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Learn about the functions of protein in food production, the role of protein in the body, and sources of protein including eggs and alternative proteins. Discover how proteins are made up of amino acids and their importance in growth, repair, and energy production.
Learning Objectives • Describe the functions of protein in food production • Explain the different uses of eggs in food production • Define the role of protein in the body
What foods contain protein? High biological value protein = protein from animals Low biological value protein = protein from plants
What is protein? • Protein foods are made up of small units called amino acids that are linked together • When heated the links change
Role of protein in the body: • A – growth and repair of body cells • B – a secondary source of energy • C – enable production of enzymes and hormones
Eggs • A good source of protein! • They have many functions • What foods contain egg?
Non-animal sources of protein • What can a vegetarian eat so they have enough protein in their diet?
Non-animal sources of protein • Quorn, tofu, nuts, pulses (peas, beans, lentils), soya, TVP (textured vegetable protein), cereals
Non-animal sources of protein • Also referred to as ALTERNATIVE PROTEINS
Q. List 5 High in Protein Foods: Write out the paragraph and fill in the blanks: Proteins assist with _______________ and repair of the body. Proteins are found in __________ products like meat, __________, cheese, milk and ___________. Vegetable sources include soya-bean products, _________ and nuts. These are called ______________ proteins. Proteins are made up of small units called _____________ _____________.
Q. List 5 High in Protein Foods: Write out the paragraph and fill in the blanks: Proteins assist with growth and repair of the body. Proteins are found in animal products like meat, fish, cheese, milk and eggs. Vegetable sources include soya-bean products, pulses and nuts. These are called alternative proteins. Proteins are made up of small units called amino acids.
Draw the table in your book with a pencil and ruler and complete it in full sentences.
Aeration, emulsion, solid, linked, coagulation, meringue, separating, mayonnaise, liquid, amino acids, heated. Protein foods are made up of small units called ______ ______ that are _______ together. When _________ the links change. Eggs are a very versatile ingredient, and are widely used in cooking. The whole egg and eggs whites are capable of trapping air, this is called _________. An example of aeration would be _________ or Swiss roll. When eggs are heated they change from a _______ to a _______ and set, this is called ____________. Eggs are also used to stop oil and water ___________, they allow an __________ to form, for example __________.
Aeration, emulsion, solid, linked, coagulation, meringue, separating, mayonnaise, liquid, amino acids, heated. Protein foods are made up of small units called Amino Acids that are linked together. When heated the links change. Eggs are a very versatile ingredient, and are widely used in cooking. The whole egg and eggs whites are capable of trapping air, this is called aeration. An example of aeration would be meringue or Swiss roll. When eggs are heated they change from a liquid to a solid and set, this is called coagulation. Eggs are also used to stop oil and water separating, they allow an emulsion to form, for example mayonnaise.
Function of ingredients - Quiche Use the following key words in your answers: Coagulation flavour structure bulking enrich binding strengthen gluten shortening crumbly texture golden
Homework • Explain the 3 types of vegetarian: Lacto vegetarian, Lacto-ovo vegetarian and Vegan • Give a detailed explanation as to why someone may choose to be a vegetarian. Link to moral, cultural and/or ethical reasons. • What meat replacements are available for vegetarians? • How could you make Spaghetti Bolognese suitable for a vegetarian? • Why can’t Vegans eat Quorn? • This work should include research and a reference to books/ websites used. Please do not copy and paste – make sure all work completed is written in your own words. ½ of an A4 page – 1 A4 page.