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Introducing the MCAST Library and learning Resource Centres (LLRCs)

Introducing the MCAST Library and learning Resource Centres (LLRCs). Outline of session Mission Statement Health, Safety & Security Issues Opening hours How the library is arranged Classification scheme used Lending policy Library Catalogue Other Library Facilities. Mission Statement

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Introducing the MCAST Library and learning Resource Centres (LLRCs)

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  1. Introducing the MCAST Library and learning Resource Centres (LLRCs) Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  2. Outline of session • Mission Statement • Health, Safety & Security Issues • Opening hours • How the library is arranged • Classification scheme used • Lending policy • Library Catalogue • Other Library Facilities Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  3. Mission Statement The MCAST LLRCs aim to provide organised and easily accessible banks of information that all MCAST Students, Lecturers and Administration Staff can make use of for free to support their Learning and Lecturing programs. Moreover we also provide some items of edutainment value. Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  4. Health, Safety and Security Issues One of our main concern is the Health & Safety of all library user during your visit to our six libraries. The following are the safety rules at MCAST Libraries. • If you hear a fire alarm – • LEAVE IMMEDIATELY and go to the assembly point outside. Do not return to the library until told it is safe to do so. • Do NOT use the lift. Use inside stairs or external emergency stairs exits. • If you cannot use the stairs let a member of staff on your floor know & you will be assisted. Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  5. If you had an accident or incident in the library no matter how small or big or you have noticed something dangerous, report it immediately to a member of the library staff. • Emergency exits are STRICTLY for emergency use only. Their use will set off alarms and in case of improper use disciplinary action will be taken. Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  6. Ensure that all items to be borrowed are issued at the reception desk in your name. If the book detection alarm sounds upon leaving please return to the reception desk. • Please deposit your bags at the main entrance before entering the Library however DO NOT leave valuables. • For your safety and security all areas of the Library are covered by CCTV cameras Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  7. The MCAST LLRCs • Main Library – Paola • Agribusiness - Qormi • Art & Design – Mosta • Building & Construction – Naxxar • Gozo Centre - Xaghra • Maritime Kalkara Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  8. Opening hours Term-Time Main Library - Paola Mondays – Fridays: 08.15-16.15 Tuesday and Thursdays : 08.15-18.45 Other Institute Libraries Please refer to our library web-pages at www.mcast.edu.mt/llrc/ Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  9. Library stock • More than 25,000 books • over 250 journals • 30 journals in electronic format • Over 300 CD-ROMs • More than 200 Videos & DVD films • Access to over 100 PCs with Internet connection to help you research and prepare your assignments Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  10. Book stock arrangement Materials in the MCAST Library are arranged according to whether they are • Fiction (stories) or • Non fiction (facts about people or subjects) Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  11. Book stock arrangement Non fiction materials are grouped according to subjects. Each subject has a number from 001 to 999 Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  12. Book stock arrangement – Non Fiction Ground Floor : Generalities 001 - 099, Philosophy & Psychology 100 - 199, Religion 200 - 299, Social sciences 300-399, Language 400-499 Natural sciences & Mathematics 500-599. Periodicals 001 – 999 (All subjects) Reference Books 001 – 999 (All subjects) Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  13. Book stock arrangement – Non Fiction Second Floor : Technology (Applied sciences) 600- 699, Arts 700 -799 Literature & rhetoric 800 – 899 Geography & history 900-999. Intermediate, Junior and Kinder Collections (Fiction and Non-Fiction) Basic Skills Collections Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  14. Book stock arrangement – Non Fiction Third Floor : Lecturers Collection 001-999 All subjects Audio-Visual Collection (Films, CDs and music) Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  15. Book stock arrangement – Fiction Ground Floor: General Fiction in English and Maltese Second Floor: Intermediate, Junior and Kinder Fiction in English and Maltese Third Floor: Fiction films as Videos and DVDs Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  16. Classification system The Dewey Decimal Classification divides all knowledge into classes numbered 000-999. Examples include: 004 Computing 150 Psychology 510 Mathematics for Engineering 570 Biology 611 Medicine 620 Mechanical Engineering 658 Management 796 Sports The Library Catalogue gives you the exact number you need Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  17. Shelf Marks and Collections Besides classification numbers that indicate subjects items, are given letters (shelf-marks to indicate their collection. Examples