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We are glad you came today to worship the Lord!

We are glad you came today to worship the Lord!. Fault Finders 101. Fault Finders 101

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We are glad you came today to worship the Lord!

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  1. We are glad you came today to worship the Lord!

  2. Fault Finders 101

  3. Fault Finders 101 Galatians 6:1-10 ( KJV ) 1Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.  2Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.  3For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.  4But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.  5For every man shall bear his own burden.  6Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things.  7Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.  8For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.  9And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.  10As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

  4. Fault Finders 101 DISCLAIMER: There will be some sarcasmtoday. Don’t let it get you off track and miss finer points of message.

  5. Fault Finders 101 We need FAULT FINDERS @ New Beginnings [Sarcasm]

  6. Fault Finders 101 How do we identify or find faults worth finding?

  7. Fault Finders 101 How do we identify or find faults worth finding? Just a hint… ALL FAULTS ARE WORTH FINDING, at least they are to a Fault Finder [this was sarcasm – last time I will probably tell you I am being sarcastic] [I know that was probably sarcastic]

  8. Fault Finders 101 • How do we identify or find faults worth finding? • Watch for misbehavior (non-scriptural behavior) • Now that makes us feel worthy or better than them!That’s why it is so good to find faults of others

  9. Fault Finders 101 • How do we identify or find faults worth finding? • Watch for misbehavior (non-scriptural behavior) • Now that makes us feel worthy or better than them!That’s why it is so good to find faults of others • Look for a different look(should not they fit our mold?) They have to fit in or they are at fault!

  10. Fault Finders 101 • How do we identify or find faults worth finding? • Watch for misbehavior (non-scriptural behavior) • Now that makes us feel worthy or better than them!That’s why it is so good to find faults of others • Look for a different look (should not they fit our mold?) They have to fit in or they are at fault! • Look for different attire(if they don’t meet our standards…well you know what to do)

  11. Fault Finders 101 • How do we identify or find faults worth finding? • Watch for misbehavior (non-scriptural behavior) • Now that makes us feel worthy or better than them!That’s why it is so good to find faults of others • Look for a different look (should not they fit our mold?) They have to fit in or they are at fault! • Look for different attire (if they don’t meet our standards…well you know what to do) • Look for different ideas(ours are the only ones that count?) WHY DO WE NEED NEW IDEAS ANYWAY????? [ok… Sarcasm]

  12. Fault Finders 101 How do we decide what faults are serious enough for us to spend time searching for them? If we are going to spend our time on something as important as FAULT FINDING we certainly don’t want to waste it!

  13. Fault Finders 101 • How do we decide what faults are serious enough for us to spend time searching for them? • Bible – of course that works

  14. Fault Finders 101 • How do we decide what faults are serious enough for us to spend time searching for them? • Talk to the pastor – he will surely know – he knows everything [okay I just have to tell you here – SARCASM]

  15. Fault Finders 101 • How do we decide what faults are serious enough for us to spend time searching for them? • Talk to gossips and busy bodies – THEY REALLY DO KNOW EVERYTHING! Just ask them. • Remember, this is the best, most accurate, dare I say it, noticeable way to find out which faults are serious enough to utilize Fault Finders in our lives. Talk to the ones who know faults when they see AND talk about them.

  16. Fault Finders 101 Never fear… talking to gossips becomes noticeable all too soon!

  17. Fault Finders 101 How can we be aware of other people’s faults?????

  18. Fault Finders 101 • How can we be aware of other people’s faults????? • Watch - keep our eye on THEM!

  19. Fault Finders 101 • How can we be aware of other people’s faults????? • Watch - keep our eye on THEM! • Ask others if they are aware of any faults…(people like being asked to help out in such an important area!!)

