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Eco Balance: A new method for the ecological evaluation of wooden products Arno Frühwald University of Hamburg. Content of the presentation. Environmental interest Life cycle assessment (LCA) Examples for LCA-studies LCA for product design Energy aspects related to wood products
Eco Balance: A new method for the ecological evaluation of wooden products Arno Frühwald University of Hamburg
Content of the presentation Environmental interest Life cycle assessment (LCA) Examples for LCA-studies LCA for product design Energy aspects related to wood products Carbon sink aspects Substitution effects: wood vs. non wood materials Conclusions
Environmental conserns in forest products sector - until 1990 • water pollution (BOD) • air pollution (dust) • chemicals like PCP, Lindane, Formaldehyde • noise
Environmental conserns in forest products sector - today • non renewable resources • biodiversity • global warming • ozon formation • sustainability
New environmental challenges for Forestry and Forest Products Sector • biodiversity • sustainable management of resources • reduced energy consumption • reduced Global Warming Potential • reduced emissions to air, water soil • recycling of materials Driving forces: Agenda 21 Kyoto-Protocol
Methods to describe environmental issues • environmental risk assessment • environmental management systems (ISO 14.000) • environmental product labelling • certification • ecological Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
LCA is a method to describe the ecological importance of a product or service along its life cycle from graddle to grave. The method is described in the standards ISO/EN • 14.040 Principles of LCA • 14.041 Inventory Analysis (LCI) • 14.042 Impact Assessment (LCIA) • 14.043 Interpretation
· Productdevelopment and improvement · Strategic planning · Public policy making · Marketing · Other The LCA-method consists of four steps Goal and Direct Applications: scope definition Inventory analysis Interpretation Impact assessment
A life cycle Raw material provision T Primary processing T Secondary processing T Use of products T T T End of life disposing/ burning Recycling/ reuse T=Transport
emissions (incl. energy) to system boundary air water soil system under study Raw material Product manufacture Product use Incineration capital equipment energy An inventory analysis Raw materials products auxiliary materials by-products
Material in- and outflow for particleboard V20 and V100
Primary energy consumption for the manufacture of particleboards
Time span considered 20 years 100 years CO2 1 1 CH4 62 24 NO2 290 320 O3 2000 H1201 Halon 6200 5600 R134aFCKW 3300 1300 R22FCKW 4300 1700 Importanceof substances for GWP (IPCC 1996)
GWP Particleboard V20 per m³ board
0,2 0,20 0,15 kg Phosphatequivalents per m³ board 0,10 0,06 0,06 0,05 0,05 0,02 0 0,00 glue total wood energy transport aux. material EP Particleboard V20
AC ParticleboardV20 per m³ board
Glue Lam CSL/Parallam LVL/OSB 300 360 360 13 13 65 55 100 80 80 Ecological aspects of beam structures moment of inertia 22500 cm4 20000 cm4 17500 cm4 wood volume per* 0,70 m3 0,22 m3 0,26 m3 type of logs large diam. thinnings large d. 75% thinn. 25% * length of 10 m beam
Glue Lam CSL/Parallam LVL/OSB 300 360 360 13 13 65 55 100 80 80 Ecological aspects of beam structures moment of inertia 22500 cm4 20000 cm4 17500 cm4 wood volume per* 0,70 m3 0,22 m3 0,26 m3 type of logs large diam. thinnings large d. 75% thinn. 25% energy input* 1400 MJ 900 MJ 1300 MJ fossil 57 % 37 % 50 % non-fossil 43 % 63 % 50 % CO2-Equiv. * 33 kg 17 kg 27 kg * length of 10 m beam
64% 1% forestry 2% sawmilling 8% wood drying 10% 5% 10% moulding transport house construction Energy aspects of wooden products Energy consumption during wood products processing related to the energy content of 1 m³ wood (example for solid wood house construction)
