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Discover the activities at the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy in Bulgaria, from particle physics to nuclear safety. Explore research equipment, departments, and international collaborations.
Nuclear Physics outside CERN Ch. Stoyanov Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy Sofia, Bulgaria
Who are the actors in Nuclear Physics research in Bulgaria? Where is Nuclear Physics research carried out? BULGARIA
The Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE) of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) is the largest Bulgarian institution for nuclear research and applications http://www.inrne.bas.bg. The range of activities is extremely wide starting from the physics of elementary particles and atomic nuclei, reactor physics, radioactive wastes problems, dosimetry, radiation and nuclear safety, radiochemistry and radioecology, nuclear instrumentation and nuclear methods for nondestructive analysis, monitoring and management of the environment. INRNE has in its structure 2 scientific sub-centres as Nuclear experimental centre, and Basic environmental observatory on peak Moussala in Rila Mountain. BULGARIA
Basic research equipment Research reactor IRT-200, now in reconstruction; power: 200 kW; channels: 2 vertical for fast neutrons 3.1012n/cm2s, 2 vertical for thermal neutrons 8.1012n/cm2s, 7 horizontal fast 1,6.1012n/cm2s, thermal 5.1011 n/cm2s, 6 vertical fast 2.1012 n/cm2s, thermal 7.1010 n/cm2s, 1 channel for Boron neutron capture therapy 0,9.109 n/cm2s epithermal; subfields: isotope production, irradiation, material testing, radiography, activation analysis, therapy, transmutation, teaching and training. BULGARIA
Basic research equipment computer systems – GRID-node, Institute computer network • detection systems – • 4π detector system “Romashka” for gamma-ray multiplicity studies, efficiency 99%, scintillator material NaI(Tl), • 5 HPGe-detector systems (detector + multi channel analyzer). • Moessbauer spectrometer • Monitoring spectrometric system • Specialized spectrometric system for control of illegal traffic of nucler materials. • IPC-MS spectrometer for radio-ecological measurements • Liquid scintillation spectrometer BULGARIA
Basic research equipment TR-24, ACSI (EBCO), Canada • Accelerates H- ions • Extraction by stripping foils • Beam Energy: 15 – 24 MeV • Beam Current: 400 µA • Upgradeable to 1 mA • Dual Beam Extraction • External CUSP ion source • Turbomolecular and cryo vacuum pumps • Vacuum:5.10-7 – 10-6 Torr PET: 11C, 13N, 15O, 18F, 124I, 64Cu, 68Ge SPECT: 123I, 111In, 67Ga, 57Co, 99mTc BULGARIA
Department of Nuclear Physics • Group of Nuclear Spectroscopy • Microscopic description of the structure of excited states • Waste transmutation problem • Group Nuclear Reactions • Lifetime measurements in nuclear spectroscopy • High-spin states in neutron rich nuclei • Department of Theoretical Physics • Group Nuclear Theory • Nucleon correlations • Models of complex deformed nuclei • Algebraic and geometrical aspects of dynamic symmetries BULGARIA
Department of Atomic Physics • gamma-ray spectroscopy – high- and medium spin in-beam spectroscopy, fission fragment spectroscopy (Gammaspehre, Euroball, GASP), low-spin spectroscopy with radioactive beams; • nuclear structure and models – symmetries of nuclear rotation, collective nuclear models, isovector excitations in heavy nuclei; • nuclear electronics; • radiation protection and dosymmetry; • Department of Nuclear Engineering • nuclear reactor physics; • nuclear reactor analysis • nuclear safety and radiation protection; • neutron physics • nuclear theory – theory of nuclear fission, elaborate pairing theories, heavy-ion reactions; BULGARIA
University of Plovdiv Physics faculty Application of nuclear methods Several nuclear physicists collaborating with INRNE on the field of radioecology. Microtron Type MT-25, now in reconstruction, energy range 10-25 MeV, beam current 20 mA, gamma-flux 1014 pps, thermal neutron 109 n/cm2s, fast neutron 1012 n/cm2s. BULGARIA
The "Nuclear Physics” domain in Bulgaria • How do the topics internationally labelled as “Nuclear Physics” map onto the research organizations in Bulgaria? Topics:1. Quantum Chromodynamics2. Phases of nuclear matter 3. Nuclear Structure4. Nuclei in the Universe 5. Fundamental Interactions 6. Applications of Nuclear Science * The topics No 3 and No 6 are included in the research programs in Bulgaria BULGARIA
International Collaboration • In which institutions outside of your own country (CERN, FAIR, HERA, ILL,, ...) are you involved (as agency, as institution, ...)? Bulgaria is member state of CERN and JINR-Dubna. Ministry of Education and Science is responsible for participation in CERN. Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency is responsible for participation in JINR-Dubna. BULGARIA
International Collaboration • The collaboration with CERN is mainly in the field of high-energy physics. • The limitation of the funds does not permit to enlarge the collaboration including topics on Nuclear Physics. This point is under discussion with the authorities responsible for CERN. • The collaboration with Dubna in the field of Nuclear Physics is connected mainly with • Laboratory of Theoretical Physics Topics: • Nuclear Structure far from Stability Valley • Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions and Nuclear Properties at the Low Energies • Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions - • Reactions induced by stableand radioactive ion beams of light elements. • Laser spectroscopy of nuclei • Laboratory of Neutron Physics BULGARIA
