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This article provides an overview of ontologies, their formal definition, and their role in AI. It explores why ontologies are important for knowledge sharing and discusses different types of knowledge and how ontologies store and organize that knowledge. The article also delves into the concept of content theory in AI and the challenges of defining an ontology.
Ontologies • The formal definition of ontology is • (1) a branch of metaphysics concerned with the nature and relations of being and • (2) a particular theory about the nature of being or the kinds of existents • The term comes from philosophy • In AI, we define an ontology as • A representation vocabulary, often specialized to some domain (or subject matter) • An alternative AI view is that the ontology represents either common sense knowledge or knowledge to support natural language • This latter view is more restrictive in terms of usage and more general in terms of the kinds of knowledge that is to be represented
Why Ontologies? • Recall the variety of knowledge representations used in AI during the 1960s and 1970s • Imagine that expert system 1 performs automotive engine diagnosis and expert system 2 designs new automotive engines that have superior gas mileage • Can the two systems communicate with each other? Can one draw upon knowledge from the other? • probably not, but why not? • Given the number of expert systems, and the sheer amount of knowledge modeled, it seems ridiculous to not be able to share it across problem solvers • The ontology is supposed to provide a mechanism for knowledge sharing • knowledge-based systems • search engines • Internet agents • natural language reasoners • CYC (common sense reasoner) and the applications that it supports
Ontology as Content Theory • AI researchers have often viewed AI from a mechanism theory point of view • To get AI to work, we have to implement systems that do things so that AI should be the study of how people solve problems • On the other hand, some view the central problem of AI in terms of representation • What knowledge do we need to solve the given problem? • The ontology promotes this latter view, AI as a study of content theory • Content theory means that we study and theorize over the nature of the content needed for a system, that is, the nature of knowledge • This is not to say that the knowledge representation problem is solved • We must still make a commitment in our ontology in terms of the form of representation, but we may select unwisely • In the past, the primary representations for ontologies have been • predicate calculus • frame systems • semantic networks
Types of Knowledge • One of the problems that early expert systems had was that there was no way to distinguish between what a system knew from what a system used in terms of knowledge • Consider the auto-mechanic diagnostic system, while we can ask it questions like “what is the cause of these symptoms?” we cannot ask it “do you know what a spark plug does?” or “tell me everything you know about car engines” • There are different ways to define what a system knows • David Marr defined 3 levels of knowledge: • what problems can be solved by the system (computational level) • the strategy that is used (algorithmic level) • how the knowledge is represented/implemented (implementation level) • Allen Newell instead defined 2 levels: • what the system knows (knowledge level) • how the system knows it (symbol level) • With distinctions such as these, we can differentiate between what is in an ontology and how the ontology is going to work
What Should an Ontology Store? • Since an ontology is an attempt to store knowledge neutral of its use, we need to define the types of knowledge that an ontology will store • The ontology needs to know about things in the domain • classes and the relationships between classes (class/subclass for instance, but also other relationships such as classes that are siblings of the same parent class), and also instances of classes • features/attributes, the values that can be stored in those features, the range and types for those values as well as restrictions that might be placed on those values • properties found within the domain (e.g., laws of the domain, relationships between classes and features, inference rules) • Domain specific elements may also be applied • What we don’t want to do is place only problem-specific knowledge in the ontology • For instance, if we are creating an ontology of medicine for diagnostic purposes, the medical knowledge should be in a neutral form so that it can also be used for reasoning over drug interactions, drug development, and medical experiments
An ontology will start with the most basic concepts at the root of the tree Entity or Thing is commonly used as a root node There is disagreement over the root node’s children CYC: individual object, intangible, represented GUM: configuration, element, sequence Wordnet: living, nonliving Sowa: concrete, process, object abstract Given such divergent approaches for upper ontology, how can we possibly agree upon an entire domain ontology? There are some concepts that do seem universal objects exist, objects have attributes which have values which can change over time, values have properties objects have relationships with other objects, contain parts, and participate in or perform processes there are states that objects can be in, and states can change over time there are events that occur during time instants where events cause other events and/or cause objects to change states Upper Ontology
