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EPPOG outreach meeting, Lisboa, 29.5.2007 Dave Barney on behalf of Michael Kobel

3. International Masterclasses “Hands on Particle Physics“ 15.3.2007-30.3.2007 http://www.physicsmasterclasses.org. EPPOG outreach meeting, Lisboa, 29.5.2007 Dave Barney on behalf of Michael Kobel. Outline. Organisation Statistics Media Echo Team, corporate identity Evaluation

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EPPOG outreach meeting, Lisboa, 29.5.2007 Dave Barney on behalf of Michael Kobel

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  1. 3. International Masterclasses“Hands on Particle Physics“ 15.3.2007-30.3.2007http://www.physicsmasterclasses.org EPPOG outreach meeting, Lisboa, 29.5.2007Dave Barney on behalf of Michael Kobel

  2. Outline • Organisation • Statistics • Media Echo • Team, corporate identity • Evaluation • Questionnaire • My (i.e. MK´s) personal impressions • Funding • Current • Possible future • Plans for the Future, funding assumed

  3. 1) Statistics of Masterclasses 2007(2006) • International Masterclass Weeks w/ video conf • 12(12) pure student days: 15.3. – 30.3.07 • 1(1) pure teacher‘s day: Mo 26.3.07 • 1(0) mixed day students + teachers: Sa 17.3.07 • ~ 7(5)institutes/ day = 92(70) masterclasses • all days: both DELPHi + OPAL data for Z0 decaysoptional: WW pairs, alpha_s • Institute masterclasses w/o video conference • January – April: 9(22) masterclasses(not counting the UK masterclasses) • Schedule http://www.physicsmasterclasses.org/mc/schedule.htm

  4. Participation • 74 (59) institutes from 20 (18) countries • countries • new: South Africa and re-joined: Finland • Interest for 2008: Brasil, France • 14 new institutes (not counting re-joiners) • CH: Bern • DE: Göttingen, Wuppertal, Erlangen, Freiburg, • GR: Crete • SA: Witwatersrand • UK: QM-London, Bristol, Manchester • US: Baltimore, Tallahassee, Cincinnati, Notre Dame • 16 (8) institutes w/ more than one student day • 6 (5) institutes w/ additional teacher´s day • Estimated number of students: 4589 (3135)

  5. Media Echo • local media echo : nothing known, please report! • Larger articles • Physics education (2005 evaluation: Erik, M.K., IPN)accepted and in print (June 07) • German Physical Society Journal „Physik Journal“1 1/2-page article by science writer (May 07) • Austrian Science Journal scIQ for Young People (May 07) http://sciq.agindo.info/people/index.cfm?useid=512by participant • CMS times, 30.4.07, by Dave Barney http://cmsinfo.cern.ch/outreach/CMSTimes.html • Fermilab Today, 30.3.07, by Christine Buckleyhttp://www.fnal.gov/pub/today/archive_2007/today07-03-30.html • …?

  6. Organisation Team • Central organisation • People and infrastructure at Dresden • Michael Kobel • Gisela Fischer (ATLAS/BABAR group secretary) • Felix Krüger (physics student) CD and Web Site • EVO Video Conference • technics: • Joao Fernandez, Viktor Michalcin, Marek Domarackyplus EVObeta team (CERN, Caltech, VK Slovakia) • moderators: • Silvia Schuh, Dave Barney, Mike Lamont, Salvatore Mele • Quiz:(good to have it in local languages!) • Silvia Schuh, Ken Cecire et al • National Organisation • contact persons in each country • esp. big support in US by Quarknet (Ken) • Local responsibles for each institute Thanks

  7. Corporate Identity • DESY Zeuthen Experiments´Support (ExpS) made • Announcement Poster - A3, ppt, 2.8MB • Announcement Transparency - ppt, 0.7MB • Letter (e.g. for invitation) - A4, word, 0.7MB • Presentation, Lecture - ppt, 1.9MB • Participation Certificate - ppt, 0.4MB • Deduced from that at Dresden: • Quiz winners certificate(prizes just being sent) Thanks