Energy consumption per m³ of product Energy potential in processing residues fossil fuel non-fossil fuel electricity energy potential in residues 3000 4500 4000 5500 2800 8000 2200 1000 1000 850 Energy MJ/m³ 470 470 500 250 200 100 100 85 70 5 0 0 green lumber planned dry lumber glue lam logs OSB
[103MJ / m2 wall area] 30 (8333 kWh) 27.364 MJ Ex-Norm 20 (5555 kWh) Haacke 14.978 MJ 14.842 MJ LBS 10 (2800 kWh) 1 Time construction use energy generation after use Primary energy consumption for timberframed houses
fossile fuels Closed carbon cycle Atmosphere CO2 equiv. 900 mill t carbon/year EUROPE
fossile fuels Closed carbon cycle Atmosphere 130 mill t carbon/year forests CO2-sinks CO2 equiv. 900 mill t carbon/year EUROPE OCEANS
C-sink harvest fossile fuels Closed carbon cycle Atmosphere 130 mill t carbon/year forests CO2-sinks CO2 equiv. 900 mill t carbon/year EUROPE OCEANS replace fuelwood
forests Energy generation from fossil fuels Carbon cycle ? Atmosphere CO2 Photosynthesis
100-300 years Carbon cycle Atmosphere CO2 CO2 replacing fossil fuel energy replacing non renewable material based products 0,1-100 years
(Source: Karjalainen et al. 2000) Carbon sink - Forest carbon stocks in trees and soils of European Forests ~ 20.000 Mill t C of which carbon stock in tree biomass ~ 8.000 Mill t C estimated net sequestration - in trees ~ 100 Mill t C/y - in soils ~ 30 Mill t C/y - total ~ 130 Mill t C/y total carbon emission Europe ~ 900 Mill t C/y
Carbon sink - wood products carbon stocks in wood products • wooden windows 25 kg C / unit • wooden floor (parquet) 5 kg C / m² • furniture per family 1000 kg C / family • roof brick type house 1000 - 3000 kg C / unit • wooden house 10.000 - 25.000 kg C / unit estimated carbon stock in wood products - Europe ~ 1.000 Mill t C estimated net sequestration ~ 30 - 50 Mill t C/y
Energy aspects of wooden products energy input 3000 MJ 1 m³ logs recycling or energy 7200 MJ processing 0,8 m³ products 1 m³ for energy 9000 MJ 0,2 m³ for energy 1800 MJ Δ = 6000 MJ/m³ energy surplus
Alternative building material (non-wood) (equiv. to 1 m³ of logs) recycling or landfill processing ~ 6000 MJ No energy energy consumption 6000 MJ Energy aspects of wooden products
Summary comparison wood - non wood system a) from wood system 6.000 MJ/m³ logs surplus energy (to replace fossil energy) b) from non wood systems 6.000 MJ/m³ logs equivalent input (fossil energy) Wood system replaces 12.000 MJ/m³ logs fossil energy => equivalent to 1,25 t CO2 or 0,35 t C emitted into atmosphere Compared to storage in the forest 1 m³ is equivalent to ~ 0,25 t C or 0,90 t CO2 The consequences: use more wood • first to produce products • second to produce energy
tons carbon p. ha good soil rain + warm 75 average poor soil dry or cold 40 Time [years] 50 100 Forests as carbon sinks / biomass above ground
tons carbon p. ha no harvest 200 with harvest 150 100 50 Time [years] 50 100 150 200 Forests as carbon sinks / biomass above ground
temporarily sinks permanent reduced emission 350 total all + mat. Sub. 300 total all + energy sub. 250 unmanaged 200 total sequ. CO2 sink and substitution (t C per ha) managed 150 100 energy sub. mat. sub. 50 temp. in WP 60 70 80 90 100 [years]
Conclusions: 1. Forest and long life timber products are important carbon sinks 2. Wood products require little energy for manufacture 3. More than 75% of the required energy is produced from wood residues and recovered wood 4. Wood and wood products after use are important energy sources 5. Alternative non-wood based products require more energy for manufacture 6. 1 m³ of round wood used in building sector can reduce the CO2 emission from fossil fuels up to 1,25 tons; the total CO2 reduction potential by using wood ist up to 300 Mill. tons of CO2 per year in Europe, 15-20% of all CO2- Emissions in Europe 7. For environmental reasons: use more wood!
Use more wood because wood • is a renewable material • is easy to process • serves as product and energy material • provides socio-economic benefits • is selfsustaining in the energy cycle • is loved by everybody
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