We will typically want to represent a specific domain of interest which will be the entities in the domain and how the entities relate Entities can be at a class level (e.g., living thing, emotional state, event) specific classes (e.g., human being, love, rock concert) And instances (e.g., Frank Zappa, my love of Frank Zappa music, the Frank Zappa concert that I saw in 1988) Attributes (features) of each class (as discussed two slides back) The vocabulary of the domain Relations for how entities relate to each other is-a – class/subclass relationship instance – class/instance relationship (or should we have both class/subclass and class/instance relationships be denoted with is-a?) has-a – component/part relationship (alternatively, we could use part-of or contains) is-in – spatial relationship (or possibly temporal relationship) Beyond an Upper Ontology
Example Ontology: Sports • Question: who decides what should be represented and how? • here, the ontology is tangled (multiple parents) • we may disagree about whether there should be more than “events” here (players are not events, sports are not events)
Example Ontology: CS Dept. Organization Department School University Program ResearchGroup Institute Publication Article TechnicalReport JournalArticle ConferencePaper UnofficialPublication Book Software Manual Specification Work Course Research Schedule Person Worker Faculty Professor AssistantProfessor AssociateProfessor VisitingProfessor Lecturer PostDoc Assistant ResearchAssistant TeachingAssistant AdministrativeStaff Director Chair {Professor} Dean {Professor} ClericalStaff SystemsStaff Student UndergraduateStudent GraduateStudent
Example Continued: Relationships Relation Argument 1 Argument 2 ================================================================ publicationAuthor Publication Person publicationDate Publication .DATE publicationResearch Publication Research softwareVersion Software .STRING softwareDocumentation Software Publication teacherOf Faculty Course teachingAssistantOf TeachingAssistant Course takesCourse Student Course age Person .NUMBER emailAddress Person .STRING head Organization Person undergraduateDegreeFrom Person University doctoralDegreeFrom Person University advisor Student Professor alumnus Organization Person affiliateOf Organization Person researchInterest Person Research researchProject ResearchGroup Research listedCourse Schedule Course tenured Professor .TRUTH
Example Continued: Sample Inferences • Suborganizations are transitive • If subOrganization(x,y) and subOrganization(y,z), then subOrganization(x,z). • Affiliates are invertable • If affiliatedOrganization(x,y), then affiliatedOrganization(y,x). • Membership transfers through suborganizations • If member(x,m) and subOrganization(x,y), then member(y,m). • These are domain-independent properties • On the previous slide, we had used already defined classes to help us define the relationships: Person, .DATE, .STRING, .NUMBER, University, etc • Domain independent inferences should be available for these domain-independent properties but we have to make sure we apply them correctly • For instance, teacher-student relationships are not transitive, and a student being enrolled in a course may or may not represent a membership relation
Representing Methods • An ontology does not have to be limited to domain knowledge • we may also include how to perform processes in the domain • we often refer to such processes as methods • Below we see several ontologies which draw upon various problem solving methods (PSMs) • some of the methods available are Propose & Revise (P&R) and Cover and Differentiate (C&D)
Representational Format • In order to create a machine-usable ontology • we need algorithms to manipulate and infer over the data • algorithms require a specific form of data structure • what structures (representations) should we use? • Cyc uses a first-order predicate calculus form • (#$Teacher_of #$CSC_625 #$Fox) • (#$Musician #$Frank_Zappa) • (#$Band_member #$Genesis #$Phil_Collins) • OWL uses an XML approach with tags defined by the ontology author(s) • Should inferences be captured in rule-based form or other? • A Cyc inference might look like this: • (#$implies (#$hasDegreeIn ?PERSON ?DEGREE) (#$hasAttribute ?PERSON #$CollegeGraduate)) • These issues have not been resolved • nor do they seem likely to be resolved because people are using different representations in their various ontological research (Ontolingua, Cycl, OWL, KQML, KIF, Protégé-II, etc)
Ontological Commitments • As stated earlier, the various ontology formats make different commitments to the upper ontology • This means that they are already somewhat incompatible • The question is: what primitives need to be predefined for an ontology? • Just about everyone agrees that ontologies should support class/subclass relationship and therefore there should be some mechanism for inheritance • What other primitives should our ontology have? • OWL for instance makes a commitment to the following primitives: • URIs, class, properties (domain, range, type), equivalences (i.e., setting two classes to be equivalent) • Cyc has a greater set of primitives that include: • spatial primitives, temporal primitives, language primitives (e.g., grammatical roles)