International Collaboration • The collaboration scheme used (e.g. MoU, HERA?, CERN?, ...) The collaboration scheme for CERN and JINR-Dubna is a member state. Recently it was signed MoU between INRNE and GANIL. Also there is agreements between INRNE and INFN (Italy) and DESY - Hamburg. Bilateral agreement of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Education and Science with corresponding Agencies of other countries. • Who is responsible in your country (funding agency, research institutions, universities, individual scientists) for making arrangements or commitments with this collaboration? Funding Agencies are responsible about the collaboration with CERN and JINR-Dubna, while Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Universities are responsible for bilateral agreements including European countries. BULGARIA
International Collaboration • Give a brief description of the participation of your country in the collaboration, in terms of the academic, financial and organisational contribution Collaborations with CERN and JINR-Dubna are under the control of funding Agencies. The Agencies pay the annual contributions and the proposed research topics are selected by the Agencies. The bilateral cooperation is based on the common projects between participants. Financial support is given by participation countries. Usually the travel expenses and the stay are paid by the host organization. • What is your experience with this type of participation? All Bulgarian nuclear physicists take part in international collaborations. It has to be mentioned the collaboration with CNRS (France), DAAD (Germany), DFG (Germany), INFN (Italy), Royal Society of London, National Research Council (CSIC-Spain), collaboration with Academies of East European countries ( Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary etc.) BULGARIA
International Collaboration • Are there, from your point of view, any Pan-European collaborations that would be relatively easy to realise or extend? How would this be organised? What are the benefits? The main problem for Bulgarians is connected with funding of collaborations. Bulgaria is a small country and its activity in the field of nuclear physics depends on the collaboration with large European centers. The enlargement of collaborations depends on the available funds. BULGARIA
International Collaboration • Non-European collaborations The Non-European collaborations are based on the agreement signed by official institutions like Ministry of Education and Science, Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The corresponding institutions give financial support of scientists. Ministry of Education and Science governs a lot of agreements with Japan, China etc. Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency supports collaboration predominantly with IAEA-Vienna. Bulgarian Academy of Science governs bilateral contracts with a lot of non-European institutions like National Science Foundation (USA), China Institutions, India etc. The collaborations are based on Projects accepted by both sides. BULGARIA
Personnel • Provide the number of levels (researcher, associate, full professor, etc). BULGARIA
Nuclear Structure • Even-even nuclei • mixed-symmetry states • Theory (INRNE) • Quasiparticle –Phonon Model • Experiment (SU "St. Kl. Ohridski") • TU Darmstadt, XTU tandem at University of Cologne
BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INRNE Defects Structure Studies in Neutron Irradiated Be: Positron Lifetime Model Calculations Be: Positron Lifetime Model Calculations T. Troev, V. Angelov, N. Stefanova, K. Berovski, A. Markovski Troev@inrne.bas.bg
Nuclear physics University of Sofia "St. Kl. Ohridski " Department of "Atomic Physics" • Main research tasks: • Experimental study of the structure of atomic nuclei • Collective isovector excitations associated with the two-fluid nature of the atomic nucleus - study of the states with mixed proton-neutron symmetry; • Phase transitions - X (5) symmetry; • Balance between collective and single particle excitations - measurement of magnetic moments of excited nuclear states; • Conservation and violation of nuclear symmetries associated with orientation of the angular momentum (magnetic and chiral rotational bands) and symmetries of the quadrupole collectivity (O (6) - U (5) - SU (3));
Nuclear TheoryResearch group on “Models of complex deformed nuclei, symmetries and fine structure of nuclear spectra” • Model of collective quadrupole-octupole rotations and vibrations with single-particle degrees of freedom • Alternating-parity and quasi parity-doublet spectra • E1, E2, E3 transition probabilities; Magnetic moments; β2, β3 deformations • Nuclear isomer energy and decay • Collective models with deformation dependent mass • Method of the shape invariance; SUSY-QM approach • Collective spectra and E2 transitions; Shape-phase transition phenomena • Algebraic realization of the pairing-plus-quadrupole model • Symmetry-adapted basis; isoscalar- plus-isovector pairing • Complementarity and competitiveness of the two modes in nuclei of ds and fp shells
Nuclear Theory International collaborations: through ENSAR with Warsaw University, Poland Within this collaboration we have developed a method to compute the polarization correction to single particle energies, thus capable to describe the single particle spectra of odd-even atomic nuclei. Results have been published in conference proceedings and in Phys. Rev. C 89, 014307 (2014) and Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 252501 (2014)
BULGARIAN EURATOM-INRNE FUSION ASSOCIATION Participating Laboratories in the Association:INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH AND NUCLEAR ENERGY (INRNE) BASSOFIA UNIVERSITY (SU) INSTITUTE OF ELECTRONICS (IE) BAS The research institutions have already had eight contracts as cost-sharing actions; four in physics and four with EFDA Technology in the “tritium breeding and materials” field. Two physics and one technology contracts are current.
