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Notre Dame Service Project. Expectations and Criteria. “Whenever you did this for the least of my brothers and sisters, you did it for me” (Matthew 25:36). Service Activities Criteria: There are 3 ways you can complete your hours. Interests, Gifts & Talents. Faith Growth. Charitable Works.
Notre Dame Service Project Expectations and Criteria
“Whenever you did this for the least of my brothers and sisters, you did it for me” (Matthew 25:36) Service Activities Criteria:There are 3 ways you can complete your hours. Interests, Gifts & Talents Faith Growth Charitable Works Should impact the community or community organizations Could be a faith development opportunity such as service in your church or faith community or faith growth within a youth group. Look for a project that pays forward to others your gifts and talents. Ask yourself: Is this project a value to yourself? I this project a value to another person? • Choose an activity that is not intended to assist your immediate family as this is seen as a family or moral obligation. • Must not get paid – there should be no financial benefit for you or your family ie: going to work without being paid, or volunteering at your family business or place of employment. • You should find value in reaching out to others not in checking off another assignment. By volunteering ten hours this semester to serve the ‘neediest of the needy’ in our community, you will benefit the citizens of Red Deer and deepen your own appreciation for ‘love of neighbor’. We come to know God; to experience God when we act as Jesus would have acted. Whether or not you see yourself as a Christian, your efforts will be valued and your rewards will be reflective of how much of yourself you are willing to share.
Faith Growth: 2 Thessalonians 1:3 says: “We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing.” • Notre Dame Thinkfast– March TBA • Youth Ministry or Super Team Events – See Service Project bulletin board by rooms 1707 and 1708 • Service in your church – youth group, children’s liturgy, sing in the choir • Join EDGE Ministry – See Jeannette • Bible study • Attend a Spiritual Retreat • Attend Youth Activities at your church
Works: Matthew 25:40 says; “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.' Students may choose a project that helps those that need assistance in our communities. • Community agencies such as Loaves and Fishes, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Food Bank, Central Alberta Refugee Effort, Potter’s Hands, Salvation Army – Thrift Store, Street Ties, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Youth and Volunteer Centre – Red Deer, Family Services of Central Alberta, GreenDeer • Are you over 17? You can donate to the Canadian Blood Services. 1 donation is worth 5 hours. You can earn extra hours by bringing people with you. 1 person who donates is equal to 1 hour. • Charitable Organization Events where a non-profit organization would hold a fundraiser to support their cause • School Events such as Grade 10 Orientation, elementary school penny carnivals, attend a rally such as March for Life or volunteer for ND’s Sphere Club • St. Mary’s Knights of Columbus hold a Pancake breakfast every 3rd Sunday of the month – Funds help local charities. See Mr. Merredew for more information. • LifeTeen Nights with Jeannette – Every 3rd Thursday of the month will be a service project.
Interests, Gifts and Talents: In Romans 12:5-7 the apostle Paul says: We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach. If God has given you a desire and a talent, use it! Choose a project that allows you to be a steward of your gifts and abilities. • Volunteer at the hospital, elementary school, nursing home, library, day home • Are you taking the Health Care Aide program? Bethany Care Center is looking for volunteers • Volunteer as a coach or mentor • Help out with scorekeepingor be a lines person for the Cougars.
Volunteering is great for resumes, scholarships and portfolios too! • By volunteering you are not only doing charitable work, but you are also showing potential schools, employers and scholarship donors that you are a well rounded individual. • In your service project package there is a couple of letters that you can take to your supervisor so he or she can easily create a letter about your experience. • Try to document your volunteering opportunity. If you are volunteering with children there may be a FOIP issue. Always ask if you can take a photo.
How do I complete the assignment? • Contemplate on the project you would like to do. • Fill out the Project Planning Form and hand it in to your teacher by the last class in February. • Complete the project and have your supervisor fill out the evaluation form. You may also request them to write a letter for your portfolio. Give the form letter to your supervisor as a guideline. • Complete a one page reflection on your experience. • Hand the supervisor evaluationand/or letter, and reflection into your teacher before the last class in September.
How am I being graded? • Preapproval of hours - /5 – Assignment • Reflection - /5 – Assignment • Hours - /10 – Service Hours