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Training and Spiritual Leadership of Pastoral Care Committee ... Spiritual Leadership of Outreach Committee - Shared - worship, adult education, baptisms, ...
Slide 1:Humber Valley United Church Joint Needs Assessment Committee Report
Presentation to the Congregation Sunday April 18, 2010
Slide 2:These are the members of the JNAC team who worked so hard on this task…
John Clark Alanna Goodman Gail Hamblin (Secretary) Rev. Sylvia and John Hamilton (Presby.) Joanne Moilliet Allan Orr Joan Rayner Fred Torrie David Dallimore (Chair)
Slide 3:We were asked to do several things…
Review current total staff organization and responsibilities Assess changing characteristics of HV area Take account of ongoing Executive Committee work on Transformational Change Recommend future staffing needs, actions and cost implications
Slide 4:We met with over 20 focus groups, committees and individuals who gave us their views including…
Lack of continuity in Christian Development - high staff and volunteer turnover Increasing need for strong pastoral care Preaching and music are strengths A second weekly service (contemporary) sought Need for improved coordination and flexibility between staff to overcome “silos” Better communication (staff and congregation) Budgetary constraints and max. use of volunteers 8% p.a. decline in worship service attendance
Slide 5:…and in February, a new issue arose which influenced our work…
St. Luke’s announced it was closing in June 2010! HVUC is the preferred destination for its 140 members Its pastoral care “case load” will add over 80% to current HVUC load Transition welcoming period
Slide 6:Our area is changing…
Less “WASPish” Declining public school enrollment Too many churches!
Slide 7:… and HVUC is changing…
We cannot rest on our laurels Towards a transformational church How best to live our mission statement: Worshipping Caring Welcoming Sharing 60th anniversary in 2012
Slide 8:So, what staffing structure do we need for the next five years?
Considered four alternatives Developed pros and cons Addressed concerns and ideas expressed by focus groups Included St Luke’s factor
Slide 9:Here is the staffing structure established by the 2007 JNAC…
Coordinating Minister (FT – 40 hours) Minister of Pastoral Care & Congregational Development (20 hours) Christian Development Staff Associate (30 hours) Lay Nursery Supervisor (5 hours) Minister of Music (20 hours - contract) 2 office support/bookkeeping staff 2 sextons PLUS ST. LUKE’S (One Minister (FT), One Lay Church School and Youth Leader (PT), One Music Director (PT), One Church Administrator (FT), One (?) Sexton
Slide 10:…and these are our staffing structure proposals…
Co-ordinating Minister (FT) Associate Minister (FT). Nursery Supervisor (4 hours.) Church School Lay Leader (10 hours.) Lay Youth Leader (up to 8 hours.) Lay Volunteer Confirmation Class Leader Minister of Music (25 hours) Senior Church Administrator (30 hours) Church Administrator (approx. 15 hours) Finance officer (bookkeeper, rentals) 1.5 sextons
Slide 11:We need two full-time ministers – a Coordinating Minister…
Responsibilities: Worship Spiritual leadership Congregational development Long-term planning of worship and special services/events Spiritual oversight of confirmation class and youth Staff team leadership Shared – pastoral care, adult ed., baptisms, weddings, funerals
Slide 12:…and an Associate Minister
Responsibilities: - Spiritual Leadership of Nursery and Church School programs - Training and Spiritual Leadership of Pastoral Care Committee - Primary Responsibility for Pastoral Care Program - Spiritual Leadership of Outreach Committee - Shared - worship, adult education, baptisms, weddings and funerals
Slide 13:But to work well together, the two minister model needs…
Team work Flexibility Regular communication between all staff and congregation Regular and structured staff meetings Passion and commitment Strong supportive committees
Slide 14:The role of the Minister of Music has been expanding…
Lead responsibility for church music All regular worship and special services Five choirs (Junior, Revelations, Chancel, Concert, Handbells) and six soloists Special concerts Youth musicals Services at seniors’ residences Daytimers music as requested Music selection, preparation, practices and administration Church based weddings and funerals
Slide 15:The Nursery and Church School staff would report to the Associate Minister…
Nursery Program Supervisor Provide dependable, regular and consistent nursery care Lay Church School Leader Plan lessons, recruit lay teachers, teach Administration of Church School Consistent, visible
Slide 16:…and the Youth Leader would report to the Coordinating Minister…
Establish new youth group immediately Recruit members Plan events Be highly visible to the congregation Support to Minister of Music led youth musicals
Slide 17:The Confirmation Class would be led by a volunteer …
Member of the congregation Spiritual guidance by the Coordinating Minister Plan and lead classes
Slide 18:To underpin all of this, we need strong Support Services including: a Senior Church Administrator…
Give increased admin. support to ministers and church organization Schedule regular staff meetings, develop agendas, take minutes Improve communications, administration and coordination Maintain 12 month rolling plan of church events Smooth transition with St. Luke’s members
Slide 19:…a part-time Church Administrator…
Reports to Senior Church Administrator Provides general support, as required: Interacting with parishioners Preparing weekly orders of service and mini-Connections Printing Connections Preparing Annual Report and other documents Updating Church Web site weekly Secretarial support to Church School Leader
Slide 20:…plus a Finance Officer…
Accounts Bookkeeping Financial Statements Room bookings and contracts Works closely with Senior Church Administrator, Treasurer and Building Manager Off site
Slide 21:…and last, but not least, our Sextons*…
Building cleaning and maintenance Meeting room and special events set-up Sound system operation for church services Matrix reporting to Church Administrator and Property Committee * 1.5 sextons
Slide 22:There are some advantages to the proposed structure, e.g…
Extra pastoral care support – St. Luke’s Greater continuity for CD and youth Clearer reporting responsibilities Breaks down silos – potential staff and congregation communication improvement More time for ministerial spiritual leadership Increased coverage/flexibility during ministers’ absences Enhanced role of church administration including St. Luke’s transition
Slide 23:…but on the other hand…
Success depends heavily on staff members and their desire and ability to work together especially in areas of worship, music and pastoral care Ability of ministers and staff to benefit from the role of the Senior Church Administrator Unknown impact of St. Luke’s No cost savings
Slide 24:In sum, our staffing model can help in addressing our future needs…
Providing more consistent programming for children and young people Helping to grow the next generation Coping with “tsunami” of Pastoral Care Addressing the latent spiritual thirst of our society Enhancing focus on outreach Developing as a transformational church Positioning ourselves for our 60th anniversary in 2012
Slide 25:Five recommendations to Presbytery
1.To approve the recommendations of the JNAC report for HVUC 2.To request Presbytery to declare a vacancy for a full time Order of Ministry person for the position of Associate Minister 3.To request Presbytery to approve a supply minister(s) for the position of Associate Minister until such time as this position can be filled 4.To request Presbytery to disband the JNAC Committee 5.To request Presbytery to establish a Joint Search Committee and provide Presbytery oversight for a Joint Search Committee
Slide 26:Recommendations to the HVUC Congregation
Approval of the JNAC report Forwarding the JNAC report and five recommendations to Presbytery for their approval
Slide 27:Humber Valley Unitedthe friendly community church