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1. When sor - rows like bil - lows flow o - ver my soul, And my. heart is filled with de - spair; Tell a - gain that old. sto - ry of a cit - y so fair, Where peace like a.
1. When sor-rows like bil-lows flow o - ver my soul, And my heart is filled with de - spair; Tell a - gain that old
sto - ry of a cit - y so fair, Where peace like a Where peace like a Peace like a riv - er, riv - er rolls on.
riv - er flows o - ver my peace like a riv - er flows o - ver my soul, flows soul, When trou - bles and sor-row from o-ver my soul, Troubles and sorrow, trou-bles and sor-rows from From life all have flown,
life all have flown, I’ll drink at that life all have flown, from life all have flown;Drink at that fountain that I’ll nev-er die but live on and live on. foun - tain that flows deep and flows deep and wide, I’ll drink at that foun-tain that
wide, Where peace like a riv-er, peace like a flows deep and wide, riv - er, Peace flows o-ver my soul, flows on and on.
2. If I walk in the sun-shine by quiet wa-ters still, Or I walk thru the val - ley so dim; There’s a riv - er still
flow-ing, it flows deep and wide, From the foun-tain on Where peace like a Peace like a riv - er, Cal - va - ry’s hill.
riv - er flows o - ver my peace like a riv - er flows o - ver my soul, flows soul, When trou - bles and sor-row from o-ver my soul, Troubles and sorrow, trou-bles and sor-rows from From life all have flown,
life all have flown, I’ll drink at that life all have flown, from life all have flown;Drink at that fountain that I’ll nev-er die but live on and live on. foun - tain that flows deep and flows deep and wide, I’ll drink at that foun-tain that
wide, Where peace like a riv-er, peace like a flows deep and wide, riv - er, Peace flows o-ver my soul, flows on and on.
3. Where peace like a riv - er flows o - ver my soul, Where trou-bles and tears all have flown; As I drink of the
foun-tain that flows deep and wide, Then peace like a Where peace like a Peace like a riv - er, riv - er flows on.
riv - er flows o - ver my peace like a riv - er flows o - ver my soul, flows soul, When trou - bles and sor-row from o-ver my soul, Troubles and sorrow, trou-bles and sor-rows from From life all have flown,
life all have flown, I’ll drink at that life all have flown, from life all have flown;Drink at that fountain that I’ll nev-er die but live on and live on. foun - tain that flows deep and flows deep and wide, I’ll drink at that foun-tain that
wide, Where peace like a riv-er, peace like a flows deep and wide, riv - er, Peace flows o-ver my soul, flows on and on.