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Dale B. Linton, Ph.D. Director of Student Teaching 517-750-6413 (office) 517-803-1025 (mobile)

Spring Arbor University Student Teaching (EDU 450) & Student Teaching Seminar (EDU 430) Overview Podcast 1 of 3. Dale B. Linton, Ph.D. Director of Student Teaching 517-750-6413 (office) 517-803-1025 (mobile) dlinton@arbor.edu. By PresenterMedia.com. Presentation Overview. 1. 2. 3.

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Dale B. Linton, Ph.D. Director of Student Teaching 517-750-6413 (office) 517-803-1025 (mobile)

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  1. Spring Arbor University Student Teaching (EDU 450) & Student Teaching Seminar (EDU 430) OverviewPodcast 1 of 3 Dale B. Linton, Ph.D. Director of Student Teaching 517-750-6413 (office) 517-803-1025 (mobile) dlinton@arbor.edu By PresenterMedia.com

  2. Presentation Overview 1. 2. 3. Welcome and Challenge: Purpose of Student Teaching Seminar in the Context of Student Teaching Student Teaching Seminar Assignments Preparing the Interview Portfolio and Interview Overview Student Teaching Notebook Assignments 4. 5.

  3. Welcome and Challenge Becoming the Candidate of Choice Going the Extra Mile • Professional • Knowledgeable • Proactive • Diligent • Responsible • Learner • Available • Team Member • Appreciative

  4. What To Expect in Student Teaching • Rewarded - Hard Work - Critical Feedback, Examination, Trial & Error - Dreams and Aspirations Realized • Supported - Mentoring Teacher(s) - Fellow Teachers and Building Administrator - University Supervisor(s) - Student Teacher Director - School of Education - “Significant Others”

  5. What To Expect in Student Teaching • Teacher Support - Guidance, Modeling, Feedback, Sharing Ideas & Curriculum, Evaluating your teaching progress (lesson observation & midpoint (midterm) and final evaluation with recommendation for certification. • Supervisor Support - Initial Week - 4 Visits & Formal Lesson Observation & Evaluation - 2 before midpoint & 2 after the midpoint - Midpoint (midterm) and Final Evaluation with recommendation for certification • Director’s Support - Updated regularly; provide supervisors with ideas and direction - Review midterm/final evaluations and student teacher folders - Make formal visits and assess student teacher’s progress - Make recommendations and decisions re: placement and/or student teacher

  6. Presentation Overview 1. 2. 3. Welcome and Challenge: Purpose of Student Teaching Seminar in the Context of Student Teaching Student Teaching Seminar Assignments Preparing the Interview Portfolio and Interview Overview Student Teaching Notebook Assignments 4. 5.

  7. Purpose of Student Teaching Seminar in the Context of Student Teaching • Student Teaching - Practicum Experience - Expanding skills and knowledge - Hone teacher performance (teaching, management, organization, planning, collaboration, rapport, etc…) to beginning teacher levels. • Student Teaching Seminar - Preparing for future job interviews - Developing “talking points” (assignments =interview answers. - Developing interview documents

  8. Before Student Teaching Begins: - Contact your teacher(s) and see what you can do to help out before your placement begins. - Draft your letter of introduction (parents/students) and have your teacher approve it. - Seek out the building administrator and introduce/re-introduce yourself/thank them for this opportunity - Make yourself available to help out but protect yourself - Report any approved coaching, work, involvement in extra curricular activities to the student teaching director. Parents, if you have small children you need to submit your child care plan as well. - Complete the InTASK Standard Assignment on BB - Review the BB materials for Resume and Cover Letter Writing - Obtain curriculum and other useful teaching information for review. - FALL Student Teachers are expected to attend beginning of the year workshops

  9. EDU 430 & EDU 450 End of Podcast for: Welcome & Challenge & Purpose of Student Teaching Seminar in the Context of Student Teaching

  10. Spring Arbor University Student Teaching (EDU 450) & Student Teaching Seminar (EDU 430) OverviewPodcast 2 of 3 Dale B. Linton, Ph.D. Director of Student Teaching 517-750-6413 (office) 517-803-1025 (mobile) dlinton@arbor.edu By PresenterMedia.com

  11. Presentation Overview 1. 2. 3. Welcome and Challenge: Purpose of Student Teaching Seminar in the Context of Student Teaching Student Teaching Seminar Assignments Preparing the Interview Portfolio and Interview Overview Student Teaching Notebook Assignments 4. 5.

  12. Student Teaching Notebook Assignments First Assignments • Letter of Introduction (distribute it) • Weekly Reflections/Daily Journaling (keep it brief) are due by Sunday 6 pm to your supervisor. • Complete People to Meet & Know by 2nd week • Complete Classroom Procedures by 2nd week • Complete Student IEP Report by 2nd week • Complete Technology Requirement Part 1 (Checklist) by 2nd week *You should know the names of all your students by the end of week 2. This includes secondary people. 

