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Test your knowledge of Revelation with this quiz. Answer questions on key verses, events, and characters. Enhance your learning in a fun way!
Wonderful Sunday School Children!! Revelation www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 1. Of whom is the revelation? (Revelation 1:1) Jesus John Satan Peter None of the above www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 2. Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of __________, and of all things that he saw. (Revelation 1:2) Peter Jesus Christ John All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com
3 Answer: 3. To how many churches did John write? (Revelation 1:4) 1 3 7 12 None of the above www.pjthe3.com
3 Answer: 4. Where was John when he wrote this vision? (Revelation 1:9) Ephesus Corinth Patmos Thyratira None of the above www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 5. And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am ______________: (Revelation 1:17) Life The first and the last Joy All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com
3 Answer: 6. What keys did the Son of man have? (Revelation 1:18) Faith and hope Grace and mercy Hell and death Repentance and water baptism None of the above www.pjthe3.com
4 Answer: 7. Of what did John write? (Revelation 1:19) Things which he had seen Things which are Things which shall be hereafter All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 8. What are the seven lampstands(candlesticks)? (Revelation 1:20) Angels Churches Spirits Ministers None of the above www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 9. What are the seven stars which were in the Lord’s hand? (Revelation 1:20) Angels of the seven churches Spirits Trumpets Vials None of the above www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 10. What church left its first love?(Revelation 2:4) Ephesus Laodicea Pergamos Smryna Thyratira www.pjthe3.com
3 Answer: 11. What church had in it those who held to the doctrine of Balaam and the Nicolaitans? (Revelation 2:14-15) Ephesus Laodicea Pergamos Smryna Thyratira www.pjthe3.com
4 Answer: 12. What church had a name that lived but was dead? (Revelation 3:2) Ephesus Laodicea Pergamos Sardis Thyratira www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 13. What church was lukewarm?(Revelation 3:15) Ephesus Laodicea Pergamos Smryna Thyratira www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 14. What did the trumpet say? (Revelation 4:1) Come and see Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this He that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says unto the churches Woe None of the above www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 15. Who said "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come"? (Revelation 4:8) Twenty-four eldersFour beasts John All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 16. Who said ”You are worthy O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power for You created all things and by Your will they exist and were created"? (Revelation 4:10-11) Twenty-four elders Four beasts John All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com
5 Answer: 17. Who was able to open the scroll (book) that was in the hand of the one who sat on the throne and loose its seven seals? (Revelation 5:5-7) Four beasts Twenty-four elders John Angel The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, the Lamb as it had been slain www.pjthe3.com
1, 2 Answer: 18. Who fell down before the Lamb and sang a new song? Find two.(Revelation 5:8-9) Twenty-four elders Four beasts John All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com
5 Answer: 19. How many were around the throne? (Revelation 5:11) 12 24 28 144,000 Thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 20. What was NOT one of the descriptions of the horses that appeared when the first four seals were opened? (Revelation 6:1-8) Black Brown Pale Red White www.pjthe3.com
3 Answer: 21. On which horse sat the rider called Death? (Revelation 6:8) Black Brown Pale Red White www.pjthe3.com
4 Answer: 22. What did John see when the fifth seal was opened? (Revelation 6:9) A horse that went forth conquering A pair of balances Peace taken from the earth The souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for their testimony A measure of wheat sold for a penny www.pjthe3.com
5 Answer: 23. What happened when the sixth seal was opened? (Revelation 6:12-14) Great earthquake Sun became black Moon became as blood Stars fell All of the above www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 24. What did the men of the earth do then? (Revelation 6:15) Hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains Ran for their lives Said woe, woe, woe All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com
5 Answer: 25. How many were sealed on their foreheads before the seventh seal was opened? (Revelation 7:4) 12 24 500 12,000 144,000 www.pjthe3.com
5 Answer: 26. What happened when the seventh seal was opened? (Revelation 8:1) Great earthquake Sun became black Moon became as blood Stars fell Silence in heaven for a half hour www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 27. What fraction of the trees were burned up when the first angel sounded the trumpet? (Revelation 8:7) Half Third part Fourth part Fifth part None of the above www.pjthe3.com
4 Answer: 28. What was the name of the star that fell on the waters when the third angel sounded? (Revelation 8:11) Alpha Bright and morning star Venus Wormwood None of the above www.pjthe3.com
3 Answer: 29. To which angel was given a key to the bottomless pit? (Revelation 9:1) Third Fourth Fifth Sixth None of the above www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 30. What came out of the bottomless pit? (Revelation 9:3) Locusts Lice Scorpions Snakes None of the above www.pjthe3.com
1, 2 Answer: 31. What was the name of the angel of the bottomless pit? Find two. (Revelation 9:11) Abaddon Apollyon Michael All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com
3 Answer: 32. What was the number of the army of the horsemen when the sixth angel sounded? (Revelation 9:16) Six hundred three score and six Hundred and forty and four thousand Two hundred thousand thousand Ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands None of the above www.pjthe3.com
21 Answer: 33. What did the angel tell John to do with the little open book? (Revelation 10:8-10) Eat it Read it Memorize it All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com
3 Answer: 34. How long will the two witnesses prophesy? (Revelation 11:3) 3 ½ days 360 days 1260 days 7 years None of the above www.pjthe3.com
5 Answer: 35. What power will be given to these witnesses? (Revelation 11:5-6) Fire will proceed out of their mouths Power to shut up heaven that it not rain Power to turn water to blood Power to smite the earth with plagues All of the above www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 36. Who killed these two witnesses? (Revelation 11:7) The beast that ascended out of the bottomless pit The devil Their enemies The false prophet The locusts www.pjthe3.com
4 Answer: 37. What was the man child brought forth to do? (Revelation 12:5) Cast the devil unto the earth Rebuild the temple Measure the temple Rule all nations with a rod of iron None of the above www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 38. Who fought against the dragon that sought to devour the man child? (Revelation 12:7) Gabriel and his angels Michael and his angels The great woman The saints robed in white None of the above www.pjthe3.com
3 Answer: 39. Who was the dragon? (Revelation 12:9) The Beast The false prophet Satan The Antichrist None of the above www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 40. What else was the dragon called? (Revelation 12:10) The accuser of the brethren The father of all liars The tempter The wicked one None of the above www.pjthe3.com
5 Answer: 41. What was the appearance of the beast that rose out of the sea? (Revelation 13:1-2) Seven heads and ten horns Like a leopard Feet like that of a bear Mouth of a lion All of the above www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 42. Who gave this beast power?(Revelation 13:2) The false prophet The dragon The Antichrist All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 43. How long was the beast given authority? (Revelation 13:5) 12 months 42 months 7 years 1000 years None of the above www.pjthe3.com
2 Answer: 44. What did the second beast cause the inhabitants of the earth to do? (Revelation 13:12) Flee to the wilderness To worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed Tremble and fear All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 45. How did this second beast deceive the earth? (Revelation 13:13-14) Made fire come down from heaven Stopped the rain Turned water into blood All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com
3 Answer: 46. What was required of people in order to buy or sell? (Revelation 13:16-17) To bow down before the beast To denounce their faith in Jesus To receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads or his name or number All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com
4 Answer: 47. What is the number of the beast? (Revelation 13:18) 6 66 333 666 None of the above www.pjthe3.com
3 Answer: 48. Who was with the Lamb when He was standing on Mount Zion? (Revelation 14:1) Four beasts Twenty-four elders 144,000 Ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands None of the above www.pjthe3.com
1 Answer: 49. If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with __________ in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb(Revelation 14:9-10) Fire and brimstone Knife Suffering All of the above None of the above www.pjthe3.com