimentation 6 Conclusion
There is a wide variability in the human responses, even in repeated or identical situations or when we perform a very simple task. Especially with motor responses.
Less evident with a purely perceptual task (and yet, the variability is + + +): Sometimes we see a vase, sometimes we see two faces : we do not know why, but suddenly, we switch from one percept to another
You (probably) learned in school (among other things) that elephants have 4 legs, but your perception does not help you to verify this fact
Some see a dancer turning clockwise, and some, counterclockwise. The illusion derives from the lack of visual cues for depth
If the foot touching the ground is perceived to be the left foot, the dancer appears to be spinning clockwise (if seen from above); if it is taken to be the right foot, then she appears to be spinning counterclockwise. If the foot touching the ground is perceived to be the left foot, the dancer appears to be spinning clockwise; if it is taken to be the right foot, then she appears to be spinning counterclockwise.
If the signal is noisy or ambiguousthen the perceptual processes will still attempt to interpret decisionalvariability --> strategies • sensorial variability • Ratio signal/noise • Noisy or not ?
signal noise ratio: Every system is subject to a set of random noise. -> It's a physical reality: there is no pure signal. There are two kinds of noise factors that contribute to the uncertainty: internal noise and external noise. External noise can be filtered and it is possible to attenuate it (but not to suppress it totally). But it is very difficult to reduce internal noise afterfiltering
Internal noise refers to the fact that neural responses are noisy : it’s a random activity of neurons that is not associated with encoding of behaviorally relevant variables (signal). In the context of decision models, we define the signal as being relevant information to the task or the behavior and noise as being any other information that disrupt processing of that signal Environment = signal + noise noise Transformation des signaux reçus par les signal Environment
Low signal/noise ratio High signal/noise ration Lowcontrast High contrast « pop out » effect numerousdistractors
Main sources of noise in sensory processing : Transformations of informationscoming from the sensory organs in percepts Internal noise Transformation des signaux reçus par les Cognitive interference caused by brain processes unrelated to the current task External noise external noise and irrelevantsignals (egdistractors)
Main sources of noise in sensory processing : Transformations of informationscoming from the sensory organs in percepts Internal noise Transformation des signaux reçus par les Cognitive interference caused by brain processes unrelated to the current task External noise external noise and irrelevantsignals (egdistractors)
The transformation of information in percepts is a complex process that generates noise at all levels : some examples At the most peripheral level: retinalpersistence (fix the black dot in the center of the picture) Optical illusion black & white color Google isyourfriend : « Jesus illusion »
at a more central level,The physical reality of the environment is sometimes transformed by the perception… This create also some noise ! this is not a spiral
Masking = Flushed face illusion Google : « Drug illusions »
Main sources of noise in sensory processing : Transformations of informationscoming from the sensory organs in percepts Internal noise Transformation des signaux reçus par les Cognitive interference caused by brain processes unrelated to the current task External noise external noise and irrelevantsignals (egdistractors)
Stroopeffect : When the name of a color (e.g., "blue," "green," or "red") is printed in a color not denoted by the name (e.g., the word "red" printed in blue ink instead of red ink), naming the color of the word takes longer and is more prone to errors than when the color of the ink matches the name of the color. vertbleu jaune rouge bleurouge jaunevert rougejaunevertbleu jaunevertbleurouge vertrouge bleujaune jaune bleuvertrouge vertrougejaune bleu jaunebleu vert rouge naming the inkcolor dont read the word
This interference was explained by the automation of reading, where the mind automatically determines the semantic meaning of the word (it reads the word "red" and thinks of the color "red"), and then must intentionally check itself and identify instead the color of the word (the ink is a color other than red), a process that is not automatized. vertbleu jaune rouge bleurouge jaunevert rougejaunevertbleu jaunevertbleurouge it is impossible to name the ink color without reading the word
The participant must estimate the distance. But first, he must take the object in hand. This object can be heavy or light. Perceived distance is altered for heavy object : influence of memory
Depends on the ability to discriminate to summarize 2 sources of sensorial noise: Transformations of informations coming from the sensory organs in percepts Transformation des signaux reçus par les Internal noise Cognitive interference caused by brain processes unrelated to the current task External noise external noise and irrelevantsignals (egdistractors) Depends on the Signal to Noise ratio
Decisionalvariability decisionalvariability --> strategies • sensorial variability • Ratio signal/noise • Noisy or not ?