  13. Student Teaching Notebook Assignments (cont) • Caregiver records – initiate these throughout the placement. Minimum of 4 for positive feedback and expressed concerns. • Parent/Teacher Conference Records – fully or partially conduct at least two conferences. • Videotaped Lesson Analysis & Mentoring Teacher Lesson Evaluation (by week 6 for 10 wk; by week 9 for 15 wk). • Unit Plan – Identify what you will teach and start planning the unit by week 2; teaching it by week 3 or 4. • Permission Form for Substitute Teaching (complete with supervisor when they feel you are ready). • Record of absences, substitute teaching (maintain this throughout the experience). • Technology Requirement (part 2) – show to your supervisor throughout the experience.

  14. Student Teaching Artifacts Collected by University Supervisor: • Letter of introduction videotaped analysis • one good lesson plan • permission to substitute teach • record of absences & substitute teaching • formal lesson evaluations (reviewed with you and signed and dated by you and the evaluator) • midterm & final evaluations completed by both the supervisor and mentoring teacher(s) (reviewed with you and signed and dated by you and the evaluator) • supervisor & teacher’s letter of recommendation.

  15. Presentation Overview 1. 2. 3. Welcome and Challenge: Purpose of Student Teaching Seminar in the Context of Student Teaching Student Teaching Seminar Assignments Preparing the Interview Portfolio and Interview Overview Student Teaching Notebook Assignments 4. 5.

  16. Major Student Teaching Seminar Activities • InTASK Model Core Teaching Standards and Learning Progressions for Teachers 1.0 (Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium) • http://www.ccsso.org/Documents/2013/2013_INTASC_Learning_Progressions_for_Teachers.pdf • Environmental Inventory Blackboard • Planning Questions for Daily Strategies to Engage Students Blackboard • ASSIST – Beginning Teachers • http://assist.educ.msu.edu/ASSIST/index.php?tab=4

  17. Major Student Teaching Seminar Activities • Response to Intervention Project • Learning about RtI approaches in your school • Developing an intervention with a level-one student & collecting data. • Unit Plan with Data Assessment Analysis (Levels of Student Learning) • Backwards Design (Wiggins & McTighe) with pre/post test; formative assessment. • Data collected is analyzed deeply for better understanding of students’ learning and your instructional approaches. • Resume & Cover Letter • Interview Skills (emphasis of “best practices” – Marzano) • Practice Interviewing (peer-to-peer) and with practicing educators

  18. EDU 430 & EDU 450 • End of Podcast for: Student Teaching Notebook & Seminar Assignments

  19. Spring Arbor University Student Teaching (EDU 450) & Student Teaching Seminar (EDU 430) OverviewPodcast 3 of 3 Dale B. Linton, Ph.D. Director of Student Teaching 517-750-6413 (office) 517-803-1025 (mobile) dlinton@arbor.edu By PresenterMedia.com

  20. Presentation Overview 1. 2. 3. Welcome and Challenge: Purpose of Student Teaching Seminar in the Context of Student Teaching Student Teaching Seminar Assignments Preparing the Interview Portfolio and Interview Overview Student Teaching Notebook Assignments 4. 5.

  21. Becoming The Candidate of Choice Professional Interview Portfolio • Cover Letter & Resume • RtI Project (data graphs/charts) • Unit Plan (Overview with data & graphs/charts) • Updated/Concise Philosophy of Education • Updated/Concise EDU 429 Strategies • Updated Brochure • Personal Website (Optional, but highly advised)

  22. Becoming The Candidate of Choice

  23. Becoming The Candidate of Choice • Performance trumps knowledge. • Answering an interview question with knowledge and application. • Knowing and speaking “educationese” (AYP, Smarter Balanced, Common Core, PLCs, Assessment verbiage, Curriculum based learning (reading, writing, math, science), RtI, IEPs, Technology integration, etc… • Knowing and matching educational practice (theory) with theorists (Danielson, Stiggins, McTighe & Wiggins, Marzano, Stronge, etc…

  24. Elaine McEwan ( 2010 ), 10 Traits of Highly Effective Teachers: How to hire, coach and mentor successful teachers

  25. Becoming The Candidate of Choice So How Would You Rate Yourself Professionally

  26. EDU 430 Delivery Systems Hybrid – several dates for student teachers to meet and work on assignments and practice interviewing At Distance – recommend student teachers take the same days off and work on assignments and practice interviewing. Skype or other internet based conferencing software is used to bring student teachers into a practice interview. Regular contact with Seminar Instructor (Skype meetings, email; submission of assignments for review)

  27. EDU 450 & 430 Podcast For additional Information: • Read the Student Teaching Handbook • Contact your Seminar Instructor • Contact the following: • Main Campus & Lansing: Dr. Dale Linton (dlinton@arbor.edu) • North (Gaylord & Petoskey): Mrs. Joyce Green (Joyce.Green@arbor.edu)

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