Are Primitives Universal? • Early work in knowledge representation in AI already demonstrated that researchers want to use different primitives • Semantic networks contained these primitives: • isa (class/subclass), instance, has-part, object (meaning a physical object), agent, beneficiary, state, and properties, also mathematical relations (<, >) • Roger Schank defined primitives that were all verb-related for his Scripts/Conceptual Dependencies: • ATRANS (transfer of abstract relationship), PTRANS (transfer of physical location), PROPEL, MOVE, GRASP, INGEST, EXPEL, MTRANS (transfer of mental information), MBUILD (build new information) SPEAK, ATTEND • Upper ontology implies that there is a set of primitive primitives • That is, primitives that should underlie all knowledge and uses of knowledge
The Envisioned Uses of Ontologies • Sharing common understanding of the structure of information • consider web sites that contain medical information and e-commerce services – computer agents could extract and aggregate information from different sites to answer user queries or to use the data as input to other applications • Enabling reuse of domain knowledge • when one organization of researchers or developers creates an ontology, others can reuse it for their own domains and purposes • Making explicit domain assumptions • hard-coding assumptions about the world in programming-language code makes assumptions hard to find, hard to understand, hard to change • Separating domain knowledge from operational knowledge • Analyzing domain knowledge
Using an Ontology • How will we use our ontologies? • To enhance search engines beyond keyword searches • I want to search for peer-reviewed publications and so I search for “articles”, but someone has defined their peer-reviewed papers as “journal articles” and their articles include “technical reports” • To annotate multimedia data files • we can’t currently search for the content of image or sound files • To annotate design components • imagine an expert system that needs to replace component 1 with component 2 based on the component functions and sizes • Intelligent agents • so that two agents can find a common vocabulary to communicate together • To support ubiquitous computing endeavors
Examples: How Ontologies are Used • Question answering • If coded in the ontology, simply look up and respond • class/subclass information (primarily through inheritance) • attribute value response/database extraction • If inferences are available then select and apply appropriate inference • for example, given that A isa B and B is part of a C, we might want to know if A is part of a C
Continued • Processing • We might want to transform or manipulate some set of knowledge • this will again require some special purpose inference or process, for example from a biological ontology: • if either “X biosynthesis” or “X catabolism” exists then the parent “X metabolism” must also exist • Translation • The knowledge of one ontology might be used in conjunction with another ontology and therefore terms in one ontology might need translating into the proper format/language/terms of the other • special purposes methods might be available to translate terms • otherwise, common terms must be identified between the ontologies so that related terms can then be recognized even if the related terms go by different names
Cyc: Common Sense Reasoning • An attempt to construct a common sense knowledge-base • Effort of about 20 years of coding, a person-century according to the earlier article (more than that to this point) • 5,000,000 common sense facts and rules • General-purpose knowledge-base to be used with other applications • other applications are to sit on top of CYC so that, when necessary, these system can delve deeper into common sense/general-purpose knowledge when the special-purpose knowledge is not adequate • CycL is the language used to encode Cyc’s KB • Originally, it was a frame-like system (loosely organized objects), but modified to use predicate calculus • Rules represented in free-form ways depending on their specific intentions with uncertainty represented only through relative rankings • P is more likely than Q • Categories of facts and rules arranged hierarchically using a directed graph (instead of a tree)
Categories of categories Categories of individuals (tangible and intangible objects) Categories of scripts (typical actions and events) physiological actions, problem solving actions, communications, rites of passage, work, hobby, natural phenomena Entities are categorized as Relationships (predicates) Attributes Lexical items (words, parts of speech/tense, etc…) Proper nouns (people, places, …) Microtheories (explained on the next slide) Miscellany Special-purpose inferences and heuristics (for efficiency) Temporal and spacial reasoning using qualitative or naïve physics Domain specific axioms (e.g., medical diagnostic rules) Inferences for specific syntactic structures General-purpose axioms to be applied when special-purpose axioms are not available or do not work Cyc Ontology
