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Explore key questions from the Gospel of Matthew in this interactive quiz designed for Sunday school children to enhance their biblical knowledge and understanding.
3 Answer: • 1. Whose son is David in Matthew 1:6? • (Matthew 1:6) • Joseph Simeon • Jesse Salmon • None of the above
2 Answer: • 2. Who was the father of Joseph(husband of Mary? (Matthew 1:16) • Eliud Jacob • David Eleazar • None of the above
1 Answer: • 3. Who spoke the following words and to whom, • “Fear not to take unto you, Mary, thy wife, for • that which is conceived in her is the Holy Ghost”? (Matthew 1:20) • The angel of the LORD • Mary’ mother • The priest • Mary’ father • None of the above
2 Answer: 4. What does the word of “Immanuel” mean? (Matthew 1:23) Glory to God God with us Jehovah is become my Salvation Savior None of the above
1 Answer: 5. Where wasJesus born in Judea? (Matthew 2:1) Bethlehem Babylon Egypt Nazareth None of the above
2 Answer: 6. Where did Joseph and Mary go when fleeing from Herod? (Matthew 2:13) Babylon Egypt Galilee Nazareth None of the above
3 Answer: 7. Jesus wished to fulfill what by being baptized by John? (Matthew 3:15) To be an example For the remission of sins To fulfill all righteousness All of the above None of the above
1 Answer: 8. Jesus fasted for how long in the wilderness after the baptism?(Matthew 4:2) Forty days and forty nights Ten days and ten nights Five days and five nights One days and one nights None of the above
4 Answer: 9. In the "Sermon on the Mount" who did Jesus say would see God? (Matthew 5:8) Meek Merciful Peacemakers Pure in heart None of the above
3 Answer: 10. In the "Sermon on the Mount" what did Jesus say 'you are ...'? (Matthew 5:13) Chosen generation Royal priesthood Salt of the earth All of the above None of the above
4 Answer: 11. In the "Sermon on the Mount" what things did Jesus say should be done in secret? (Matthew 6:1-18) Giving Fasting Praying All of the above None of the above
2 Answer: 12. What example in nature did Jesus give us showing us God's provision? (Matthew 6:26) Ants Birds Conies Spiders None of the above
4 Answer: 13. What contrasts did Jesus make in the "Sermon on the Mount"? (Matthew 7:13-18) Strait and wide gates Narrow and broad ways Good and corrupt trees All of the above None of the above
2 Answer: 14. What was it about the centurion that caused Jesus to marvel? (Matthew 8:10) Discipline Faith Knowledge Perseverance None of the above
5 Answer: 15. What was Matthew's occupation before becoming a disciple of Jesus? (Matthew 9:9) Fisherman Farmer Physician Scribe Tax collector
4 Answer: 16. What illustration did Jesus use to show that he should eat with publicans and sinners? (Matthew 9:11-12) New wine in new wineskins Piece from a new garment put on an old garment The parable of the wheat and the tares They that are whole do not need a physician None of the above
1 Answer: 17. What question did Jesus ask the blind men to strengthen their faith? (Matthew 9:28) Do you believe that I am able to do this? Do you believe you will be healed when I touch you? Do you want to be made well? All of the above None of the above
4 Answer: 18. What was the Lord's prayer request? (Matthew 9:38) For His daily bread For the truth to be revealed That He would be delivered from unjust men That the Lord of the harvest would send forth laborers None of the above
3 Answer: 19. What did Jesus say are all numbered? (Matthew 10:30) Cattle on a thousand hills Dust on the seashore Hairs on your head Stars in the sky None of the above
1 Answer: 20. What little act did Jesus say would be rewarded? (Matthew 10:42) Giving a cup of cold water Paying tithe Taking care of children All of the above None of the above
2 Answer: 21. Of whom did Jesus say there has NOT arisen a greater born among women? (Matthew 11:11) Elijah John the Baptist Moses Isaiah None of the above
3 Answer: 22. To those that labor and are heavy laden and come to Jesus, what did He promise to give? (Matthew 11:28) Joy Peace Rest Righteousness None of the above
3 Answer: 23. What did Jesus know about the scribes when they accused Him of casting out devils by Beeelzebub? (Matthew 12:24-25) Their sins Their past Their thoughts All of the above None of the above
3 Answer: 24. What sign did Jesus say would be given to the evil and adulterous generation? (Matthew 12:38-40) As Moses lifted up the serpent … so must the Son of Man be lifted up Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up The sign of the prophet Jonah Thou shalt see the Spirit descending as a dove out of heaven None of the above
1 Answer: 25. Who besides the Nineveh will condemn the generation of Jesus day because she heard the Wisdom of Solomon? ? (Matthew 12:42) The queen of the south The angel Elijah Moses None of the above 첨성대
