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Biography of Al-Imam Abdullah al-Harariyy: The Mufti of Somalia

Learn about the life and achievements of Al-Imam Abdullah al-Harariyy, an eminent Islamic scholar, Hafidh of Quran and Hadith, Mufti of Somalia, and prominent master of various knowledge fields. Discover his sheikhs, narrators, and journey of learning across different regions.

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Biography of Al-Imam Abdullah al-Harariyy: The Mufti of Somalia

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  1. A brief Biography Aboutal-Imam, al-Muhaddith,al-Hafidh, al-’UsuliyShaykh ^Abdullahal-HarariyyKnown as al-Habashiy

  2. Who is He? • In 1887, Somalia was occupied and divided into five parts and the western province (Harar) was given to al-Habashah (Ethiopia). From this city came this great Imam. • He is the great ^alim  (Islamic scholar), an example of the ^ulama', al-'Imam, al-Muhaddith, the pious worshipper, ash-Shaykh Abu ^Abdir-Rahman, ^Abdullah Ibn Muhammad Ibn Yusuf, al-Harariyy, ash-Shaybiyy, al-^Abdariyy, the Mufti of Somalia.

  3. Born in Harar 1910 • He is ash-Shaybiyy because Banu Shaybah is a clan of Quraysh and they are the people in charge of al-Ka^bah. • He is al-^Abdariyy because he also belongs to ^Abd-ud-Dar, a clan of Qusayy Ibn Kilab, the fourth grandfather of Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam. • He was born in Harar around 1328 A.H., or 1910 R.C. He grew up in a humble house loving al-^Ilm (Islamic knowledge) and its people.

  4. Hafidh of Qur’an & Hadith • He memorized al-Qur'an by heart and tartil (reading correctly with tajwid rules) when he was seven years old. He continued to scoop from the sea of knowledge. • He memorized numerous books in various Islamic sciences. He gave ^Ilm al-Hadith a great amount of attention.

  5. Hafidh of Qur’an & Hadith • He memorized the six books of al-Hadith: • Sahih al-Bukhariyy, • Muslim, • at-Tirmithiyy, • Abu Dawud, • Ibn Majah, • An-Nasa'iyy • He memorized other books of Hadith with their isnad (biographies of the chains of relators). • He was authorized by al-^ulama' to pass Fatwa and to relate al-Hadith when he was less than eighteen years old

  6. Amazing Memory • His intelligence and wonderful memory helped him get in depth in al-Fiqh ash-Shafi^iyy, also al-Fiqh al-Malikiyy, al-Hanafiyy, and al-Hanbaliyy. • He became the Mufti of Somalia (the highest religious authority qualified to pass Islamic judgments).

  7. A Prominent Master • He learned and mastered many fields of knowledge. These include: • The Shafi^iyy Fiqh and its Usul (the Science of Inferring Rules and Judgments), • Nahw (Arabic and Grammar), • The Sciences of the Arabic language, • Tafsir (Science of Explanation of the Qur’an), • Tajwid (the proper recitation of the Qur’an), including the fourteen Qira’at (ways of reciting Qur’an), • And other sciences.

  8. His Narrators • Among the many prominent narrators of his chains are: • Ibn ^Abbas, al-Hasan al Basriyy, ash-Shafi^iyy, Abu Hanifah, Malik, Ahmad, at-Tabariyy, al-Ash^ariyy, al-Maturidiyy, • Imam al-Bukhariyy, Muslim, al-Bayhaqiyy, ath-Thawriyy, an-Nawawiyy, Ibn Hajar, at-Tahawiyy, al-Qadi ^Iyad, and al-Ghazaliyy.

  9. His Sheikhs • He took al-Fiqh ash-Shafi^iyy and its Usul (science of inferring rules & judgments) and an-Nahw (Arabic Grammar) from: • al-^alim ash-Shaykh Muhammad ^Abdus-Salam al-Harariyy, ash-Shaykh Muhammad ^Umar Jami^ al-Harariyy, ash-Shaykh Muhammad Rashad al-Habashiyy, ash-Shaykh Ibrahim Abil-Ghayth Al-Harariyy, ash-Shaykh Yunus al-Habashiyy, and ash-Shaykh Muhammad Siraj al-Jabartiyy.  • From those ^ulama' he took many main texts such as Alfiyyat-uz-Zubad, at-Tanbih, al-Minhaj, Alfiyyat-ubni-Malik, al-Luma^ by ash-Shiraziyy and other main texts.

  10. His Sheikhs • He took the sciences of Arabic from Shaykh Ahmad al-Basir and ash-Shaykh Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Habashiyy and others.  • He read the Fiqh of Three Madhahib under Shaykh Muhammad al-^Arabiyy al-Fasiyy, and ash-Shaykh ^Abdur-Rahman al-Habashiyy. • He took at-Tafsir al-Qur’an from ash-Shaykh Sharif al-Habashiyy in his town, Jummah.

