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ESIP Federation Air Quality Cluster Partner Agencies

ESIP Federation Air Quality Cluster Partner Agencies. ESIP Federation – Strategic Plan. The Federation is a broad-based consortium of remote sensing interests It is part of the data processing chain by the Earth science community.

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ESIP Federation Air Quality Cluster Partner Agencies

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  1. ESIP Federation Air Quality ClusterPartner Agencies

  2. ESIP Federation – Strategic Plan • The Federation is a broad-based consortium of remote sensing interests • It is part of the data processing chain by the Earth science community. • Data from Federation partners are captured, researched, analyzed and applied • Applications include public health, climate change, and disaster management • The plan adopts the following areas of focus: • Data Dissemination and Information Management • Promotion of Data Analysis Leading to Scientific Discovery • Public Engagement • Resource Development, and • Member Support and Administration • MISSION • Establish and continuously improve science-based end-to-end processes that increase the quality and value of Earth science products and services throughout their life-cycle for the benefit of the ESIP Federation’s stakeholder communities • VISION • Enhance society’s quality of life, economic opportunities, and stewardship through the regular use of scientifically sound Earth science information provided in a timely manner by a federation of partners collaborating to improve their collective services

  3. ESIP Federation Strategic Goals (Tom Yunck slide) 1. Serve as facilitator and advisor for the Earth science information community. 2. Promote efficient flow of Earth science data from collection to end-use. 3. Improve quality and usability of Earth science data and information systems. 4. Expand the use of Earth science information – get it to the decision-makers. 5. Educate the public about Earth science and science information systems.

  4. ESIT Federation Goals (1) • Act as a facilitator, coordinator and advisor for the Earth science data and information community • Strategy A. Provide leadership for the ES information community • Use the Federation’s Assembly as a forum for discussing and acting on key issues. • Identify and conduct outreach to other professional organizations for the purpose of networking and collaboration. • Develop strategic relationships with targeted federal agencies concerned with Earth science issues. • Increase the Federation’s visibility by encouraging Federation to represent the Federation at professional venues. • Strategy B. Proactively position ESIP to influence the evolution of future ES data systems and their use • Create a standing committee on long-range planning. • Involve federal agencies concerned with Earth science issues in the Federation’s long-range planning process. • Lead the development of a community wide plan for the evolution of Earth science data systems. • Educate key federal decision makers about the importance of ES data systems and advocate for funding • Ensure the efficient integration and flowof Earth science data from collection, analysis to end-use • Strategy A. Encourage the development, testing, promotion and dissemination of interoperable systems. • Use IT Committees, ESIPs etc. to identify and address data-related interoperability problems and needs. • Develop collaborative proposals for addressing and solving problems. • Support the creation and adoption of standards for communication among digital data and services. • Work with agencies and other organizations to provide technical workshops for users of ES data systems. • Strategy B. Position the Federation as an organization on the cutting edge of developing technologies that aid the discovery and sharing of scientific data, information, and knowledge for Earth science purposes • Use the IT Committee to identify new technologies and facilitate the exchange and use of Earth science data. • Encourage the development of collaborative initiatives that promote new technology.

  5. ESIT Federation Goals (2) • Improve the quality and usability of Earth science data and information systems • Strategy A. Facilitate user input into data and information systems. • Create a forum where developers, testers and users can provide input into the systems development process. • Create a feedback loop for all levels of users not involved in the Federation • Organize focus groups, workshops, seminars etc. for for gathering user feedback for the improvement of Earth science data systems. • Strategy B. Develop and implement a mechanism for assessing data quality. • Encourage the provision of quality assurance information by Federation members. • Create a working group to develop a mechanism for assessing data quality. • Increase the use of Earth science data and information • Strategy A. Advance Earth system science by providing data and information to relevant scientific disciplines. • Provide a forum at Federation meetings for the exchange of ideas and information among scientists from different disciplines. • Encourage all Federation committees to participate in the activities of scientific societies to promote the use of ESIP-generated data • Invite scientists from a variety of disciplines to participate in Federation meetings and technical workshops. • Use the Community Engagement Committee to create an outreach program to involve a wide range of scientists in the Federation. • Strategy B. Use the Federation for networking, learning about new technologies, presenting research, and pursuing funding. • Provide a forum at Federation meetings for the exchange of ideas and information among scientists from different disciplines. • Use the Products and Services Committee, etc to identify innovative opportunities for using data for Earth science research. • Educate the public about the importance ES and ES information systems. • Attract new members and encourage active involvement & retention of members. • Achieve these goals by ensuring a stable funding for the Federation and its members

  6. EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency Goals and Activities:

  7. NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Goals and Activities:

  8. NPSNational Park Service Goals and Activities:

  9. NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration Goals and Activities:

  10. DOEDepartment of Energy Goals and Activities:

  11. IGACInternational Global Atmospheric Chemistry Goals and Activities: Coordinated International Projects • To determine the global distributions of atmospheric chemical species and their change over time • To understand controlling processes and their impact on global change and air quality • To improve prediction of atmospheric over the coming decades by integrating atmospheric processes with the response and feedbacks of the Earth System.

  12. GAW - Global Atmospheric Watch The rationale for GAW: • To understand the nature of natural and anthropogenic atmospheric change • Improve the understanding of atmosphere, ocean and biosphere interactions  • Provide reliable scientific information for national and international policy makers

  13. Retrospective, Nowcasting and Forecasting

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