Naïve Physics • A well researched problem is how do humans reason naively • if I toss something in the air, what happens to it? You don’t apply physics, you use common sense • Naïve Physics, also called qualitative reasoning, is something that we might want to model in an ontology • when I pour liquid from one cup into another half filled cup, what is the result? • when I let go of an object, what happens? • In these cases we use naïve reasoning ideas instead of physics • We can devise some simple rules: • pouring from a non-empty cup into a non-empty cup results in the second cup containing more and possibly overfilling • unless supported, items will fall • There are qualitative equations to model these situations that we might want to use in place of quantitative (physics) equations
Qualitative Reasoning Examples • We will use qualitative state changes to describe the current state of an entity • Physics reasoning might include such states as increase, decrease, steady, empty, between and full and use simple inference rules like • Empty + Empty = Empty Empty + Full = Full • Empty + Between = Between Full + Between = Overflow • Between + Between = {Between, Full} • Temporal reasoning might include states like before, during, after, overlap, coincide, etc with rules like • If X is before Y and Y is before Z then X is before Z • If X coincides with Y then X begins at the same time Y begins and X ends at the same time Y ends • If X is during Y then Y begins before X and Y ends after X • Spatial reasoning might have states like left-of, right-of, on-top-of, underneath, obstructed-by, inside-of, etc and rules like • If A is on top of B and A is heavy, then B cannot be moved • If A is inside of B and B is moved to position P1, then A is moved to P1
Microtheories • Microtheories partition CYC’s knowledge base into different domains/concepts/problems and belief states • microtheories are also called contexts • Examples include: medical diagnosis, manufacturing, weather during the winter, what to look for when buying a car, etc… • information can be “lifted” from one context to another • Each microtheory has its own • categories (hierarchy of related items) • predicates (some are shared between microtheories, however one might use the same predicate as another with different numbers of parameters!) • axioms/inference methods • assumptions • Reasoning within a microtheory might be thought of as a separate belief state although in reality a microtheory works much like a partitioned name space • Microtheories may overlap or be independent
Using Contexts • Assertions are true within a given context but not universally • the rules behind dining in restaurants differ from those of dining at home • The context is specified in a statement • A statement may be true in one context and false in another • for instance, an assumption that apples cost 30 cents may be false in the context of the depression-era US • We might have to “lift” elements from one context into another • this provides a mechanism for reasoning about items in different contexts • when “lifting” items from one context to another, assumptions, vocabulary, axioms and other elements that differ must be resolved in the new context • For example: • a mother with a child will be expected to behave a certain way • but she would be expected to behave like anyone else in a grocery store • under exceptional situations, we lift behavior from the mother/child context to override the behavior in the grocery store
Thing is the "universal collection": the collection which, by definition, contains everything there is. Every individual object, every other collection. Everything that is represented in the Knowledge Base ("KB") and everything that could be represented in the KB. Cyc is designed to support representing any imaginable concept in a form that is immediately compatible with all other representations in the KB, and directly usable by computer software. Spatial Things have a spatial extent or location relative to some other Spatial Thing or in some embedding space. Note that to say that an entity is a member of this collection is to remain agnostic about two issues. First, a Spatial Thing may be partially tangible (e.g. Texas-State) or wholly intangible (e.g. the Arctic Circle or a line mentioned in a geometric theorem). Second, although we do insist on location relative to another spatial thing or in some embedding space, a Spatial Thing might or might not be located in the actual physical universe. It is far from clear that all Spatial Things are so located: an ideal platonic circle or a trajectory through the phase space of some physical system (e.g.) might not be. Some of Cyc’s Entries
An organization is a group whose group-members are intelligent agents. In each organization, certain relationships and obligations exist between the members of the organization, or between the organization and its members. Organizations include both informal and legally constituted organizations. Each organization can undertake projects, enter into agreements, own property, and do other tasks characteristic of agents; consequently, an organization is a kind of agent. Notable organizations include legal government organization, commercial organization, and geopolitical entity. Social Behavior, in Cyc, is made up of social occurrences. A social occurrence is an action in which two or more agents take part. In many cases, social occurrences involve communication among the participating agents. Some social occurrences have very elaborate role structures (e.g. a typical lawsuit), while others have fairly simple role structures (e.g. greeting a colleague at work).
