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all about Montana ’ s future

all about Montana ’ s future. Orientation to the Community Foundation Sector Cathy Cooney, Program Director. Learning Objectives. What is a Community Foundation?  What is a Community Foundation supposed to do? What does the Community Foundation sector look like in Montana?

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all about Montana ’ s future

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Presentation Transcript

  1. all about Montana’s future Orientation to the Community Foundation Sector Cathy Cooney, Program Director

  2. Learning Objectives • What is a Community Foundation?  • What is a Community Foundation supposed to do? • What does the Community Foundation sector look like in Montana? • What are the resources you can connect your local community foundation with?

  3. What is a Community Foundation? • Philanthropic savings account • Vehicle for donors to leave a legacy • A leadership organization

  4. The Three Roles of a CF • Asset Development • Grantmaking & Project Funding • Leadership

  5. #1 Asset Development

  6. Intergenerational Transfer of Wealth • Biggest intergenerational transfer of wealth happening now! Example: Jefferson County: 10-year TOW=$135,990,037 5%= $6,799,502 Annual grantmaking= $339,975

  7. Recommended Fundraising Strategies • Attract gifts of income to build loyal donor base (through letters, visits, individual cultivation, etc) • Attract gifts of assets • Planned Gifts • Bequests • Build relationships with Financial Advisors Avoid being dependent on fundraising events!!!

  8. Success Stories • Sizable Bequests/Major Gifts: Beacon CF, Broadwater CF, Missoula CF, Roberts CF, Valley County CF • Future Bequests/Major Gifts: Greater Polson CF, Wibaux Endowment Foundation • Planned Gifts: Flathead CF, Lewis & Clark CF, Red Lodge Area CF, Seeley Lake CF, Whitefish CF

  9. #2 Grant Making and Project Support

  10. Grantmaking for CFs The Biggest Questions: • What is the value-added for donors to give charitable support through us?? • What is the difference between individuals giving a gift to charity and a CF giving a grant to a charity?

  11. Recommended Grantmaking Strategies • Investigate community needs. Look at the data! • Go beyond just responding to competitive grant proposals. Where are the needs, opportunities? • Experiment with new approaches. Grant initiatives? Long-term projects? NP Capacity building?

  12. Success Stories • Data-Driven grantmaking: Park County Community Foundation • Project Funding: Seeley Lake CF, CF for a Better Bigfork

  13. #3 Leadership

  14. Examples of Leadership • Nonprofit Capacity Building • Fiscal Sponsorships • Community visioning, planning sessions • Project work with multiple partners • Fundraising campaigns

  15. Success Stories • Missoula CF/Seeley Lake CF-Norman McLean Trail • Greater Polson CF-Envision Polson Project • Red Lodge Area CF-Reviving the Red Lodge Area Economic Development Corporation, C3 nonprofit capacity building

  16. What does the sector look like in Montana? • 75 CFs • Many are affiliates with a “lead” foundation. • Statewide Council for marketing, training • CFs in Montana Google Group • Technical assistance through MCF

  17. Does your community have a CF?

  18. Questions? Want a presentation in your community about starting a new CF (or reviving an existing CF)? Cathy Cooney 441-4954 ccooney@mtcf.org

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