1. Human Nature Perspective What makes a human essentially human?
2. Humanity defined
Aristotle _____________
Wieman & Walter _______________________
Immanuel Kant ________________________
If communication dehumanizes, it is unethical
3. Human Nature Perspective:Kants Categorical Imperative _________________ categorical
Without conditions, exceptions, circumstances
Something unethical is ________________________
To guide
Act only on that maxim which you can at the same time _____________________________________.
Would I want everyone to follow this?
Is the standard one I would apply to everyone?
Always act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in another, as __________, and never as _____________________.
Humans are not things, possess respect
4. Human Nature Perspectivein a nutshell Uses __________________________________ as ________________________
To extent something violates humanity, it is unethical
5. Scenario 1 Responsibility toward technology what is ethical/unethical behavior based on Human Nature Approach
To guide your analysis
What is our ethical responsibility toward such machines?
What is their responsibility toward us?
Give examples