include: (Blank) Books can be borrowed for home use (95% of all books) R Reference (use in the Library only) A-V Audio visual (CDs, DVDs, Videos, music) M Melitensia F Fiction I Intermediate The Library Catalogue lists all these shelf-marks with their explanation and location in each library Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  18. Class marks / shelf marks So to help you find items easily each item has a spine label with • Shelf mark (letters only) if applicable • A set of numbers to indicate subject if non fiction • 3 letters taken from the author’s surname Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  19. Class marks / shelf marks As an example the book An Introduction to Physical Science by Shipman, Wilson Todd. has the following spine label where Reference R 500.2 SHI Classification number First 3 letters of author Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  20. Loan categories 3-WEEK LOANS Open shelves 1-WEEK LOANS Periodicals Collection • You need to first register with the library at the reception desk (form available on-line) • Show us your ID Card to borrow Books • You will be charged a fine (5c a day) if you bring books back late. Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  21. Reference books In addition to books on the open shelves the Library also holds a good collection of reference books : GENERAL and SUBJECT REFERENCE collections, located on the ground floor of the MCAST Library. The collection contain language and translation dictionaries, general encyclopaedias like Britannica, specialist encyclopaedias like McGraw Hill enycl. of Science & Technology , Atlases, Year Books, Almanacs, Annual Reports, Business Directories etc. Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  22. Journals The MCAST Library subscribes to around 250 journals and periodicals – some in electronic format. Details of our journal holdings are shown on the Library Catalogue - direct access to electronic journals is provided. Journals and periodicals are shelved according to subject areas. All journals can be borrowed for 1 week. Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  23. Library Catalogue The Library Catalogue is on the Web (www.mcast.edu.mt/llrc/) and tells you what’s in our Libraries and where to find it. You can search by: • Author • Title • Keyword • Subject • Author + keyword • Author + title • Your course and study unit You can use the catalogue anywhere you have access to the Web Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  24. Using the Library Catalogue http://www.mcast.edu.mt/llrc/Library Search Our Catalogue Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  25. Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  26. Click on the Show Copy link to show all the copies of the book, with their shelfmark, loan type and availability . Title Author Loan type Location of the Book Shelfmark Availability Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  27. Your course and the Library • You can search for library titles that are directly linked to your studies at • Choose your Institute, then choose your course, and for all study units in your course there is a direct on-line link by ‘Subject’ or ‘Class’ to our catalogue. Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  28. Other facilities • Photocopiers near the Issue Desk. Cost: 2c / A4 sheet • Printers. Cost: 2c € 0.05/ A4 sheet For black and white prints, and 10c € 0.23 for colour prints • Scanners: Free • Computers offering word-processing and Internet access free • A-V Equipment Video, DVD, Cassette and CD players Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  29. Other facilities • Assistance with Basic Skills on the second floor by qualified BSU staff • A-V Presentation area for groups on the first floor – please book beforehand • Lecturing area for groups on the first floor – please book beforehand • Areas for small group work on the third floor • Lecturers’ area on the third floor Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  30. Things you should do • Register with the Library (you can print the on-line form) • Ask for assistance from Library staff as necessary • Read the Library Posters and follow Library Signs Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  31. Things you should do • Visit our web-pages www.mcast.edu.mt/llrc/ • Practice using the on-line Library Catalogue so that you can find books about a particular subject Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  32. Things you should do • Practice using the “Your course and the Library” page on our web-site. It is an invaluable tool to find books for each particular study unit in your course. • At the Main Library – Paola get your Username and Password to use PCs. Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  33. Remember this URL URL of the MCAST Library’s website: http://www.mcast.edu.mt/llrc Provides links to the Library Catalogue, the Subject Directory and many pages of help and advice to aid you in getting the most out of the Library. Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  34. Rules and Regulations In every house there are rules and regulations and even MCAST library has it’s own rules and regulations so please ask at the reception desk for a copy or refer to our web-pages Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

  35. Thank you for your attention and we look forward to seeing you on a regular basis Introducing the MCAST LLRCs

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