Example Cyc Code Predicates: (#$objectHasColor #$Rover #$TanColor)(#$memberStatusOfOrganization #$Norway #$Nato #$FoundingMember) Defining a predicate: (#$isa #$residesInDwelling #$BinaryPredicate) (#$arg1Isa #$residesInDwelling #$Animal) (#$arg2Isa #$residesInDwelling #$ShelterConstruction) Functions: (#$BorderBetweenFn #$Sweden #$Norway) – returns T or F (#$GroupFn #$Agent) – returns the group storing Agent Using a quantifier: (#$forAll ?X (#$implies (#$owns #$Fred ?X) (#$objectFoundInLocation ?X #$FredsHouse))) (#$implies (#$isa ?A #$Animal) (#$thereExists ?M (#$and (#$mother ?A ?M) (#$isa ?M #$FemaleAnimal))))
Some Examples of Cyc Inferences • You have to be awake to eat • You can usually see people’s noses but not their hearts • You cannot remember events that have not yet happened yet • If you cut a lump of peanut butter in half, each half is also a lump of peanut butter, but if you cut a table in half, neither half is a table • If you are carrying a container that's open on one side, you should carry it with the open end up • Vampires don’t exist (but one microtheory states that “Dracula is a vampire”) • The U.S.A. is a big country • When people die, they stay dead
Cyc Today and Tomorrow • Cyc exists in two formats, Cyc as we have discussed, and OpenCyc • OpenCyc is a public domain portion of Cyc that has been debugged • It consists of about 300,000 items rather than the 5 million of Cyc • Cyc is currently used as a platform for which larger applications are constructed where applications can fall back on the common sense and ontological knowledge of Cyc • This is being used in a variety of situations including • military software and national security (see for instance http://www.cyc.com/doc/white_papers/TKB-IA2005.pdf) • network security (see http://www.cyc.com/doc/white_papers/IAAI-05-CycSecure.pdf) • in support of the semantic web and natural language understanding (for instance, see http://www.cyc.com/doc/white_papers/FLAIRS06-ApplicationOfCycToWordSenseDisambiguation.pdf) • Cyc contains a learning environment that allows users to help it add knowledge and refine knowledge • go to http://game.cyc.com/ • Beyond this, Cyc is attempting to learn new information by examining web pages and capturing the knowledge in its ontology
Another Ontology: WordNet • WordNet, like Cyc, is a massive listing of terms that encode general worldly knowledge • In the case of WordNet, all knowledge pertains to English words • definitions • synonyms • hypernyms and hyponyms • The knowledge is in a natural language form rather than a machine understandable form • But like Cyc, WordNet is intended to be used by other software (agents) however what they can use WordNet for is limited • E.g., seeing how related two words are by following and counting synonym links
And Another: MikroKosmos • Processes Spanish text dealing with mergers and acquisitions of companies • The ontology covers • domain knowledge • worldly knowledge that might be applicable to the domain • language-specific knowledge and NLU-related knowledge
OWL Ontology • One of the leading competitors to Cyc • OWL is an attempt at an ontology outside of the commonsense domain • So there are fewer upper ontology commitments • meaning fewer primitives than in CYC • OWL is based on XML and RDF (Resource Description Framework) syntax • OWL comes in three versions, OWL Full, OWL DL and OWL Lite depending on your needs • We will only consider OWL Full • The basic idea behind an OWL ontology is that you define class/subclass relationships, instances of classes, and class/instance properties • The code that uses the ontology will implement how to reason over the classes
OWL Class Definitions • You can define a class using one of six methods • A new class definition with a specific URI • <owl:Class rdf:ID="Human" /> • An exhaustive enumeration of specific instances that make up the class’ population • Restrictions on a previously defined class (thus, you narrow a prior class by restricting the available elements) • restrictions can be based on values or cardinality • Taking previously defined classes and union or intersect them together • Taking a previously defined class and complement it (everything not in that class is in this class) • for the latter five cases, the class can be an anonymous class (without name or URI) • OWL has two predefined classes to start with, THING and NOTHING