  11. His ^ilm of Hadith • He took al-Hadith and its sciences from many teachers notably from: • al-Hafiz ash-Shaykh Abu Bakr Muhammad Siraj al-Jabartiyy, the Mufti of al-Habashah, • and ash-Shaykh ^Abdur-Rahman ^Abdullah al-Habashiyy, and others.

  12. In Makkah • He met with al-Muhaddith, al-Qari', Ahmad Ibn ^Abdil-Muttalib, the Head of the Qurra' in al-Masjid-ul-Haram in Makkah From him he took the 14 ways of reciting al-Qur'an, as well as ^Ilm al-Hadith • He also met ash-Shaykh, al-Qari', Dawud al-Jabartiyy.

  13. In Makkah • He also the ^ulama‘ of Makkah such as: • Shaykh ^Alawiyy al-Malikiyy, ash-Shaykh Amin al-Kutubiyy.  • He attended circles by ash-Shaykh Muhammad al-^Arabiyy at-Tabban.  • He contacted ash-Shaykh ^Abdul-Ghafur an-Naqshabandiyy and took at-Tariqah an-Naqshabandiyyah from him .

  14. In al-Madinah • Sheikh Abdullah then went to al-Madinah and contacted its ^ulama'. He took al-Hadith from ash-Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Muhammad as-Siddiqiyy al-Bakriyy. • He stayed by and in ^Arif Hikmat and al-Mahmudiyyah libraries going through the manuscripts. • He stayed in al-Madinah close to the Prophet's Mosque for about a year. He received permission to teach from many ^ulama'.

  15. Muhaddith of Ash-Sham • He then went to Palestine, Jerusalem in the 5th decade of this century • Then he went to Damascus where he was welcomed by its people, especially after the death of its MuhaddithBadr-ud-Din al-Hasaniyy. 

  16. Muhaddith of Ash-Sham • He then lived in Jami^-ul-Qatat, and his fame spread in the area.  Scholars and students of ash-Sham (area including Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and Jordan) came seeking him, and he got to know some of its scholars. • He was called “the Successor of ash-Shaykh Badr-ud-Din al-Hasaniyy”.  • He was also known as “the Muhaddith of ash-Sham countries”.

  17. Loved and Praised • A great number of the ^ulama' of ash-Sham praised him such as: • Shaykh ^Izz-ud-Din al-Khaznawiyy, ash-Shafi^iyy, an-Naqshabandiyy from al-Jazirah in the north of Syria, ash-Shaykh ^Abdur-Razzaq al-Halabiyy, the Director of al-Masjidul-'Umawiyy in Damascus, ash-Shaykh Abu Sulayman az-Zabibiyy, ash-Shaykh Mulla Ramadan al-Butiyy, ash-Shaykh Abul-Yusr ^Abidin, the Mufti of Syria, ash-Shaykh ^Abdul-Karim ar-Rifa^iyy, ash-Shaykh Naji Nur from Jordan, ash-Shaykh Sa^id Tanatirah, ash-Shaykh Ahmad al-Husariyy, the Director of the Islamic school of Ma^arratun-Nu^man, ash-Shaykh ^Abdullah Siraj al-Halabiyy, ash-Shaykh Muhammad Murad al-Halabiyy, ash-Shaykh Suhayb ar-Rumiyy, the Amin of al-Fatwa in Halab, ash-Shaykh ^Abdul-^Aziz ^Uyunus-Sud, the Head of the Qurra' of Hims, ash-Shaykh Abus-Su^ud al-Himsiyy, ash-Shaykh Fayiz ad-Dayr^ataniyy, the Shaykh of Damascus who knows the Seven Qira'at (ways of recitations of Qur'an), ash-Shaykh ^Abdul-Wahhab Dibs wa Zayt of Damascus, Dr. Halawaniyy, the Shaykh of reciters in Syria, ash-Shaykh Ahmad al-Harun of Damascus, the righteous waliyy, ash-Shaykh Tahir al-Kayyaliyy from Hims, and others, may Allah benefit us from them.

  18. Loved and Praised • He was also praised by: • Shaykh ^Uthman Siraj-ud-Din, the descendant of ash-Shaykh ^Ala'-ud-Din, Shaykh of an-Naqshabandiyyah in his time and they had brotherly and scholarly correspondences between them. • He was praised also by ash-Shaykh ^Abdul-Karim al-Bayyariyy, the teacher in Jami^-il-Hadrah al-Kilaniyyah in Baghdad, ash-Shaykh Ahmad az-Zahid al-'Islambuliyy, ash-Shaykh Mahmud al-Hanafiyy, who is one of the famous and active Turkish shuyukh, ash-Shaykh ^Abdullah al-Ghammariyy, the Muhaddith of the Morrocan area, ash-Shaykh Habibur-Rahman al-'A^zamiyy, the Muhaddith of the Indian Peninsula, whom he met with many times and stayed as his guest for some time.

