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Chapter 8

Chapter 8. Basic components of memory. Ability to recall previously learned information. MEMORY. Basic Terminology. Process of putting new information in memory. STORAGE. There are three main ways in which information can be encoded (changed): 1. Visual (picture)

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Chapter 8

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  1. Chapter 8 Basic components of memory

  2. Ability to recallpreviouslylearned information MEMORY Basic Terminology Process of putting new information in memory STORAGE There are three main ways in which information can be encoded (changed): 1. Visual (picture) 2. Acoustic (sound) 3. Semantic (meaning) Process of storing information by modifyingit ENCODING Processof « finding » information previouslystored RETRIEVAL

  3. Dual-store model of memory Atkinson-shiffrin (1968) CENTRAL EXECUTIVE Long-Term Memory SensoryRegister Working (Short-Term) Memory IN DEPT PROCESSING INPUT ATTENTION Lost ? Lost Lost

  4. Holdincoming information long enough for it to undergo verypreliminary cognitive processing. SensoryRegister CAPACITY Very large even for infants FORMS OF STORAGE Basicallystored in the sameway in whichit has been sensed VeryBrief Diffucult to measure Move to quickly to working memory DURATION -Interference -Decay

  5. Factorsinfluencing attentionInformation that a learner pays attention to-moves on to working memory • MOTION Movingobjects are more likely to capture attention thanstationeryones • SIZE Attention to drawn to LARGE OBJECTS • INTENSITY More intense Stimuli- Bright Colors & Loud Noises • NOVELTY Stimuli unusual in someway • INCONGRUITY Objectsthatdon’tmakesensewithintheircontext • SOCIAL CUES Thingstheyseeotherslookingat and reacting to • EMOTION Stimuli withstrongemotional connections • PERSONAL SIGNIFICANCE Meaning and relevance people find in an object or event

  6. NATURE OF AtTENTION Shadowing Technique used to studythisability to attends to a spoken message whileignoringothers. Is Attention really a filter ? Working memory controls attention to someextent http://youtu.be/tESffhWs8l0 ATTENTION’S LIMITED CAPACITY

  7. Working memoryWhere, cognitive- active thinking, occurs CAPACITY Verylimited A good deal of the information stored in working memory isauditoryespeciallywhen the information islanguage-based ( visual, spatial and tactile) Controls and monitors the flow and use of information throughout the memory system FORMS OF STORAGE George Miller (1956) Magicalnumberseven, plus or minus two -Interference -Decay DURATION Short-term memory Lessthan 30 seconds Cowan ( 2010) 3-5 meaningful items http://education-portal.com/academy/lesson/improving-short-term-memory.html#lesson

  8. Declarativeknowledge How things are, were, or willbe ProceduralknowledgeHow to do things Long-term memoryConnecting new information withpriorknowledge CAPACITY Illimited More information isalreadythere, the easieritis to store additional information In a variety of forms: Distorstions of reality Explicit knowledgeEasilyrecall and explainit ImplicitknowledgeAffect people’sbehavior (Chapter 10) FORMS OF STORAGE Permanent state Forgettingisretrieval Still an open question… DURATION • Somekinds of information • once they’vecaptured a person’s attention- • seem to beautomaticallystored in the long-term memory. Learnerwouldbeactivelyinvolved in storingvirtuallyanything in long term memory

  9. Alternative views of human memory Activation (Campo and Al. 2005) All information is in an active or an inactive state Both, new information and previouslystored one, iswhatever a learnerispaying attention to and processing. Quiteuseful in understanding how people retrieve information from long-term memory Levels-of processing(Cermak & Craik 1979) Intention to learn Incidentallearning • Labels • Sentence generation • Sentence repetition • « What » question. • « Why» question. • Depth of processing-not intention to learn- was the critical factor affectinglearning

  10. Generalisationsabout memory/ educationalimplications Learnerscanprocessonly a limitedamount of information at a time Learnersmust beselective about whattheychoose to study and learn Evenwith attention-guetting and appropriatelypaced instruction and activities, learnersdiffer in theirability to control whatthey attend and consciouslythink about The limitedcapacity of working memory isn’tnecessarily a badthing • Attention is essential for explicit memory • Effective Strategies for capturing and holding students’sattention: • Includevariety in topics and presentation styles • Providefrequentbreaks fromtaskrequiringconsiderable attention and concentration • Ask questions • Minimize distractions whenindependentworkisassigned • Seat the studentsnear the teacher if they have trouble staying on task • Monitor students’ behaviors

  11. Group Discussion Try to imagine life without memories. We would have no identity. We would ask the same questions over and over because we would not be able to remember the answers to them. We would live forever in the present moment and have no recollection of our pasts, including people and experiences that are important to us, and no anticipation of the future.Glenda Thorne, Ph.D. Memory and Learning. http://www.cdl.org/resource-library/articles/memory.php What children remember is more often than not used as the yardstick to judge what they have learned. If they perform poorly on a test because they can't retrieve what they know from long-term memory in order to answer test questions, the assumption usually is that learning has not taken place. What do you think about that ? Furthermore; what is the best way to use memory for learning ?

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