PITZ-INRNE collaboration The collaboration between INRNE-BAS and PITZ started back in 2001-2002 with the design, production and commissioning of an Emittance Measurement SYstem (EMSY) used to measure the beam transverse emittance which is an indicator of the beam quality. Later three more stations were produced as at the moment they are installed on dedicated locations along the linac. Mostly the first station is used as it's positioned just after the electron beam has reached its final Momentum Currently PITZ is busy characterising and optimising the sources used at the European XFEL. The XFEL photo-injector started operating in 2015 as the results are promising but the first user runs are still to come. Additionally to the XFEL guns, PITZ is preparing the guns for FLASH and has its own research program focused on studies in plasma-beam interaction and laser-based PWA. INRNE-BAS takes part in all of the mentioned above activities. GENERATION OF X-RAY FLASHES From 2017 on, it will generate extremely intense X-ray flashes to be used by researchers from all over the world. http://pitz.desy.de/
JINR - Dubna Project Collaboration between INRNE-BAS, Sofia and FLNR-JINR, Dubna and Nuclear Spectroscopy of Superheavy Transfermium Elements Study of the excited states of the Z = 104, Rf-256 and Z = 105, Db-257
Neutron nuclear physics TAggedNeutrons & Gamma-RAys • Project TANGRA – Study of interaction of neutrons with nuclei and properties of neutrons • The essence of the Tagged Neutron Method (TNM) consists in recording the characteristic g-rays formed in the inelastic scattering of 14.1 MeV neutrons on the nuclei • В рамках темы 03-4-1104-2013/2016 «Исследования в области нейтронной ядерной физики» было начато выполнение задач научно-исследовательского проекта с международным участием ТАНГРА «Разработка и развитие метода меченых нейтронов для определения элементной структуры вещества и изучения ядерных реакций». • Суть метода меченых нейтронов состоит в регистрации характеристического излучения гамма – квантов, образующихся в реакциях неупругого рассеяния быстрых нейтронов с энергией 14.1 МэВ на ядрах исследуемого вещества A(n,n`γ)A, в совпадениях с альфа-частицей, образующейся в реакции t (d, 4He) n. Анализ спектров зарегистрированного излучения позволяет определять содержание отдельных химических элементов в составе исследуемого вещества.
laser induced resonance fluorescence for determining nuclear momentsand hyperfine magnetic anomaly. Field shift 4 3 2 1 Principles and experimental setup. Interaction nuclei - electron shell Hyperfine splitting Isotopic shift F I = 5/2 Mass shift W(F) J=3/2 Levels of hyperfine structure Atomic level of fine structure Change of nuclear mean square charge radius - δ<r2> Quadrupole moment, magnetic moment, hyperfine magnetic anomaly (distribution of nuclearmagnetism) Scheme of the experimental setup Resolution –naturalwidth of spectral line. Sensitivity– 1011 atoms in sample.
Study the hyperfine interaction in metallic compounds The Method of Perturbed Angular γ-γCorrelation (γγ-TDPAC) Istart Istart 1 1 Дет 1 N (, t) Iinterm. 1 environments 2 2 Дет 2 2 Istop Istop kmax= min(2Iinterm., L1, L2) Coefficients of angular correlations are depending of nuclear spin and multipole expansions of the1and 2. Unperturbed angular correlation Perturbed angular correlation Perturbation factors Gk(t) give full information on the nature, intensity and direction of the interaction. Legendre polynomials
Applications of Nuclear Science • Experiment on investigation transmutation I-129, Np-237, Pu-238 and Pu-239 at deuteron beam nuclotron JINR (Dubna) . • Investigation of radioactively contaminated terrains and soils. • Systematical Investigations of Cs -137 Concentration in soils. BULGARIA