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Research Topics in Computational Science

Research Topics in Computational Science. Agenda. Mini Lecture (less than 30 min) MVC Database Basics Programming Diagrams Simple Database Creation (class example) Time for Homework Questions (10-15 min). Abstract Thinking. Break down the program into small pieces

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Research Topics in Computational Science

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Research Topics in Computational Science

  2. Agenda • Mini Lecture (less than 30 min) • MVC • Database Basics • Programming Diagrams • Simple Database Creation (class example) • Time for Homework Questions (10-15 min)

  3. Abstract Thinking • Break down the program into small pieces • Small things are easier to understand • Think about how “parts” are related • Objects are Great for Abstraction!

  4. Model View Controller (MVC) • MVC is a philosophy • MVC helps thinking about User Interface (UI) • Breaks up workload among programmers • Design Pattern for Abstraction

  5. Model • Information or Data • Where the Data Lives • The Controller asks the Model for data • The model can either generate OR create the data as needed

  6. View • Is the User Interface • We edit the View to change user experiences • Stick with current practices

  7. Controller • Handles User Actions • Interprets the View and feeds input to the Model, then updates the view based on the model output • Controllers have Input & Output

  8. Databases • A database is a collection of tables • Like Excel Tables • Rows and Columns • Columns are categories • Rows are entries • MUST have a UID (Unique ID) Column

  9. Tables Names Addresses Envelopes

  10. Drawing a Diagram • Draw a picture of your program • Helps to see the relations between parts of your program • Draw pictures that work for you • Should be clear to others

  11. Now To Code • Creating a Database • we will create a basic DB

  12. Database Steps To Remember • Data -> add new data source • Show Database Explorer • Show Data Sources • Save your Project • (Cannot save to a network drive!) • Add data to the database

  13. Adding to a Database • Data Grid View • Details • Can add to the database • Recompiling the program will change also update the database

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