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Leonardo da Vinci partnerships project ’’SOS- Strenghtening the orientation from school

Leonardo da Vinci partnerships project ’’SOS- Strenghtening the orientation from school to job ’’

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Leonardo da Vinci partnerships project ’’SOS- Strenghtening the orientation from school

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Leonardo da Vinci partnershipsproject ’’SOS-Strenghteningtheorientationfromschool tojob’’ Theobjective of thequestionnaire;profilingteacherstoget a picture of social,intellectual,physicalcompetences(strenghts,weaknesses,possibilities,imposibilities of teachers)problemsandneeds of VET teachers

  2. Gender: participantteachernumbers:107

  3. Education qualification participantteachernumbers:107

  4. Work experience participantteachernumbers:107

  5. I have enough information about career orientation and guidance participantteachernumbers:107

  6. Level of my computing knowledge participantteachernumbers:107

  7. usinginformation technology while preparing and giving my lessons participantteachernumbers:107

  8. New developments and changings are followed at my school/institute participantteachernumbers:107

  9. I think workshops, equipments and materials at school are enough to prepare the students for the labour markets. Participantteachernumbers:107

  10. I update my technical knowledge and teaching methods to be more useful for my students andto answer the needs of enterprises/labour markets participantteachernumbers:107

  11. Before my students start their internships in enterprises/practical taining places,As a VET teacher I give some information to my students about: their right and duties,professional ethics and their responsibilities. participantteachernumbers:107

  12. I make some discussions with my students on their problems related to their fields. participantteachernumbers:107

  13. Finding qualified practical training places to improve students’ qualifications is difficult. participantteachernumbers:107

  14. I know what the labour markets expect from VET students. participantteachernumbers:107

  15. I think education programmes at school and the needs of enterprises cover each other. participantteachernumbers:107

  16. How are the practical training places found for students’ practical training participantteachernumbers:107

  17. Why do you think the enterprises/practical training places take the students to their enterprises/ practical training places? participantteachernumbers:107

  18. How often do the coordinator teachers/responsible teachers have to visit their students in practical training places. participantteachernumbers:107

  19. How do you think a teacher can improve his/her professional knowledge and skills? participantteachernumbers:107

  20. What kind of counselling would be more useful for students for the orientation from school to job? participantteachernumbers:107


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