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Diet Plan is crucial for any fitness goal. Moderating a good diet is very important in maintaining overall good health<br><br><br>elitefitness.ae
Intermittent fasting Intermittent fasting involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting. At first, people may find it difficult to eat during a short window of time each day or alternate between days of eating and not eating.
Benefitsof IntermittentFasting Reduceweight ChangesTheFunctionofCells, Genesand Hormones ReduceInsulinResistance, LoweringYour RiskofType2Diabetes ReduceOxidativeStressandInflammation inTheBody
PLANT- BASED DIETS Plant-based or plant-forward eating patterns focus on foods primarily from plants. This includes not only fruits and vegetables, but also nuts, seeds, oils, whole grains, legumes, and beans.
BenefitsofPlant BasedDiet Lowerstheriskofcardiovasculardisease Lowersthebloodpressureandcholesterol Improvesbloodsugarcontrol Lowerdiabetesrisk Higherinsulinsensitivity
Low-CarbDiets? A low-carb diet means that you eat fewer carbohydrates and a higher proportion of fat. This can also be called a low-carb, high-fat diet (LCHF) or a keto diet.
BenefitsofLowCarb Diet ReduceAppetite Green Thumbs Garden Cafe | ReducedBloodSugarandInsulinLevels IncreasedLevelsof 'Good' HDLCholesterol ReducedBloodSugarandInsulinLevels Gardening for Food MayLowerBloodPressure.
THEPALEO The paleo diet advocates eating whole foods, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nuts, and seeds. It restricts the consumption of processed foods, grains, sugar, and dairy, though some less restrictive versions allow for some dairy products like cheese. DIET
BENEFITSOF PALEODIET Improvedmetabolicprocessesand guthealth. Improvessleep Eliminates toxins and increase nutrientintake Improvements in those suffering depressionoranxieties Reducedallergies
Low-FatDiets Lowfatfoodsarethosethathave30% oftheircaloriesorlessfromfats. Eat plentyofplantfoods (suchaswhole- grains, fruits, andvegetables) anda moderateamountofleanandlow-fat, animal-basedfood (meatanddairy products) tohelpcontrolyourfat, cholesterol, carbs, andcalories.
BenefitsofLow-fat Diets Reducedriskofheartdiseaseandstroke Reduceinflammation Improvemarkersofdiabetes