  8. 2) Evaluation • Evaluation 2005: just published in Physics Education • Evaluation (2006?)/2007: two Volunteer Groups • Slovak Virtual Collab (esp. Kosice, Presov, Zilina) • 38 institutes assigned, questionnaires from 23 received • Very first results today • Quarknet (Ken et al) • 36 institutes assigned, 18 received • Results soon • Special eval. from quarknet teachers (today) • Tedious work, typing in all by hand • Plans for 2008 and beyond (proposal): • Charge professionial survey group at TU Dresden with • making questionaire machine-readable • Reading data into SPSS • Making pre-defined set of standard plots • Sending SPSS data to us for further/deeper evaluation Thanks

  9. J´avais des HAUTs , j´avais des BAS  • Making of… schedule worked out well, faster than 2006 (not easy to distribute74 institutes evenly, very cooperative  ) • Web pages of new institutes:again a nightmare (with few exceptions)still: nice and useful to have them on Web and CDrom ! • Distribution of CDs and DESY brochures (too few…)Thanks to CD company (CUE) and Veronika Werschner (DESY)ready and shipped well in time only few delivery problems, solved in time • Communications to (some) institutes(„… as already explained in my previous emails and on the Web...“) need shorter (and thus even more?) e-mails, Wiki?, both?, …. • Distribution of DELPHI and OPAL over the days: fineEverybody knew, what to measure and to report in EVO Conf.

  10. Bad Technical preparation of EVO *in quite some institutes*Good technical quality of EVO hidden by lack of local preparation(maybe the 1st EVO test was announced on too short notice?)Most Frequent flaws: • Equipment not tested in relevant environment • No echo cancelling devices used • Problems with H323 and EVO (at least in the beginning) All this made some video conferences *really* bad! Clear consequence for 2008: Need *very* strict admission procedure to Video Conf Video Conf is *the* part which makes the Corporate ID! • Admirable: • Patience and competence of EVObeta team • Amount of testing by EVObeta team with 74 institutes • Patience of moderators in case of • Sound problems • Quiet or tired students Video Conf part is still the weakest part of the program, but also the central connecting part! We need to work on it, but should really keep it!

  11. 3) Funding • So far funding (often in-kind) for • people (CD+updates, Website, Organisation):2005+2006: German research ministry BMBF2007: TU Dresden (not possible long-term) • hardware (CD, brochures, comics, card games)2005: EPS-HEPP(CDs) + CERN(comics) + DESY(brochures)2006: BMBF(CDs) + CERN(prizes) + DESY(brochures)2007: EPS-HEPP(CDs) + CERN(prizes) + DESY(brochures) • VRVS/EVO support2005-2007 CERN + Caltech+ Slovak ministry • Future funding prospects • Chance to get 4-5 year complete funding for a project„Transformation of Masterclasses from LEP to LHC aera“ from BMBF within special „Awareness of CERN“ program • Application in June/July • Would cover all expenses plus a ½ time personfor management and program amendment Thanks

  12. Let‘s be optimistic !

  13. 4) Long term planning (assuming 4 years funding) a) MAIN needs and questions Most to be coordinated by new management person to hire: • New exercises • ASEC LHC exercise (Athens) • Other new LHC exercises? Advanced (like WW, alpha_s)? • Maybe astro-particlephysics exercise (France, Erlangen?) • Trial sessions / trial days • Involvement of teachers • Preparation and wrap-up at school (example: quarknet) • Teacher‘s day(s)? • same fomat, more/different discussions? • Combined with in-service training? • Develop special material for that? • Video conference • Needs thorough revisiting! • Strict technical quality rules to be assured • Assure long-term technical support(EVO should be interested in us as use-case!?) • Make moderator team (even) larger? • Assure long-term funding • Ample time for applications during 4 years • Exercise developpers, in-service training material • Do we need funding for that? • Or e.g. cover it in student teacher theses?

  14. b) Further points for future discussion • Improve Media coverage, articles • Travels of students (and teachers) as prizes? • Automatize evaluation (see plans above) • Schedule • How many days maximum? • How many institutes/day maximum? • How many masterclasses outside of central weeks? • Some separated Masterclasses in other time zones?(US, Brasil, ..) • …

  15. Summary • We made it again! Teachers in BerlinStudents in Lisboa

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