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Spanish-Language Acquisitions New Mexico Library Association Albuquerque, New Mexico March 2007

Spanish-Language Acquisitions New Mexico Library Association Albuquerque, New Mexico March 2007. Jim Veatch, Senior Librarian for Technical Services, Thomas Branigan Memorial Library Mark Pendleton, Senior Librarian for Outreach Services, Thomas Branigan Memorial Library

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Spanish-Language Acquisitions New Mexico Library Association Albuquerque, New Mexico March 2007

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Spanish-Language AcquisitionsNew Mexico Library AssociationAlbuquerque, New MexicoMarch 2007

  2. Jim Veatch, Senior Librarian for Technical Services, Thomas Branigan Memorial Library Mark Pendleton, Senior Librarian for Outreach Services, Thomas Branigan Memorial Library Justine Veatch, JINM Library Consultant Spanish-Language Acquisitions

  3. Dolores Tellez, Thomas Branigan Memorial Library Rosamarina Diaz, Thomas Branigan Memorial Library Spanish-Language Acquisitions

  4. Alfredo Marroquin, Director, Chulainn Publishing (libros@chulainnlibros.com) Roberto Rodriguez, Baker & Taylor (RodrigR@btol.com) Spanish-Language Acquisitions

  5. Spanish-Language Acquisitions

  6. FIL

  7. FIL/ALA

  8. Críticas

  9. Alfaguara

  10. Alfaguara Example

  11. Anaya

  12. Anaya Example

  13. Artes de México

  14. Artes de México Example

  15. Diamantehttp://www.editorialdiamante.com/

  16. Diamante

  17. Dianahttp://www.diana.com.mx/

  18. Diana

  19. Edebéhttp://www.edebe.com/

  20. Edebé

  21. Ediciones SM http://www.edicionessm.com.mx/home.php

  22. Ediciones SM

  23. Editorial Paxhttp://www.editorialpax.com/

  24. Editorial Pax

  25. Ekaréhttp://www.ekare.com

  26. Ekaré

  27. Fondo de Cultura Economica http://www.fceusa.com/

  28. Fondo de Cultura Economica http://www.fceusa.com/

  29. Fondo de Cultura Economica

  30. FonoLibrohttp://www.fonolibro.com

  31. FonoLibro

  32. Librería Porrúahttp://

  33. Librería Porrúa

  34. Libsahttp://www.libsa.es

  35. Libsa

  36. Noriegahttp://www.noriega.com.mx/

  37. Noriega

  38. Nowtilus http://www.nowtilus.com

  39. Nowtilus Catalog

  40. Nowtilus Example

  41. Oceanohttp://www.oceano.com.mx/

  42. Oceano Example

  43. Onirohttp://www.edicionesoniro.com

  44. Oniro Example

  45. Oniro Subscription

  46. Paidóshttp://www.paidos.com/

  47. Paidós Example

  48. Planetahttp://www.editorialplaneta.com.mx/

  49. Planeta Example

  50. Random House Mondadorihttp://www.randomhousemondadori.com.mx/

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