Decisionalvariability: Strategy (or method) that we used to perform a task. It is consciously "controlled" opposed to sensory variability. ≠ noise e.g. : searchstrategy by scanning findthischaracter
Decisionalvariability: Strategy (or method) that we used to perform a task. It is consciously "controlled" opposed to sensory variability. ≠ noise The decisional strategy depends of: A priori knowledge of the stimulus with respect to which we must respond Consign (instructions given to the participant): focus on speed or accuracy Reinforcement / punishment: Cost of good responses / errors
1) A priori knowledge of the stimulus : You know this person, you know he likes to be near a tent for example, or you know he loves boating.
1) A priori knowledge of the stimulus : you know that in this kind of task, the signal appears mostly in one precise region of the picture, 0% 75% 5% 20%
2) Consign: One can influence the strategy through the instructions given to the participant: emphasize speed: this may increase errors emphasize on accuracy: the participant may be slower
3) Reinforcement / punishment : Reinforcement and punishment, the core tools of operant conditioning, are either positive (delivered following a response), or negative (withdrawn following a response) E.g. : Reinforcement of rapid responses in a detection task --> Decrease in the average latency of response.
Théorie de la Détection du Signal (SDT) 1 Variability of responses, concepts of signal and noise … 2 General principle and historical 3 Model Description 4 Someexamples 5 Experimentation 6 Conclusion
In World War II radar waves were used to detect enemy aircraft. The soldiers had to determine if the little spots of light are enemies, or simple noise (I.e. birds). There was no clearly defined criteria for making these kinds of decisions. If a enemy went undetected, people could be killed. If noise was interpreted as an enemy, time and money would be lost and people will be alerted for nothing. Psychophysics of the 40s and 50s
used in many areas : • air traffic control • medicine • radiology • quality control • Alarm Systems • Human Machine Interface • Experimental psychology. Green, D.M., Swets J.A. (1966) Signal Detection Theory and Psychophysics. New York: Wiley.
Théorie de la Détection du Signal (SDT) 1 Variability of responses, concepts of signal and noise … 2 General principle and historical 3 Model Description 4 Someexamples 5 Experimentation 6 Conclusion
SDT in experimentalpsychology: • Signal detection theory (SDT) is used when psychologists want to measure the way we make decisions under conditions of uncertainty. - SDT assumes that the decision maker is not a passive receiver of information, but an active decision-maker who makes difficult perceptual judgments under conditions of uncertainty • There are two main components to the decision-making process: information acquisition (sensitivity) and criterion. The criterion (c ou c’) :Decision threshold that reflects the strategy of the subject (response bias) Sensitivity(d’) :Measures of the sensitivity of the sensory process (pronounced ‘d-prime’):
medicalexample: radiology for the detection of cancers Imagine that a radiologist is examining a CT scan (computed tomography, medical imaging), looking for evidence of a tumor. Interpreting images is hard and it takes a lot of training. Because the task is so hard, there is always some uncertainty as to what is there or not. Either there is a tumor (signal present) or there is not (signal absent). Either the doctor sees a tumor (they respond "yes'') or does not (they respond "no''). There are four possible outcomes: hit (tumor present and doctor says "yes'') miss (tumor present and doctor says "no'') false alarm (tumor absent and doctor says "yes") correct rejection (tumor absent and doctor says "no"). Hits and correct rejections are good. False alarms and misses are bad.
The curve on the left is for the noise-alone (healthy lung) trials, and the curve on the right is for the signal-plus-noise (tumor present) trials. The horizontal axis is labeled internal response(or perceivedstimulus intensity) and the vertical axis is labeled probability. The height of each curve represents how often that level of internal response will occur. Probability signal F(Bruit) noise Internalresponse
severalpossibilities reality probability percept signal noise Example: stimulus isnoise…Response: NOISE SIGNAL
reality probability percept signal noise Example: stimulus issignal…Response: SIGNAL BRUIT