  19. Rifa^iy & Qadiri Tariqah • He took permission for at-Tariqah ar-Rifa^iyyah from Shaykh ^Abdur-Rahman as-Sibsibiyy, and Shaykh Tahir al-Kayyaliyy, • And he took the permission in at-Tariqah al-Qadiriyyah from ash-Shaykh Ahmad al-^Irbiniyy, may Allah have mercy upon them.

  20. In Beirut • Shaykh ^Abdullah came to Beirut in 1950 R.C. and he was the guest of famous Shuyukh like: • Shaykh, al-Qadi Muhyid-Din al-^Ajuz and ash-Shaykh, al-Mustashar Muhammad ash-Sharif and ash-Shaykh ^Abdul-Wahhab al-Butariyy, the imam of Jami^ al-Basta al-Fawqa, • Shaykh Ahmad Iskandaraniyy, the Imam and Mu'aththin in Jami^ Burj Abi Haydar and they learned and benefited from him.

  21. In Beirut • Shaykh ^Abdullah also met with: • Shaykh ^Abdur-Rahman al-Majthub and ash-Shaykh Muhammad al-Butariyy, the Qadi of Beirut presently, and they benefited from him. • He met with ash-Shaykh Mukhtar al-^Alayiliyy, who was the Amin of al-Fatwa who acknowledged his honor and breadth of his knowledge, and prepared for his residence in Beirut to teach in different mosques. • The Department of al-Fatwa paid the expenses of his residence during that period.  In 1969 R.C., upon the request of the Director of al-'Azhar in Lebanon, he lectured in at-Tawhid to the students there.

  22. His Primary Goal • Shaykh ^Abdullah's primary goal always was to spread the correct belief of Ahl-us-Sunnah wal-Jama^ah, a task which has been occupying most of his time.  • He fought the atheists and the people of al-bida^ (prohibited innovations) to extinguish their fitan (misguidings).  • This did not leave much time for writing books, he left quite a few writings, however:

  23. His Books 1. An explanation of Alfiyyat-ul-^Iraqiyy in the Science of al-Hadith. 2. A poem in at-Tawhid (Islamic Belief) of about sixty lines. 3. As-Sirat-ul-Mustaqim in at-Tawhid, published. 4. Ad-Dalil-ul-Qawim ^alas-Sirat-il-Mustaqim in at-Tawhid, published. 5. Mukhtasaru ^Abdillah-il-Harariyy, al-Kafilu bi ^Ilm-id-Din-id-Daruriyy, published. 6. Bughyat-ut-Talib lima^rifat-il-^Ilm-id-Diniyy-il-Wajib, published. 7. At-Ta^aqqub-ul-Hathith ^ala man ta^ana fima sahha min-al-Hadith, published.  In this book, ash Shaykh ^Abdullah refuted the claims of al-'Albaniyy against some Ahadith.  The Muhaddith of the Morrocan area, ash-Shaykh ^Abdullah al-Ghammariyy, said about the book “it is a good and well written refutation”. 8. Nusrat-ut-Ta^aqqub-il-Hathith ^ala man ta^ana fima sahha min-al-Hadith, published. 9. Al-Mawlid-ush-Sharif, published. 10. Sharh-ul-^Aqidat-in-Nasafiyyah. 11. Sharh-ul-^Aqidat-it-Tahawiyyah. 12. Sharhu Alfiyyat-iz-Zubad  in the Shafi^iyy Fiqh. 13. Sharhu Matni Abi Shuja^  in the Shafi^iyy Fiqh. 14. Sharh-us-Sirat-il-Mustaqim. 15. Sharhu Matn-il-^Ashmawiyyah in the Malikiyy Fiqh. 16. Sharhu Mutammimat-il-'Ajurummiyyah in an-Nahw. 17. Sharh-ul-Bayquniyyah in the Science of al-Hadith. 18. Sarih-ul-Bayan fir-raddi ^ala man Khalaf-al-Qur'an, published.

  24. Taqwa & Zuhd • Shaykh ^Abdullah's al-Harariyy is very pious, humble, Zahid, and worshipful Muslim. He spends his time teaching al-^Ilm and performing Dhikr at the same time. • He has a good and pure heart.  He does not waste a moment without teaching, performing Dhikr, reciting, admonishing, or guiding.  • He has the correct belief in Allah and is holding on to al-Qur'an and as-Sunnah.  He has a good memory and powerful and brilliant proofs. 

  25. Lifelong Da^wah • He was known for his high effort in bidding al-ma^ruf and forbidding al-munkar (ordering with obedience and prohibiting the disobedience) until the people of misguidance and prohibited innovations feared and envied him.  • This did not lessen his efforts to refute them, because Allah supports and defends the people who believe in Him. He served Islam until death.