4 Answer: 26. What limited Jesus' works in his own country ? (Matthew 13:58) His background in carpentry Opposition of the Pharisees Their familiarity with Him Unbelief None of the above 첨성대
4 Answer: 27. After Jesus sent the multitudes away what did Jesus do? (Matthew 14:23) Counseled with his disciples Got into a boat Slept Went up into the mountain to pray None of the above 첨성대
3 Answer: 28. What was Peter's prayer when he was sinking in the water? (Matthew 14:30) God be merciful to me a sinner Help me, I am drowning Lord, save me Remember me when you come into your kingdom None of the above
1 Answer: 29. Finish this quote “For God commanded, saying, ________ thy father and mother: and he that curseth father and mother, let him die the death.”(Matthew 15:4) Honour Love Teach believe None of the above
3 Answer: 30.What was the leaven of Pharisees? (Matthew 16:12) Their bitterness Their spirit Their teaching Their unbelief None of the above 첨성대
4 Answer: 31.What did the disciples reply when Jesus asked them, "Who do men say that I am?“ (Matthew 16:14) John the Baptist Elijah Jeremiah All of the above None of the above
4 Answer: 32.When asked by Jesus “Who do you say that I am,” who replied “Thou art the Christ the Son of the living God”? (Matthew 16:16) James John Philip Peter None of the above
Answer: 1 33.What did Jesus say a man must do if he would come after Him? (Matthew 16:24) Deny himself Take up his cross Follow Him All of the above None of the above
2 Answer: 34. What was one reason that Jesus gave when the disciples asked why they couldn't cast the demon out of the boy? (Matthew 17:20) He had not yet ascended Their unbelief Their sins had separated them from God They needed the Holy Ghost None of the above 첨성대
2 Answer: 35. How did Jesus pay the temple tax (tribute)? (Matthew 17:27) By selling some doves Obtaining a coin from the mouth of a fish Taking the money from the treasury that Judas kept Taking up an offering None of the above 첨성대
1 Answer: 36. What object lesson did Jesus give when the disciples were reasoning which of them should be greatest? (Matthew 18:1-4) A little child Lilies of the field Mustard seed Pearl of great price None of the above 첨성대
1 Answer: 37. What is the first step one should take to restore a brother who sins against you? (Matthew 18:15) Go and tell him his fault between you and him alone Rebuke before all, that others also may fear Take one or two with you so you will have some witnesses Tell it to the church None of the above
1 Answer: 38. How often was Peter told to forgive a person? (Matthew 18:21-22) Seven times Seventy times 490 times 1000 times None of the above 첨성대
5 Answer: 39. A person who puts away his spouse and marries another commits adultery unless he put away his spouse for what cause? (Matthew 19:9) Drunkenness Gluttony Lying Stealing Marital unfaithfulness(fornication) 첨성대
2 Answer: 40. How much were each of the laborers paid for the day or part of the day they worked in the vineyard? (Matthew 20:1-2) One piece of silver One penny One pound One talent None of the above 첨성대
3 Answer: 41. Who was behind the request for James and John to sit on either side of Jesus in glory? (Matthew 20:20-21) Peter Their father Their mother Their sister None of the above 첨성대
1 Answer: 42. When Jesus entered the temple of God and give what he did there? (Matthew 21:12) Jesus cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves. Jesus blessed the moneychangers Jesus blessed all people None of the above 첨성대
2 Answer: 43. On what two commandments hang the whole law and the prophets? (Matthew 22:37-40) Fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man Love God with all heart, soul, mind and love your neighbor as your self Pray without ceasing and in everything give thanks Submit to God and resist the devil None of the above 첨성대
1 Answer: 44. What was the motivation of the works of the Pharisees? (Matthew 23:5) To be seen of men To have rewards in heaven To please God To outdo the Sadducees None of the above 첨성대
2 Answer: 45. For what did Jesus say you shall be hated of all nations? (Matthew 24:9) Democratic government For my name’s sake Holiness standards Speaking with tongues None of the above
Answer: 4 46.What amount of talents did some of the servants receive? (Matthew 25:15) 1 2 5 All of the above None of the above
Answer: 1 47.What question did the disciples ask when they saw the woman pour precious ointment on Jesus? (Matthew 26:8) For what purpose is this waste? Will this deed be spoken of wherever the gospel is preached? Who gave the most? Who loved the most? None of the above
Answer: 4 48. For how much did Judas agree to betray the Lord? (Matthew 26:15) Amnesty for being a disciple A bowl of pottage 10 coins 30 pieces of silver None of the above
Answer: 1 49. What sign did Judas give to the soldiers to identify Jesus? (Matthew 26:48) A kiss A handshake A lantern held near Him A sword None of the above