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SATRA Hardware Overview: Lessons & System Characteristics

Learn from AURA project insights on higher rates, lower threshold, noise reduction, and system complexity versus characterizability. Examining TDOA system and SATRA goals for proof of concepts, source location, and background monitoring. Detailed construction and deployment specifics provided.

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SATRA Hardware Overview: Lessons & System Characteristics

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  1. SATRA Hardware Overview PWS March 17, 2010

  2. Some Lessons from AURA • Aim for higher rates / lower threshold • Lower data rates per hit, trigger & event • System complexity vs. characterizabilty • Minimize noise and power

  3. Characteristics of TDOA System • Take envelope of antenna signal • Allows lower attenuation coax transmission out of hole • Specific antenna response is basically ignored • Matching of antenna pairs more important • Use lowest-power front end possible (e.g. IP3 less stringent) • Real-time elevation gating possible • Lower threshold for a particular singles rate • Acquire Time and Amplitude • Lower threshold for a particular allowed triggered rate

  4. SATRA Goals • Proof of concept for: • Real-time Up/down rejection using envelope detection • Source location using envelope detection • Determine MDS for this type of system • Transient background monitoring at SP • Continuous background monitoring at SP • Rate vs. elevation using variable LC • Rate vs. threshold for singles (into MHz range)

  5. Time Resolution Requirements for 1 degree accuracy (broadside) Ice TOA System ~10 byte per hit/hole Sensor Array -Azimuth “d” Air Sensor Array -Elevation “s” Waveform- Capture Systems ~5 kilobyte per hit/station AURA & IceRay ANITA

  6. 80dB log Detector Input BW=1MHz-4GHz Tr, Tf =10ns 20dB Gain 3 GHz BW 0.9dB NF LNA1&2: OUTPUT (envelope to surface) ANTENNA 3.3V Reg 450MHz tunable Traps V+ Bias-T Gain-envelope circuitry on Small Printed Circuit Board Transient Detector Assembly (TDA)Primary configuration item for Detector System - Active Antenna sensor for Time Of Arrival (TOA) - Envelope signals sent to surface over twisted pairs - “Common Mode” design possible for multiple TDAs on single cable

  7. TDA vs. AURA front-end (using early low-gain modular TDA prototype) Transient Generator With single waveform capture: Attenuator & splitter (40dB) TDA Test Circuit Logarithmic Detector ( 20mV/dB ) 20dB AURA Front End 56dB LNA + filters Typical waveforms with ~100µVpeak input transient

  8. SATRA deployed in 09-10 • Three IC firn holes instrumented (8,9,16) • Two commercial broadband antennas per hole (5m, 35m) • Also monitoring two of Andy’s IA antennas

  9. Quick and Dirty setup • Envelope detectors at top of hole • Use Mainboard for discriminators, global timing, digitizer, and communications • High-rate time stamps to 25ns • Offline analysis used for better than 25ns TDs • Rates must below 20Hz • LC with variable window • Steal mainboard power for front ends • ATWD of Envelope waveform • Continuous Backround monitored by “pressure” input

  10. Antenna DeploymentSame configuration for Top and Bottom Maple Dowel 4 ft long x ¾” OD McMaster 97015K19 Aluminum Bailing Wire Spacer Dual Coaxial Belden 1843A Brackets 4” RA McMaster 1556A17 =Driller Tape Plywood Disk ¼” 12” Diameter. w/ (4) 10-32 T-Nuts Belden 1152A TFE RG6 Jumpers 75Ω 36” long Plastic Clamp (2) Black Acetal McMaster 7429K47 Diamond Corp. D220 Discone -first whip element only Deployment Construction Detail

  11. 2 channel DOM MainBoard DAQ Main Board Interface PCB (2 ea) Communications And Power Main Board “U” 5V out “B” Main Board “T” 5V out “A” Delay Boards Noise input “B” Pulse input “B” Noise input “A” Pulse input “A”

  12. Suitcase Construction(4 channels at top of each hole) Power & Communications Front-End Compartment Antenna Input (4) Antenna Input (1)

  13. 450 MHz TDA REF IN OUT 10dB 10dB Suitcase Interconnects Optional 2nd DAQ “WP1” Ch B (Ch4) Front End Assembly (2 or 4) 1 1 Ch A (Ch3) SATRA Y Adapter Ch B (Ch2) Ch A (Ch1) “WP0” BNC-F:BNC-F Feedthrough, DK ARF1735-ND BNC-M:SMA-F Adapter, NK 92C7248 MS 523-242103 = SMA-F 10dB attenuator MiniCircuits VAT-10 = BNC-F = MS3112-E14-5P SMA-M:SMA-M Coupler, NK 92H4682, DK ACX1240-ND = MS3116-F14-5S SMA-M(RA):SMA-M(RA) 12” Cable, DK J4412-ND = MS3114-F14-5P Mounted in Suitcase Wall After Shipment 1

  14. MB Interface Construction

  15. TDA Schematic

  16. TDA Construction 452 MHz Band- Reject Filter (BRF)

  17. TDA front-end SweepBefore Log Amp, + Band-Reject Filter (BRF)Test output J4 (before log amp) is attenuated -40dB, Source was -60dB (~200uV RMS)

  18. Band-Reject Filter Sweep

  19. TDA Sensitivity vs. Frequency(J5 = “Noise” Output; Unloaded Measurement) 100MHz High-Pass Removed for Surface Antennas (TDA-15,16)

  20. TDA Output vs. Input Amplitude(J5 = “Noise” Output; Unloaded Measurement)

  21. SATRA TDA Pulse Response(Output Pulse Monitored by ATWD, 30 WF averaged)

  22. SATRA SDAQ Discriminator Scan(Using 10dB attenuator between TDA and MB Interface)

  23. Discone Antenna SWR

  24. SATRA Deployments 09-10

  25. SATRA Deployment Pictures

  26. Antenna Cable Breakouts and Connectors “-40m” “+15m” “0m” Surface Anchor point Taped to IC cable Outside End of Deployment Winding Top Breakout ~4” pigtail Bottom Breakout ~4” pigtail To DAQ Suitcase at top of hole “s” 15m 5m 30m 5m Belden 1843A 75Ω Dual RG6: -0.045” BCCS -RG6 (INNER) -RG6 (OUTER) Delay and Attenuation Matching loop: Delay length = S Dual RG6 cut length = S/2 Placed at top of hole 15m 15m Belden 1152A TFE RG6 Jumpers 75Ω 36” long F-Male Crimp NK# 92N5307 F-Female: F-Female adapter NK# 79K4850 F-Female: BNC-Male adapter DK# 501-1155-ND DK= Digi-Key NK= Newark MS= Mouser BNC-Female: UHF-Male adapter DK# CPAD500-ND UHF-Female: UHF-Female adapter DK# 367-1083-ND

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