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Contents. Approbation of the last report (5 min) Progress of WP1 (20 min) EUAO Progress of WP2 (20 min) RDANGP Progress of WP3 (20 min) UGENT Progress of Biopol Project (20 min) Bert Annevelink Common workshop Dissemination of deliveries (15 min) IAR

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Contents • Approbation of the last report (5 min) • Progress of WP1 (20 min) EUAO • Progress of WP2 (20 min) RDANGP • Progress of WP3 (20 min) UGENT • Progress of Biopol Project (20 min) Bert Annevelink • Common workshop • Dissemination of deliveries (15 min) IAR • Communication plan (Brochure, Poster, Speak...) (20 min) IAR • Presentation of the Ghent Bioenergy Valley •  Miscellaneous

  2. Approbation of the last report (5 min) Reminder: All the reports of the project are on the Extranet of the Website ! You can download all the documents of the project on the Website at any time Modifications?

  3. Common workshop 1/4 Summary of decisions: • 2 coordinators: RDANGP (Biorefinery Euroview) and Imperial College of London (Biopol) • 2 days: 4-5 February or 5-6 February according the room avaibility and Piero Venturi avaibilities • In Brussels (Committee of the region) • 2 days: • 1 day common meeting (Biorefinery Euroview and Biopol) and PEB meeting (by project) below by a reception dinner • 1 day workshop • Name of the workshop: benchmarking is needed !!! • Biorefuture? Future of biorefinery plants? Futurobio? • 10 people “invited” by country: around 100 people • Communication of Website: Biorefinery Euroview, Biopol, Committee of the region and partner websites • Registration form will be on the website • First call program: end of november • Final call program: first week of January

  4. Common workshop 2/4 1st draft of the program: 9.00 am Welcome and registration 9.30 am Opening - Welcome by the 2 coordinators 9.40 am Expectation on biorefinery in EU from a European Commission Officer 10.00 am General presentation of the 2 projects 10.30 am 1st session – Definition and status of biorefinery 11.00 am Coffee break 11.30 am 2nd session - Mapping of the biorefinery 12.00 am 3rd session - Policy issues 12.30 am 4th session - Industry acceptance 1.00 pm Lunch 2.00 pm Working group sessions (3 groups with discussion paper) - Mapping - Policy Future part - Industry acceptance Project recommendations

  5. Common workshop 3/4 2.50 pm Coffee Break (?) 3.00 pm 2nd session of the working groups - Scenarios - Political bottleneck Discuss on the results - Industrial bottleneck 3.45 pm Conclusion of the working groups 4.00 pm General Conclusion: - Conclusions of sessions by the moderators - Future development of the 2 projects 4.30 pm End

  6. Common workshop 4/4 What we are waiting from you ? • Implication – built questions in advance on new information you need (inputs) • Moderator work during the parallel sessions • Invitation of guest – invitation by e-mail and recall by phone… The quality of persons presents will be the quality of the workshop ! A call meeting is booked by 17 December if necessary

  7. Dissemination of deliveries (15 min) IAR (1/3) PU = Public PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services). RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services). CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services).

  8. Dissemination of deliveries (15 min) IAR (2/3) PU = Public PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services). RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services). CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services).

  9. Dissemination of deliveries (15 min) IAR (3/3) PU = Public PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services). RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services). CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services).

  10. Communication plan 1/4 • Brochure have been made and validate by the European Commission A poster by partner was edited Don’t hesitate to use at all events!

  11. Communication plan 2/4 The website and the extranet: Third place in google with the keyword: biorefinery! • First assessment after 4 months • What are your feeling? • Suggestions of improvement • Usefull or not…

  12. Communication plan 3/4 • A Newsletter on the project should be edited after the first results • Objectives: • 4 NL during the project • Focus on 1 or 2 partners by NL • Focus on 1 or 2 biorefinery plants visited • Results and life of the project • First NL in progress • Each partner send it at his contacts • targets: questionnaire contacts, personnal contacts of each partner, persons who have asked by the website…

  13. Communication plan 4/4 A communication sheet will be in the website in the communication part Each partner has to fulfill the communication sheet We could know at any time where the project has been presented…

  14. Presentation of the Ghent Bioenergy Valley

  15. Miscellaneous • Change All the templates have to change No modification concerning the tasks and the implication • PMS • Each first day of the months, the Workpackage leader has to send his PMS to the coordinator! • With all the PMS, the coordinator make a Reminder to each partner

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