Some Example Code <owl:Class> <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection"> <owl:Class> <owl:oneOf rdf:parseType="Collection"> <owl:Thing rdf:about="#Tosca" /> <owl:Thing rdf:about="#Salome" /> </owl:oneOf> </owl:Class> <owl:Class> <owl:oneOf rdf:parseType="Collection"> <owl:Thing rdf:about="#Turandot" /> <owl:Thing rdf:about="#Tosca" /> </owl:oneOf> </owl:Class> </owl:intersectionOf> </owl:Class> A class that is the intersection Of the two classes that contain {Tosca, Salome} and {Turandon, Tosca} <owl:Class> <owl:oneOf rdf:parseType="Collection"> <owl:Thing rdf:about="#Eurasia"/> <owl:Thing rdf:about="#Africa"/> <owl:Thing rdf:about="#NorthAmerica"/> <owl:Thing rdf:about="#SouthAmerica"/> <owl:Thing rdf:about="#Australia"/> <owl:Thing rdf:about="#Antarctica"/> </owl:oneOf> </owl:Class> The class of everything that is not meat <owl:Class> <owl:complementOf> <owl:Class rdf:about="#Meat"/> </owl:complementOf> </owl:Class> The class of continents defined by enumeration
Defining Classes Using Restrictions • allValuesFrom – like “for all” in logic, includes all elements of a class that match the given value • <owl:Restriction> <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasParent" /> <owl:allValuesFrom rdf:resource="#Human" /> </owl:Restriction> • this restriction forms a class of individuals that has a parent whose value is human • someValuesFrom – to be in this class, the instance has to have the associated value as one of its attributes • <owl:someValuesFrom rdf:resource="#Physician" /> • hasValue – same as someValuesFrom but the value has to be semantically equivalent • this might be used to define a specific instance as in • <owl:hasValue rdf:resource="#Clinton" /> • maxCardinality, minCardinality – to define valid ranges of numeric values • <owl:Restriction> <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasParent" /> <owl:maxCardinality rdf:datatype="&xsd;nonNegativeInteger">2</owl:maxCardinality> </owl:Restriction> • this defines the class of entities that has no more than 2 parents where parent is a non-negative integer data type • cardinality – is used to define a specific expected value • that is, both minimum and maximum
More Class Definitions • Aside from defining a class, you can define classes to have certain relationships with other classes • subClassOf • equivalentClass – to equate two classes as being equivalent (although not necessary equal) • disjointWith – mutual exclusiveness • Properties (attributes) can have their own specifiers: • ObjectProperty • DatatypeProperty • InverseFunctionalProperty • subPropertyOf • equivalentProperty • inverseOf • TransitiveProperty • subRegionOf • SymmetricProperty • And instances can have their own specifiers: • sameAs • differentFrom • AllDifferent
More OWL Examples <owl:TransitiveProperty rdf:ID="subRegionOf"> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Region"/> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Region"/> </owl:TransitiveProperty> <owl:Class rdf:ID="TraditionalItalianOpera"> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Opera"/> <rdfs:subClassOf> <owl:Restriction> <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasOperaType"/> <owl:someValuesFrom> <owl:Class> <owl:oneOf rdf:parseType="Collection"> <owl:Thing rdf:about="#OperaSeria"/> <owl:Thing rdf:about="#OperaBuffa"/> </owl:oneOf> </owl:Class> </owl:someValuesFrom> </owl:Restriction> </rdfs:subClassOf> </owl:Class> <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="hasMother"> <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="#hasParent"/> </owl:ObjectProperty> <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="husband"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;FunctionalProperty" /> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Woman" /> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Man" /> </owl:ObjectProperty>
Let’s Develop an Example • We will develop a food and wine ontology • based on the web site http://protege.stanford.edu/publications/ontology_development/ontology101-noy-mcguinness.html • First, determine the domain and scope • types of wine, main types of food, which wines go with which foods • Second, see if there is an ontology available so that we can reuse (some of) the knowledge • also see if the knowledge is available in an easy to access or use form, for instance, go to www.wines.com to get a list of wines and their properties • Enumerate the important terms of the domain • for wines and food, we might start with a list like wine, grape, winery, location, (wine) color, body, flavor, sugar content, food, white meat, red meat • Now define the classes and develop a class hierarchy from the terms • top-down versus bottom-up approach, or some combination • Define class properties • note that some of the terms earlier are actually properties such as flavor, sugar content and location, color might be a class or a property • define the facets of the properties (legal values, range of values, how values can be derived/computing or found) • Create class instances