  20. Fault Finders 101 • How can we be aware of other people’s faults????? • Watch - keep our eye on THEM! • Ask others if they are aware of any faults… (people like being asked to help out in such an important area!!) • Ask God to help us be a fault finder? - YEA RIGHT! [I know the Sword again]

  21. Fault Finders 101 What do we do once we determine faults exist in our "brethren?“ Notice I never said sisters – I was afraid you would think I was being sarcastic

  22. Fault Finders 101 • What do we do once we determine faults exist in our "brethren?“ • Matthew 26:41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

  23. Fault Finders 101 • What do we do once we determine faults exist in our "brethren?” • Restore them if possible with meekness - Gal. 6:1

  24. Fault Finders 101 • What do we do once we determine faults exist in our "brethren?” • Restore them if possible with meekness - Gal. 6:1 • Help them by bearing their burden – 2

  25. Fault Finders 101 • What do we do once we determine faults exist in our "brethren?” • Restore them if possible with meekness - Gal. 6:1 • Help them by bearing their burden – 2 • Teach God’s ways and Word to them – 6

  26. Fault Finders 101 • What do we do once we determine faults exist in our "brethren?” • Restore them if possible with meekness - Gal. 6:1 • Help them by bearing their burden – 2 • Teach God’s ways and Word to them – 6 • Realize seriousness of this – 7-8

  27. Fault Finders 101 • What do we do once we determine faults exist in our "brethren?” • Restore them if possible with meekness - Gal. 6:1 • Help them by bearing their burden – 2 • Teach God’s ways and Word to them – 6 • Realize seriousness of this – 7-8 • Hang in there – 9

  28. Fault Finders 101 • What do we do once we determine faults exist in our "brethren?” • Restore them if possible with meekness - Gal. 6:1 • Help them by bearing their burden – 2 • Teach God’s ways and Word to them – 6 • Realize seriousness of this – 7-8 • Hang in there – 9 • Treat them right – 10

  29. Fault Finders 101 • What do we do once we determine faults exist in our "brethren?” • Restore them if possible with meekness - Gal. 6:1 • Help them by bearing their burden – 2 • Teach God’s ways and Word to them – 6 • Realize seriousness of this – 7-8 • Hang in there – 9 • Treat them right – 10 • Tell no one but God

  30. Fault Finders 101 • How do we apply this "Fault Finding" to our own life?

  31. Fault Finders 101 • How do we apply this "Fault Finding" to our own life? • Pray

  32. Fault Finders 101 • How do we apply this "Fault Finding" to our own life? • Pray • Seek meekness – 1

  33. Fault Finders 101 • How do we apply this "Fault Finding" to our own life? • Pray • Seek meekness – 1 • Pray harder

  34. Fault Finders 101 • How do we apply this "Fault Finding" to our own life? • Pray • Seek meekness – 1 • Pray harder • Realize without Christ we are nothing – 3

  35. Fault Finders 101 • How do we apply this "Fault Finding" to our own life? • Pray • Seek meekness – 1 • Pray harder • Realize without Christ we are nothing – 3 • Take care of your own sins, not others!!! – 4-5

  36. Fault Finders 101 • How do we apply this "Fault Finding" to our own life? • Pray • Seek meekness – 1 • Pray harder • Realize without Christ we are nothing – 3 • Take care of your own sins, not others!!! – 4-5 • Study the Word – 6

  37. Fault Finders 101 • How do we apply this "Fault Finding" to our own life? • Pray • Seek meekness – 1 • Pray harder • Realize without Christ we are nothing – 3 • Take care of your own sins, not others!!! – 4-5 • Study the Word – 6 • Don’t hurt the Body of Christ – 10

  38. Fault Finders 101 • How do we apply this "Fault Finding" to our own life? • Pray • Seek meekness – 1 • Pray harder • Realize without Christ we are nothing – 3 • Take care of your own sins, not others!!! – 4-5 • Study the Word – 6 • Don’t hurt the Body of Christ – 10 • Tell everyone about God!!!!!

  39. Fault Finders 101 So when we stand before Christ the almighty judge, how happy will we be to carry the badge of FAULT FINDER ??????

  40. Fault Finders 101 If we see any faults keep them between us, God and the individual. Preferably find our own faults and remove them from our own life and let God handle the other ones!!!!!!!

  41. Fault Finders 101 Let us be FAULT FINDERSONLY IN OUR OWN LIFE

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