  26. His Students • Shaykh ^Abdullah emphasizes the rich and moderate face of Islam—that of justice, truth, trustworthiness, knowledge, generosity, manners, excellence, and sound intellect. • His students have spread through more than forty (40) countries, across six (6) continents. • He continues to support the Muslims in acquiring the knowledge and in fighting the deviant factions who attempt to spread misguidance in the name of Islam.

  27. The AICP • The Association of Islamic Charitable Projects (A.I.C.P) was established the year 1930. • AICP was led by Sheikh Mustafa Ghalayini, Hajj Hussein al-^Uwainiy and Sheikh Ahmad al-^Ajooz who then handed its leadership to the Students of Sheikh Abdullah al-Harariy. • The Islamic institutions rapidly trusted the A.I.C.P worldwide and established connections with it. AICP signed an Agreement of Cooperation with al-Azhar in Egypt in November 17th 1999.

  28. AICP Leaders • Sheikh Nizar al-Halabiy al-Azhariy (1952) took its leadership in 1983. He was later assassinated by terrorists on August of 1995. Its Leadership was then handed to Dr. Sheikh Hussam Qaraqirah.

  29. The Belief of Millions • AICP holds and defends the creed of millions of Muslims throughout the world. • AICP has as guides the Qur’an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad and the path of the Islamic scholars like Imam Ash-Shafi^iyy, Imam Malik, Imam Ahmad and Imam Abu-Hanifah. • Unlike the followers of Sayyid Qutub who deviated from the right path by following an erroneous idea that sprung fifty years ago, and unlike the followers of Muhammad ibn ^adbil-Wahhab who deviated from the right path by following an erroneous idea that sprung two hundred years ago, unlike them AICP follows the right path of the prophet, his companions and their followers.

  30. AICP Centers • Here is a list of the Association of Islamic Charitable Projects centers Worldwide: • United States of America • Pennsylvania 4431 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215) 387-8888 (Office) • California 1136 N. Brookhurst Street, Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 999-2800 (Office) • Massachusetts 41 Marble Street, Revere, MA 02151 (781) 284-6540 Fax: (978) 663-7075 • Michigan 5715 N Inkster Road, Garden City, MI 48135 (734) 524-9940 Fax: (734) 524-9941 • Florida 2820 Griffin Rd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 (954) 986-1373 • Tennessee 4609 Tchulahoma Rd, Memphis, TN 38118 Tel/Fax: (901)794-9855 • Texas 5645 Hillcroft Street, Suite #305-306, Houston, TX 77036 Tel/Fax: (713) 785-5779 • Canada • Alberta Calgary Tel: (403) 248-5930 Fax: (403) 248-7550 • British Columbia 7 Sixth Street, New Westminster, BC V3L2Y7 (604) 524-2752 • Ontario 847 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, Ontario K1K 4Y2 Tel: (613) 747-1444 • Quebec 6691 Park Avenue, Montreal, Quebec, H4V4J1 (514) 274-6194 (Office) • Europe  • Switzerland • Centre islamique de Lausanne, 10, place de la Gare, 1003 Lausanne Suisse Tél. : +41 (021) 323 79 19 Fax : +41 (021) 311 23 02 • Islamisches Zentrum Zürich Militنrstr. 52/Eisgasse 6, 8004 Zürich Tel. 01/ 241 13 31 Fax.01/ 241 13 38 • Centre Islamique de Neuchatel Rue de Guillaume-Farel 24, 2000 Neuchatel-Serrier Tel: 032/731.17.80 Fax: 032/731.17.86 • Germany • I.V.W.P.e.V Wiener Str. 1-6 / 10999 Berlin TEL: 0306126961 FAX: 0306115371 Contact Us • France • Association des Projets de Bienfaisance Islamiques en France 52, boulevard Ornano 75 018 Paris • United Kingdom • Association of Islamic Charitable Projects of UK. Masjid Noorus-Sunnah, 42 Yardley Green Road, Bordesley Green, Birmingham, B9 5QF, Tel: +44 (0) 121 2488126. • Australia • A. I. C. P. Australia 2a Winspear Ave, Bankstown, Sydney, NSW, Australia (02) 9707-4842

  31. Sheikh Abdullah’s Death • Sheikh Abdullah departed this life on Tuesday the 2nd of Ramadan 1429H – September 2, 2008. His Knowledge remains benefiting millions.

  32. The End We ask Allah to Have Mercy upon this great Scholar and Defender of Islam. And to gather us with him in Paradise, with the Prophet (peace be upon him), His family and His companions. And to enable us to learn, teach, and serve al-Islam . Ameen.

  33. For more infoVisit AICP:www.aicp.org

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