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Study and control group evaluating pests, diseases, and quality of leafy vegetables to enhance sustainable production and product quality. Tasks divided among partners for comprehensive evaluation and data analysis.
WP meeting Leafy Vegetables WP 3 Cadot Valérie GEVES : Variety and seed, study and control groupGroupe d’Etude et de contrôle des Variétés Et des Semences
Objectives • Evaluation for pests and diseases resistance • Evaluation for quality and abiotic characters • Inclusion in the databases to enable a more sustainable production methods and a better quality product
What is done by who?a) for pests and diseases resistance • Lettuce: 52 evaluations • Bremia lactucaeP4 (CZ), P10 (GBR) • Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne sp.)P13 (SLO) • Spinach: 250 evaluations • Downy mildew (Peronospora farinosa)P0 (NLD) • Chicory: 165 evaluations • Thielaviopsis basicolaP2 (FRA) • Alternaria cichoriiP2 (FRA) • Sclerotinia sclerotiorumP2 (FRA)
What is done by who?b) for quality and abiotic characters • Lettuce: 55 evaluations • Post harvest discoloration P1(GBR) • Winter hardiness P7 (AUT) • Quality, taste (organoleptic) P7(AUT) ?, P9 (SLO) • Spinach: 70 evaluations • Nitrate, oxalic acid, dry matter P5 (DAN, SW) • Chicory: 225 evaluations • Shape, color, taste, history, regionalism P8 (CHE) • Sesquiterpenes P12 (ITA) • Internal sensory characteristics P12 (ITA) • Valerianella: 9 evaluations • Winter hardiness, taste P9 (SLO) • Rucola: 40 evaluations • Nitrate, dry matter P5 (DAN, SW) • Glucosinolate content P12 (ITA)
Evaluation for P0 (CGN) • What has been done: Start made of discussing the evaluation of spinach accessions with the breeding companies involved. • What will be done: Finalize the plans for the evaluation of spinach accessions.
Evaluation for P1 : started (WHRI) What has been done: • The selected gene bank accessions plus controls wereassessed for post harvest discolouration following established experimental protocols. • Significant differences were found between the accessions for mean discolouration. The data is still being analysed as subsets for each day post harvest but so far significant differences have been found between accessions for each day analysed.
Evaluation for P2 (GEVES) • What has been done: it was considered as done for P2 and the material was sent to P8. P12 will ask fresh material from P8 and if necessary, P12 could ask seeds to P2 and P3 when he starts evaluation. • What will be done: Finalize and harmonize with partners involved the scale of notation for evaluation. Coordinate the finalizing of evaluation plans for all the crops with the other leaders of species (P0, P1, P3).
Evaluation for P4 (Palacky) • What has been done: Selection of 30 lettuce accessions for characterization, • In June: Control of viability and pathogenicity of races of Bremis lactucae, pre-selection of isolates to be used for evaluation in a year 2. • What will be done: Evaluation starts in year 2.
Evaluation for P7 (Arche Noah) • What has been done: First selection of accessions to be tested for winter hardiness. • What will be done: Developing criteria for evaluate winter hardiness.
Evaluation for P9 (USOFA) • What has been done: Evaluation for important property and quality for us.
Evaluation for P10 (HDRA) • What has been done: Material for evaluation (lettuce) already selected (all 17 Heritage Seed Library accessions). • What will be done: Nothing planned until year 2
Evaluation for P12 (University of Bologna) • The aspect of sesquiterpenes is still open. In fact most of what was published in literature did not remain in practical. Some delay will occur in the starting of the real evaluation phase, but this will affect only the time development of the program and not the global results. • Bottlenecks: restudy analytical aspect for sesquiterpenes.
Inquiry about the scale of notation for WP3 *Which scale of notation ? * Which data format will be sent? • A note with a level of expression associated. Ex : 1= susceptible ; 9 = resistant • A measured note. Ex : 50 cm • A file linked to the accession number but not advised to sort out • A text included in the database as “Remarks” • A combination of these 4 possibilities: Indicate which combination you wish. Ex : 5=1+2+4
Scale for quality and abiotic characters : a few answers 1/2 [XXX1]For harmonization, it would be better to define 0=absent and 1 = present) [XXX1]For harmonization, it would be better to define 0=absent and 1 = present) [XXX1]For harmonization, it would be better to define 0=absent and 1 = present)
Scale for quality and abiotic characters : a few answers 2/2